The U.S. government tired of the Food Pyramid, calling it confusing and hard to understand. Earlier today they released a new visual aide to help the ignorant populace get a grasp on healthy eating — My Plate. As a visual aid, I agree that the plate is more helpful. It works. It helps the average person see the message at a glance. Too bad it’s still the same old dietary guidelines which made us all fat and terminally ill.
In a recent article in the Wise Traditions journal, Adele Hite shares “A Tale of Two Breakfasts.” She compares a breakfast that’s compliant with USDA dietary guidelines with one that complies with the Weston A Price Foundation’s Healthy 4 Life dietary guidelines.
Her summary?
If we want to fix the obesity crisis, the USDA tells us, it’s up to us: just eat less and move more. But that’s not what the USDA really wants.
Due to their own policies, food prices and production at the farm level are both flat. The only way to “grow” the agricultural sector is to increase processing. This is where the money is. Look closely at the “eat less” recommendations in the guidelines; they are a veiled promotion of foods the USDA want us to eat more of.
“Fear-the-fat” messages that are not based in science steer us away from minimally processed foods like eggs and meat. Instead, we are encouraged to buy enormously profitable, fortified and enriched products that are virtually devoid of nutrition until they are transformed by the miracles of modern chemistry to meet the USDA’s definition of “healthy.”
The USDA doesn’t really want us to “eat less and move more.” They want us to “eat less and buy more.” [emphasis mine]
Adele’s USDA-compliant breakfast of instant oatmeal, fruit juice, and soy yogurt cost $2.04/serving. Her Healthy-4-Life breakfast of farm-fresh sausage, eggs, and cheese cost a mere $0.93/serving by comparison. Both breakfasts had the same number of calories: 410. But years of eating one will make you fat, while years of eating the other will keep you lean, healthy, and strong.
I’ll give you one guess to figure out which is which.
In a 2010 article published in the journal Nutrition, Adele Hite and others criticized the USDA’s dietary guidelines as being non-evidence based.
The report of Hite and others notes that over the last thirty years, as obesity rates have doubled, average daily calories from fatty foods like meats, eggs and nuts has increased only 20 calories per day, while average daily calories from flour and cereal products has increased by nearly twenty times that amount. In other words, the American diet has shifted in the direction recommended since the 1977 dietary goals to reduce overall fat and saturated fat in the diet. Total and saturated fat intakes have decreased as a percentage of calories whereas carbohydrate intake has increased. (source)
But wait! Don’t the USDA’s dietary guidelines recommend we eat less? Adele Hite’s report proves we’re eating more. See the paradox? When we eat a low-fat diet per their guidelines, we’re simply not sated. We can do it, but we compensate by eating more refined grains and sugars and snacking often.
The USDA’s new My Plate visual is meant to make it easier to comply with their dietary guidelines. Heaven keep us from that fate! The evidence shows that the U.S. population has complied with the government’s dietary guidelines, but rather than making us healthier, eating this way is making us sick.
The one good thing about the USDA’s My Plate? The visual reminder that fruits and vegetables should make up the bulk of our diet. At least half the plate! That’s good, right? Just let me cook those green beans in bacon grease, mash my potatoes with lots of butter and cream, and eat my salad with a homemade, naturally-fermented buttermilk ranch dressing.
I personally love the Nutrient-Dense Food Pyramid courtesy of Sandrine Hahn of Nourishing Our Children, highlighting where our actual food priorities need to be.
Maybe Ms. Hahn will create a new “plate” visual to counter the new USDA My Plate? I’d love to see it!
Fleur de Lis via Facebook says
Ron Lennex via Facebook says
I think that I don’t need the government making any recommendations as to what I should eat.
Kelly says
Agreed! I think most people did just fine before the gov’t started telling us what to eat.
Rita says
Thank You…..I totally agree. BIG Out of Control governent!
Frances Hackney Drew via Facebook says
this is insultingly dumbed down.
Lori Iversen via Facebook says
Jesus. Why are we spending bazillions of dollars on this nonsense? Michael Pollan already solved the whole problem: eat good food, not too much, mostly plants.
Dana says
Ate plants. A big heap. Still hungry.
Georgia says
🙂 you made me smile. good answer.
Irene says
You have let something else eat the plants first. Then eat it!
