It’s unfortunate that in today’s world, our children are routinely exposed to toxins every single day. In many cases, we have no control over the exposure as is the case with our air and water. We’ve told you about how to detox for yourself but what about kids, who are typically more sensitive and less patient than grown ups?
We’ll give you five simple ways you can help your kids detox every day to keep their body healthy and functioning optimally.
Before I jump in to how to detox your kids, let’s take a look at where kids are exposed to the most toxins.
Common toxin exposures for kids
- Food- Just one look at typical kid cuisine will show you just how toxic it really is. From boxed dinners to fast food, kids frequently consume rancid oils, food dyes, refined flours and sugars. Foods with so little nutrition that they might as well be eating cardboard. Indeed, some ingredients are not too far removed from cardboard.
- Air- On any given day, you can drive through your town or neighborhood and see someone spraying pesticides or weed killers. It’s really frustrating that these chemicals have not been banned seeing as how they cause cancer, disrupt hormones, and pose a threat to human health in general. (source) Now, we also have to worry about massive spraying campaigns due to concern about things like Zika virus along with pesticides being sprayed on air planes.
- Water- Most cities add fluoride to their water supply because it’s believed to improve dental health but it actually causes harm, especially to growing children. Studies show that children living in areas with high fluoride exposure are at risk for low IQ, among other health issues. (source) Not only that but chlorine is added to water to sanitize it which is harmful to the microbiome, as it kills good gut flora. Finally, we also have to be concerned about heavy metals that are often found in water especially in places where lead pipes are used.
- Everyday chemicals- From the cleaning supplies we use to our shampoo, harmful chemicals abound in most modern homes. Kids are exposed to toxins via the sheets and mattress they sleep on; the clothes they wear; the soap and toothpaste they use… you see where I’m going with this. There is not a lot of regulation when it comes to these household products and as a result, our kids have a lot to contend with.
It may seem impossible to help our kids live toxin-free, as the above list is pretty daunting. While it can be frustrating that we have so little control over some of the toxins our children are exposed to, there is plenty we can do to eliminate exposure and support their bodies!
How to detox kids daily in five simple steps
Focus on nutrition
While we can’t be sure our kids eat perfectly all the time, we can support their bodies through proper nutrition so that the occasional indulgence can be tolerated.
The best thing you can do is make sure your children eat a well-rounded diet that includes plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, pastured eggs, raw dairy, and grassfed meats. It’s debatable whether children need grains or if they’re even healthy at all. I personally believe that they should be limited to occasional, gluten-free, properly prepared consumption, if at all. Even more importantly, make sure your child isn’t eating any of these five ingredients!
While a well-rounded diet is one of the best things you can provide for your kids, targeted nutrition through juicing can be incredibly helpful. Not only does juicing provide easily-digested vitamins and minerals, but you can put specific fruits and vegetables in your juice that can target specific detox mechanisms.
Here are a few things I like to include in juices:
- Beets- especially good for the liver and for cleansing the blood
- Cilantro- helps the body to detox heavy metals gently
- Ginger- helps to fight unwanted organism and reduce pain
- Turmeric- combats inflammation
- Lemon- helps to detox the liver and provides enzymes that aid in digestion
I find that as long as I use several carrots and some apple, my kids not only tolerate our morning juicing routine, but they really like it!
Promote good gut flora
The immune system resides mostly in the gut and also dictates how well your child’s body can deal with the influx of toxins he’s inundated with daily. When we support the gut we support the immune system, thereby rendering the body capable of detoxifying on a regular basis.
When the gut flora is compromised, the body is less able to handle the daily assaults of our toxic world and toxins begin to build up. This can result in any number of conditions affecting so many children today including autism, asthma, eczema, ADHD, and so on.
A good probiotic can make all the difference in the world for your child’s gut health and overall ability to detox. A probiotic healed my son’s eczema quickly and without major diet changes! You should also incorporate lots of raw and fermented foods in your child’s diet to promote good gut flora.
Let them play
Kids should run around barefooted and play in the sunshine every day, as much as possible. Our modern sedentary, indoor lifestyles (facilitated by long school days and video game habits) don’t do our children’s bodies any favors.
For one thing, vitamin D is necessary for our immune systems to function properly which I mentioned above as a necessity for helping children’s bodies detox. Midday sunshine is the best source of vitamin D and allowing kids to play outside and soak up as much vitamin D as possible is one great way to strengthen their bodies’ detox mechanisms.
