Real Food Nutrition & Health E-Course
An online course of 10 in-depth multimedia lessons specifically geared to teaching Nutrition from a Real Food perspective.
Sick of the sub-par standards of the USDA’s food pyramid? Now you and your teenagers can learn about REAL nutrition. This e-course is appropriate for those aged 12 and up.
Beautiful Babies Online Nutrition Course
Want to get pregnant? Already pregnant and want to have a smooth birth and raise a happy, healthy baby?
In this e-course of 12 in-depth multimedia lessons, you’ll learn the ins and outs of proper nutrition for fertility, pregnancy, breastfeeding, & baby’s first foods.

Beautiful Babies: Nutrition For Fertility, Pregnancy, Breastfeeding & Baby’s First Foods
Did you know that simple changes in your diet could increase your fertility by 60%? Did you know that what you eat when you’re pregnant could affect whether or not your child grows up to need glasses or braces? Did you know that increasing your intake of certain nutrients prior to pregnancy could radically decrease your chances of having morning sickness? Based on her research of the nutrient-rich diets of fertile populations around the world, Kristen Michaelis breaks down exactly what you should and shouldn’t eat while trying to conceive, during pregnancy, and while breastfeeding. Foreword by Joel Salatin.
The Renegade Guide to Dining Out
We all do it. Eat out at restaurants. Yet only a handful of places serve up farm-to-table cuisine, and even fewer prepare food with healthy oils. What are the healthiest choices? If you’re given a choice between pasture-raised chicken deep-fried in canola oil and CAFO-raised chicken marinated in olive oil, which should you choose?
This e-book will teach you:
- How to Ask About Ingredients and Sourcing
- How to Prioritize Your Food Choices
- Proven “Cheats” for Some of the Most Popular Restaurant Chains
- Tricks to Make Menu Items Healthier
Simply Salads by Season
Tired of picking up bottles of salad dressing with ingredients labels that read like chemistry texts? Saddened by how even so-called organic dressings still contain unhealthy refined oils like canola and soy? Want to know how to take advantage of all the in-season, local, beautiful fruits and vegetables available from your local farmers?
In this e-book you’ll get dozens of new recipes for dressings, condiments, and salads — all organized by season.
Real Food Nutrition & Health
Learn the basics of proper nutrition (including the major macro nutrients, important micro nutrients, and how to get them from your food) from within a REAL FOOD paradigm.
In this book, you’ll learn why white flour is unhealthy, how modern vegetable oils harm your health, and all about the good, wholesome foods your body needs to grow and heal. Suitable for ages 12 and up. Available in both print and e-book formats.
Real Food Nutrition FOR KIDS!
Teach your elementary aged child about Real Food using this collection of 15 lessons.
Each lesson includes a short reading, beautiful illustrations, a fun activity or game, copywork pages to practice both print and manuscript handwriting, and a coloring page.
Available in an e-book format only.

Real Plans (Choose from Whole30, Paleo, Keto, Gluten-Free, and more!)
Literally the BEST meal planning service on the planet. An amazingly versatile app for your phone or the web that not only let’s you choose your family’s dietary needs, but also let’s you subscribe to recipes from your favorite bloggers, modify recipes, upload your own recipes, create usable shopping lists, plan out a timeline for when to prep for which meals, and more!
Click here to view more details.
Simple Meal Plans by Jenny of Nourished Kitchen
Get 3 dinner menus, 1 dessert, 1 fermented food, and 1 soup recipe each week. Plus, you’ll have access to a database with more than 700+ real food recipes. You’ll never be at a loss for what to make for dinner again.
Click here to view more details.

Traditional Cooking School: Cooking Fundamentals I & II
This is a back-to-basics class for a beginner to traditional cooking methods. Fundamentals I is a 180-page, 14-lesson eCookbook, 27 videos/audios, adventure guide and learning community all in one. And Fundamentals II is the 141-page, 17-lesson deep-dive companion eCookbook with 20 videos/audios that takes Traditional Cooking to new heights. Get both classes at a crazily discounted price!!!
Click here to register or find out more.
Intro to Pressure Cooking for Speed, Nutrition, & Flavor
Everybody knows cooking with a pressure cooker can cut cook times down from hours to just minutes. It’s crazy! It’s also intimidating if you’ve never cooked with a pressure cooker before. This e-course is full of dozens of videos, 2 cookbooks crammed with recipes and instructions, and more! It’s everything you need to know to become a pressure-cooking master.
Click here to register or find out more.

The Eczema Cure by Emily of Holistic Squid
End your suffering, and heal your eczema from the inside out with Real food by following this 4 step action plan.
Click here to view more details.
Paleo Sweets Cookbook (FREE!)
Grain-free, dairy-free desserts that use natural sugars? That were created by an award-winning pastry chef who rocks in the kitchen? Yes please! It’s got 73 mouthwatering recipes for healthy desserts, including: Grain-Free Oreos, Key Lime Pie, Double Chocolate Hazelnut Cake, and more! It’s also free. You just pay shipping!