By Email
For general inquiries, please email:
info AT FoodRenegade DOT com
(looks funny, I know, but it helps prevent spam)
For support regarding the Beautiful Babies Online Nutrition Course, please email:
babies-support AT foodrenegade DOT com
(looks funny, I know, but it helps prevent spam)
For support regarding the Real Food Nutrition & Health E-Course, please email:
rfnh-support AT foodrenegade DOT com
(looks funny, I know, but it helps prevent spam)
For support regarding one of my books, please email:
book-support AT foodrenegade DOT com
(looks funny, I know, but it helps prevent spam)
By Snail Mail
Kristen Michaelis
1312 E. Third St.
Georgetown, TX 78626
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Food Renegade readers are into ancestral nutrition in all its varied forms (WAPF, Paleo, Primal, GAPS, etc.).
They love eating food that’s sustainable, organic, local, and traditionally-prepared.
They’re into green living, non-toxic cookware, and natural movement exercise.
Roughly 67% of all readers are females between the ages of 19 and 45.
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