Additionally, connecting bare feet to the earth is known as “earthing” and it helps with detox function in a number of ways. We’ve mentioned before that earthing can help combat the negative effects of electromagnetic frequencies, improve organ function, reduce inflammation, and improve sleep, all of which promote detoxification.
Detox baths
Finally, get your kiddos in a special bath to promote detoxification through the skin. Detox baths are an easy way to help your child’s body deal with toxins in a manageable way.
To turn an ordinary bath into a “detox bath,” there are a number of additives you can put in the water:
- Epsom salts
- Baking soda
- Apple cider vinegar
- Bentonite clay
- Essential oils
These ingredients not only draw out toxins but have health benefits of their own, which help to strengthen the immune system and nourish the body further promoting detoxification.
To make a detox bath, use as hot of water as your child tolerates (for my kids, that’s not very hot), and add a cup of one or two additives, along with a few drops of essential oils, if you’d like. (Make sure your child doesn’t drink the water!) Encourage your kiddo to soak until the water is cool or at least for 20 minutes. With a few toys, it’s pretty easy to get kids to play in the bath for a while!
Use what works
No doubt, our kids come into contact with more toxins than most of us would like. Instead of fretting about it, get proactive! You can use the above tips, which are all geared towards activites kids like doing anyways.
Use what works for your child and make it fun! Serve juice up in a cute stainless steel cup (where to buy stainless steel cup) with a stainless steel straw (where to buy drinking straws), make frequent outdoor activities a regular occurance, and incorporate things they like into their detox routine. With just a little effort, you can make a big impact on your child’s toxin burden and overall health!
Do you have friends who would like to know how to detox their children daily? Share this post using one of our links!
M says
If you had read your Pubmed link on fluoride, you’d know that the meta study dealt with studies on children in more rural regions of China where there there is insufficient infrastructure and regulation to filter out compounds that occur naturally in groundwater. These children are being affected by high levels of naturally-occuring fluoride compounds, not by the comparativly low levels deemed safe for human consumption in America. I’m all for healthy eating, but oversights like this really damage your credibility, and, at worst, make it look like you’re trying to mislead your audience.
Kristin says
I love these ideas to detox your kiddos! One thing though, if you are going to use an essential oil in a bath for a child, it needs to be used with a carrier oil. Always. We know that oil and water doesn’t mix, and we don’t want those powerful, concentrated oil coming into contact with our kids (or our) skin without being diluted first.
Other than that, yes, yes, YES to the juicing (my son LOVES green juice), sunshine, whole foods and probiotics!
Nereida says
For a detox juice do you use raw beets or boiled?
Rosanna Lenus says
Abigail says
I have an Autistic kid, is very difficult to do perfect, but I will try my best, thank you for your help.
Cindy says
My niece lives in NY and on top of being in this dirty city all she eats in poppays and McDonald stuff. She is so picky to other food and her parents are very busy to actually cook for her.
I guess this is just one example so what would you recommend in this case?
Mary C says
Cindy, would/could be talking to parents help?
Hopefully , they will listen and help.
They should never be too busy to pay attention to her health.
You could teach and tell them of the benefits of healthy eating/diet, detoxing and more.
Best not to dictate and point fingers. Little bit at a time.
Pray they aren’t giving her OTC junk, Tylenol, etc!!
Shame her parents are too busy to cook and seem not to care for her.
In addition to changing diet and eating habits, look at other things that are toxic.
It is never too late to start changing and living a better healthier natural life.
You didn’t say her age. Starting early as possible is better!
But never too late.
Possibly suggest they (her parents) take her to a naturopathic doctor. For evaluation and how to proceed.
Not medical advice, but a detoxing would help.
Read in book prescription for nutritional healing. Has information that will help you and her.
Talk to Kristina at optimal health network. She is wonderful. Professional and helpful.
A friend of mine had issues with her 7 yo boy. During the summer when he was with her ex his diet was terrible.
And he showed signs of it. We were both shocked knowing he needed help and a change.
No more sugars, candy, sodas and other junk. No more OTC stuff.
Bad behavior. Fussy. Moody. Fighting with other kids.
Sick more often. Headaches and more. Constipated…which is with holding of toxins.
She changed his diet. Gave Epsom baths. Herbal remedies.
She gave castor oil daily. DE (sorry, will have to look up spelling).