Ginny Flom Villers via Facebook says
I did something similar with my 1st grade class when I was student teaching. They seemed to understand it better than the pyramid.
Ron Lennex via Facebook says
And I sure as hell don’t need FLOTUS involved in the recommendations…
Alicia Milan via Facebook says
My only opinion is – how are we to take anything they say to heart, the FDA clearly does not have our best interests in mind anyways, look at the BPA, food dyes,preservatives and junk they allow in our foods… How can anyone actually believe in them.
Rita says
Amen! Get the government out of our daily lives..!
Brittnee Turner Horting via Facebook says
I agree Ron! They have their finger in enough of my business! And they have changed it so much already…and they will change it again.
Debbie Nielsen LaFreniere via Facebook says
reminds me of something from the 50s only with more updated graphics.
Dana says
I actually liked the four food groups thing they used to do. I have these recipe cards that date from when I was a teenager (I’m 37) and they included a food info section that included a card about the four food groups. It kind of amazes me how much more sensible the advice was back then even if it wasn’t totally on the money.
Tara Fettig via Facebook says
c’mon….I am NOT THAT STUPID! There was nothing at all confusing about the Food Guide Pyramid….I just happen to be a THINKING adult who realized years ago it is WRONG. What an insult.
Kevin Smith via Facebook says
Ultimately, the only people who even noticed are the ones laughing at the attempt. Americans aren’t obese because they couldn’t “understand” the food pyramid… they are obese because they don’t care. And they then eat McDonalds, Dorito’s, and ready to eat microwave crap. That, and everything off the shelf in most stores is processed to death.
Dana says
People are obese because people will eat what is available, and too much that is available is stuff that will kill you slowly.
It is a matter of people being wired as hunter-gatherers when all the available food to be gathered has suddenly turned to poison.
This is one instance where I would support a ban on junk or a complete restructuring of our food system whether people want to go along with it or not. Because people are not going to suddenly evolve with the time and the situation. Evolution doesn’t work that way. Those of us who understand what’s going on and are fighting it are like this because we’re fringe weirdos in the first place. Most people do not possess the tendency to be fringe weirdos and they’re the ones who will get sick and die.
And it’s not fair to *expect* them to be fringe weirdos. Both being mainstream and being fringe have their places in a social species. The mainstreamers are the “conservatives” maintaining a culture while the fringies are the outcasts who go off and start new ones. You can’t kill the mainstreaming tendency in people without also killing part of what makes us human.
It’s the industrial food system that needs fighting and that is stupid and greedy, not the people being victimized by them. I’m not saying that people are stupid or weak, just that it’s not fair to expect them to go against their own instincts. Most people don’t have time to pursue this stuff and learn all about it–you notice most of the bloggers on this topic are either doctors, college students, or housewives, right? We evolved in a situation where either something was good for you or it killed you. Period. There was none of this in-between stuff that took 20 years to poison you. And if the food making machines and the greedy CEOs weren’t there, there still wouldn’t be these kinds of foods. The machines and their owners being the problem, that’s what needs solving.
Even if you could argue we didn’t evolve, the fact of the matter is we started out as hunter-gatherers and even when we developed grain agriculture, which wasn’t so hot for our health either, we had long enough before the advent of food factories that we figured out how to make grains less hazardous. The advent of the food industry, among other factors I won’t go into here (this is too long already!), has undone centuries and centuries of careful experimentation and learning. We are once again in the position of just picking the food off its source–a shelf now rather than a fruit. This is the problem, now what do we do? Quit calling people names and start looking at the problem critically.
Ron Lennex via Facebook says
“If people let government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny.” ~ Thomas Jefferson
Ron Lennex via Facebook says
Too bad no one listened to him…
Melinda Todd via Facebook says
Nikki Tucker via Facebook says
Interesting…but like my 15 yr old daughter just asked, where are the oils? The healthy fats?
Kevin Smith via Facebook says
Nikki, maybe your 15 year old should be appointed Secretary of Agriculture. She’d do a better job 🙂
Heather Frambach via Facebook says
Aw, it was kinda fun to say “the food pyramid is upside down!” which is slightly more compelling than “my plate is…stupid!”
Jenn Wolf via Facebook says
They’ve worked so hard through the Dept of Education to make us idiots that I think they figure we need stupid visuals from the FDA…. Hey, as long as they’re spending our tax money wisely.
