Best-selling author and founder of Food Renegade, Kristen Michaelis CNC has been a Health and Nutrition Educator since 2008. She’s a passionate advocate for REAL FOOD — food that’s sustainable, organic, local, and traditionally-prepared according to the wisdom of our ancestors. She earned a Bachelor of Arts (summa cum laude) from Dallas Baptist University in Philosophy and Biblical Studies, then began her post-graduate journey as a researcher in the fields of health and nutrition. While she adores hats & happy skirts, nothing inspires her quite like geeking out over nutrition & sustainable agriculture.
When her book Beautiful Babies: Nutrition for Fertility, Breastfeeding, & A Baby’s First Foods was published, it premiered a the #1 spot on Amazon, beating out the What to Expect When You’re Expecting series.
Living just outside of Austin, Texas, Kristen is blessed with three brilliant young children. She enjoys taking walks at dusk, curling up with a good book, getting foot massages, and playing in the rain. She also has an affection for Australian Shiraz wines.
Kristen teaches two online courses in Nutrition and speaks at conferences and other events. She also blogs here at Food Renegade. Endlessly.
In her own words.
I am a rebel. I like to eat red meat. I think butter is good for me. I drink my milk raw. I avoid pre-packaged foods like the plague. I don’t believe the health claims on food labels. And, I like my food to be fresh, wholesome, and traditional.
I’m a wife, a homeschooling mother, an author and nutrition educator, and a passionate advocate for what I call “real food” — as opposed to the edible food-like substances which dominate America’s food industry today.

Influenced by the research of Sally Fallon and Mary Enig, the work of Weston A. Price, the voice of Michael Pollan, and the heart of the agrarian poet Wendell Berry, I am an empowered woman. And I’m determined.
I want to save lives.
Your life.
My life.
My family’s life.
I want us to shout a collective and resounding “NO!” to the killers overrunning our society: diabetes, heart-disease, obesity, and cancer. After years of studying nutrition, I believe I know the root cause of all these diseases — the Western Diet. The fast-food obsessed, over-processed, ignorantly-prepared diet of the Average American.
Yes, I said ignorant. Despite the many millions of dollars spent on the health food industry every year, we are dying. Our information is tainted. The diet dictocrats in Washington are in the pocket of mammoth agribusinesses, and they’ve confounded and confused the American public long enough.
Have you ever heard of the research documenting how traditional people groups who transitioned to a Western diet (and subsequently got heart disease or diabetes) then returned to their traditional diets only to experience a rapid recovery?
Traditional diets have withstood the test of time, yet that knowledge is swiftly becoming scarce.
This is my meager attempt to rectify the situation.
I want to empower people to choose wholesome, healthy, traditional foods — pastured meats and dairy products, organic vegetables, soaked or sprouted grains, fermented vegetables and beverages, and bone broths.
I want to strip away the mystery and intimidation we face when we think about preparing lacto-fermented sourkraut, a fresh loaf of sprouted whole grain bread, or a glass of kombucha.
I want to give people the tools and confidence they need to radically change their diet, to rebel against the dominant food culture, to become a food renegade.
To that end, I created this site. If all this is new to you, go read the articles under “THE BASICS.” When you’re convinced you want to be a food renegade, click on “REBEL” to find out what products and services we offer to help you on your journey.
And, as always, you’re welcome to join me in fighting this fight!