Josh Barton via Facebook says
The plate design is better than the pyramid; closer to the original vision of the first guidelines before the food industry messed with it.
The suggestions are more nonsense without any real scientific support, as is usual for the USDA
I watched the press conference live and blogged on it here:
Really, having a meal like that, esp. based on the poor quality standards of the USDA, is a wonderful recipe for diabetes.
Tanisha Waggoner via Facebook says
You know…looking at the grain and fruit portions and the lack of good fats, this plate looks like “How to Be Fat” 101.
Bonny Busch Reckner via Facebook says
I can’t believe how much money this unhelpful aid took to develop. Thanks for your take on it! Just shared it on my FB page.
Jessie Jo Lundell via Facebook says
So much for Americans getting healthy. @Debbie, I agree, nice graphics for a “new” food pyramid.
Brittnee Turner Horting via Facebook says
You’re so right Kevin Smith! It wasn’t that people don’t understand the pyramid…people just didn’t pay attention to it! When I was learning it in school, grains were the foundation….pasta, bread, CARBS, STARCH, foods that turn to insulin in your body! I have recently cut out those foods from my diet and in 3 weeks I lost 12 pounds!
Krista says
Erm, starches don’t turn INTO insulin, they make your body release insulin.
Michelle Barnes via Facebook says
Too many grains!
Sharon Ann Jones via Facebook says
It doesn’t matter to me. The last place I want to get advice on nutrition from is the USDA!
Kimberly says
I’d replace that ‘grain’ section with dairy, and kick the little plate off the whole picture, lol. Maybe make that fruit section a bit smaller, and the veggie a proportionately larger.
Dana says
Heck with that, I’d replace most of the fruit with meat and animal fat. That’s what’s REALLY missing here.
Kimberly says
Oh, I was thinking the ‘proteins’ as ‘meat’. Okay, well, I don’t agree we need so much protein, but more the fats that come with the proteins. Yeah, much too simplistic. I like your pyramid MUCH better, albeit mine would not have the grain top, lol.
Wendy (The Local Cook) says
my only issue with the “revised” pyramid suggestion is that there aren’t enough vegetables 🙂
Dana says
If you’re not growing the vegetables in your own backyard or purchasing them frozen, you’re wasting your time eating them as anything but a condiment. Buying them local might come in a decent second to growing them yourself if you can be absolutely sure they haven’t sat in a storehouse for the last however many months (as is sometimes the case with roots, tubers, and apples).
People don’t appreciate how much nutrition a plant food can lose in storage, and how much nutrition an animal food retains. If eating more plants was going to solve our health problems, we should be thriving on grains.
Kelly says
In the REAL FOOD pyramid, I can’t tell what the top image is-anyone able to clue me in? Otherwise I love the REAL FOOD one, but whatever the USDA says is biased toward big ag/$$ so not trustworthy anyway.
KristenM says
It’s the benign grains and pseudo grains, like rice. When prepared well, these foods provide a good source of resistant starch. Notice, though, that they’re categorized as the least nutrient-dense of all foods.
WordVixen says
At Kelly- it’s “fats, oils (are they saying oils aren’t fats?), and sweets”. They’re right about the sweets part. No one can be wrong ALL the time. 😀
Interesting- if I actually believed in the food pyramid, I would prefer this My Plate thing. It just seems like it would be easier to remember, and I can see these My Plates going on sale for dieters. Maybe someone can come out with a My Paleo Plate or My Primal Plate? 🙂
KristenM says
Ha ha! I can picture the “diet plates” right now! Aren’t you clever? I’d like to see a Paleo/Primal plate.
WordVixen says
I’m totally mercenary. 😀 BTW, over at PaleoHacks, someone did do a paleo pie chart to mimic this new MyPlate. Haven’t seen any actual plates pop up on the market yet, but it’s only a matter of time. 😀
claire says
check out this plate:)
WordVixen says
At Kelly- oops, sorry! I missed the capitalization- looks like white and wild rice to me.
Kellie says
We don’t need the govt to tell us what to eat. Rather, we need to listen to our bodies. Lobbyists have a different agenda than I do – I want to regain my natural health and ease, and they are bottom-lining it. Recently I did a 21-day cleanse that put me back on track and taught me a world of information about WHY I eat – which woke me up. Now I listen and eat whatever I feel, literally, like eating. Most of the time, that’s vegetables, beans and some grains. Other times it’s fish or fruit, and even ice cream or chocolate once in a while. No deprivation, a lot of raw and fresh. I’ve never felt better!
My most recent blog post: The Most Radical Thing I Ever Did: a 21-Day Cleanse
KristenM says
Kellie — The only problem with this kind of advice is that processed foods are specifically designed in laboratories to satisfy all the “triggers” of food desirability. Every thing from color to texture and flavor is meant to please our palettes and keep us wanting more. If you’re eating these foods AND listening to your body, what you’ll hear is a whole bunch of “feed me more of that fake processed food sweet stuff!” So, a BIG CAVEAT to the whole “listen to your body” approach is that you stick to only REAL FOOD, traditionally prepared. If you do that, listening to your body will not likely lead you astray (unless, say, you’ve got some sort of metabolic disorder already).
Kellie says
That’s why I stick to real food! (except for the occasional square of high percentage chocolate… 🙂 And by listening to my body, I mean my body, not what’s being triggered – not the emotional body, the needy body, the addict body. I listen to my need for carrots or kale or lentil soup… I listen for what nutrients my body is asking for, not to my cravings (which have gone softly into the background, although have not totally disappeared). What I learned through the cleanse is that I’ve increased my ability to truly know what I need by becoming more sensitized, by quieting fears and insecurities that cause us all to eat inappropriately.
It’s like learning the difference between listening to your gut, your intuition and being able to tell the difference between worry or anxiety and our wise inner voice that never lets us down. A better listening, more attuned.
Thanks for your response! Stay renegade!
Peter says
Amen. It’s a crying shame that the FDA can’t break the stranglehold that big ag has on their various pronouncements. Absent any real top-down change, it’s up to us to spread the word and be active locally to get more real food and knowledge into our neighbors’ hands.
Peggy says
I confess, when the kids were little, I brought home one of those 3-divided takeout plastic plates. I pasted pictures of veggies in one hole, split the other hole in half: half for fruit and half for grains, and put photos of proteins WITH FATS in the third section. I also cut out a photo of a glass of milk that was so orange (from its cream) that it almost looked like an orange milkshake and put that on the “tray” I made to serve as a picture frame. That dumb thing hung on the wall for years. But now that the kids are almost all teens, they fill their plates almost that exact same way. I hope parents realize how valuable their leadership is…FAR more so than government or media, if they allow it to be.
Hayley says
Oh, but don’t you know? Parents aren’t capable of raising their children. That’s why the government needs to raise them for the parents. /sarcasm
Nance says
People are fed by the food industry, which pays no attention to our health, and are healed by the health industry, which pays no attention to our food.
~Wendell Berry
Pretty much says it all, doesn’t it?
Primal Toad says
The government has no idea what the hell they are doing. It is about the money and its clear. That’s all they care about. They could careless about your health or mine. Its ridiculous and makes me furious. It also motivates me to get the word out about whole food damnit.
Clayvessel says
While my breakfast is nearly always sausage, eggs and cheese, I have to question whether it would cost 93 cents a serving. The price of well-made sausage and raw milk cheese is not low enough for this kind of cost, so unless the serving is one ounce of each, I have to question that figure.
Ordinary Bob says
I like my pyramid more:
Tina says
Why does no one see what I see when I look at My Plate?? I see the exact proportions for burgers and fries! Your burger patty is on the bottom right, your fries and lettuce are bottom left, your tomatoes are top left, your buns are top right and your American cheese is on the little dairy plate. And they wonder why Americas are fat.
Raine says
I’m dismayed about the lack fats on this new “My Plate”, as well as the lack of information about what types of foods are better for us – properly prepared grains, nuts, legumes, vegetables, and the source of our meats/eggs/poultry/produce. But then again, what exactly was I expecting, this is the U.S. government.
Oh goody…now we can integrate the My Plate recommendations with the NutriSmart edible RFID tags that will be placed directly in the toxic food we’re told to eat (replacing bar codes), and can actually tell our refrigerators when our food has gone bad and has to be thrown out, and also communicate to our ovens how long our food needs to be cooked. The new Smart Plate can be used in tandem with the new USDA My Plate recommendations, which works as an invisible diet management system. This amazing system tells us where our food comes from, ingredients, and will be helpful to help us stop eating things that might harm us (like for food allergies). Thanks to these brilliant ideas and advances in technology, we won’t have to use our brains to think anymore, at all! Here is the video….
Elisabeth says
Hold on a sec. I get what you’re saying about what kinds of foods make us fat and what kinds make us healthy and strong. But the “my plate” diagram doesn’t say what *kinds* of protein, or grain, or dairy, to eat. It only talks about the *proportions* of those groups to one another. Do you disagree about the proportions represented on the plate, or just about the kinds of foods they recommend you fill those proportions with? Educate me.
KristenM says
Elisabeth, if you go to the government website, you’ll find the following, same old, terribly bad dietary advice:
1. Choose skim or 1% milk.
2. Eat a low-fat diet, particularly reducing saturated fats in favor of refined polyunsaturated vegetable oils.
3. Eat grains (no info about how to prepare them so they’re actually digestible), and when you do, only half of them need to be whole (the rest are refined).
The low fat diet is perhaps the worst of the lot. For more on that, check out some of the related posts at the bottom of the post.
I’ve really got no issue with proportions, other than to point out that healthy traditional peoples ate a wide variety of different proportions. For example, the Iniut ate 80% animal fat, while the kitavans ate 80% carbs (mostly in the form of sweet potatoes). Proportions don’t matter as much as sticking to non-industrial, REAL food.
Demolishun says
Two sources of information for anything that should be shut off: the television and the government. The first repeats nonsense to you in the form of images so that you believe the tripe and the other, well, they do the same thing.
The phrase that will destroy your life: “I deserve to have it now.”
Danette says
People did not become obese because of the food pyramid. If they actually FOLLOWED the food pyramid, including the portion sizes that they should- they would not be obese. Reality is, that overall volume of calories really DOES matter and that’s what makes you fat or not- consuming more -of anything!- than you need.
Also: Our bodies are designed in a way that makes it easiest on them to burn sugars. Carbohydrate-rich foods are good for us, and are not the enemy. Quantity is still important to recognize though. Most people don’t realize how small a serving of carbohydrates is- 1oz is a serving. 1/2c of pasta. Average serving sizes are about four or five times that much. A bagel is 3-5oz all by itself. And the 7-11 servings of grains suddenly don’t look so humongous. The food pyramid was probably hard to understand because it made grains look a lot bigger than everything else. If you actually open your eyes and look at that food plate…. it’s not emphasizing grains as much as encouraging moderation.
atkins-style diets are bad for you, flood your body with ketones, and make you sick, plunging your system into a state of ketosis. They can also be bad for your kidneys, which have to deal with all the extra protein floating around in your blood… especially if you’ve got diabetes or something, which makes it hard on them to begin with.
Sure, sausage eggs and cheese are good foods that contain nutrition- and maybe they’re cheaper than storebought carbohydrate laden foods. But your “usda compliant” breakfast is flawed for comparison… because you used INSTANT oatmeal- which is significantly more expensive than the rolled oats that would make an appropriate comparison to your fresher ingredients. My own standard is a serving of oatmeal from rolled oats, with an apple and some cranberries chopped into it, some cinnamon, honey, and a glass of milk.
damaged justice says
Wow, I think that’s every bit of conventional anti-fat, pro-carb, convensional “wisdom” nonsense, all in one post. Amazing!
Melissa says
Darn straight. Once I started doing actual research on the body’s reaction to macronutrients, I learned quickly not to parrot conventional “wisdom”.
redraven says
Melissa says
There are a few things that I take offense to in the actual information over at the website. First is the highly inaccurate statement that butter contains no nutritional value other than fat. At the same time, they’re touting soy and canola oil. Next is the recommendation to eat only lean meat and low-fat dairy, as whole milk and whole animals allegedly contribute to cardiovascular disease. Finally, while type II diabetes is running rampant in this country due to the consumption of refined grains and sugars, nowhere in the section on grains is there any mention of this. It is easy to see that the USDA recommendations are biased.
mel says
what gives these clowns the right to tell us how to eat. Its not about a caring central government. Its a nanny state determined to destroy our health.
They are criminals against humanity.
hi says
what do you mean
hi says
hi says
hi says
how do you make a smiley face using the keyboard