Yes, she gave him enemas.
always best to talk with your doctor first.
Sue mom says
Cindy, pray things have improved.
Did you give a detox?
Change diet?
Saloni Kesarwani says
Thanks for this wonderful article. Easy logical steps.
Jocelyn says
My 16 year old has been having a challenge with her eczema. Could you give me the name of the probiotic you’ve used for your sons? Also in home we try eating more organic but outside she have others that get her things of which have red dye in them. She’s allergic to red dye it breaks her out into really bad rashes, and makes her belly ache. She has recently had a bad rash all over her right hand, the doctors says its eczema, another says chemical burn, another says its something in her belly.. I’m so confused but is willing to try the probiotics. Please help Thanks.
High on Persona says
Gonna try it on my kids
Priya says
My son was about 40kg age at 13, I tried different types of diet but failed to completely follow them. Then I read this article and it changed my son’s life. Thanks to the author for writing this but along with this article, I tried this amazing Red Detox drink on him. It had all the essential herbs required for maintaining good immunity and it increased my metabolism also.
Cindy Ann Wilczynski says
I am raising my little grandson who is 5 years old. He does have some behavior issues ADHD and other struggles. I heard a few gals mention about detoxing. So it really like some information that I could use to help him thank you
Herbal Mom says
Cindy, your comment is not dated. Hope you have done a detox- cleanse for him.
Best to consult with holistic doctor beforehand.
Wonderful you are interested and considering detoxing him.
Not a doctor here and not giving medical advice.
Read this great article.
Also book titled Prescription For Nutritional Healing is very good help.
Book Back To Eden is also good.
I love ABC Herbal.
A friend of mine and her 6 yo b sounds like you.
She did the things listed on here.
Especially diet and detoxing baths. Very important.
She has a retired nurse friend who came over and gave him enemas. They are good for detoxing.
Carol A says
Cindy, consult with holistic doctor.
The book Prescription For Nutritional Healing is a good book to have in the home. Many home remedies in it. As well as detoxing.
The ways suggested on this blog, and in the comments, are also good.
I have given and done detoxing and cleansing. Always felt better.
Given detox baths (epsom) and other baths. Also given enemas.
Sue Mom says
Cindy, unfortunately the comments are not dated on here. So I don’t know when you commented.
Hope he is better now. And you have given him a detoxing regularly. Pray it has helped him.
Read what Jaclyn has listed what may help him. I give / done all of the things listed.
Im also caring full time for mine. He is about same age. .. showing same issues.
I have given him detoxes. I noticed his behavior issues have improved. My holistic doctor suggested he be given enemas. Which will help with the detoxing/ cleansing of toxins.
When I was a nurse. I gave enemas in homes of patients I visited.
Most of the time the enema was given to the child. The holistic doctor I worked for always recommended an enema be given .
I gave a cleansing enema with the 8 oz rubber reusable enema bulb syringe. I give him the same enema in my home now using the 8 oz enema bulb syringe. His behavior issues improve after getting an enema.
Talk with your doctor before giving any home remedies.
Judy A says
Cindy, don’t know how long ago you commented.
Hopefully, he is better.
Glad detoxing was mentioned to you by them.
Given this article to other moms who were having same issues as you with their 4, 5, 6 yo. Seems to mostly boys.
I did – gave the remedies told in this article.
Especially the diet and the detox baths.
Loved the suggestion to let him play in the sun.
Growing up in Europe detoxing was a very common practice. Also letting him play in the fresh air.
When I started watching my then 5 yo grandson I noticed the same behaviors you wrote of. He is now 7 and much better.
When he is with me, for weeks at a time, I do the things told on here.
As a former nurse, who worked for a naturopathic doctor, I am very aware of toxins in the child. And the need to remove toxins.
Especially if he is sick, has a fever, shows signs of die off . Like fighting, moody, not eating good, crying, little energy, constipated and more.
I also give him a detox bath.
Glad others mentioned the enema. It is a very good natural home remedy to give.
Before giving any home remedies always consult with your doctor,.
Of course all treatments I give are okayed by his mom and doctor.
For the enema I use a bulb syringe. His first few days with me given a three day cleanse and detox.
Enemas are given for the first three days . Then as needed.
Lisa says
Thank you for the tips on to detox a child. I am really googling it. Right now my son is in the hospital. with all the given medicine and antibiotics, I fret. I have to do something to flush it out from his body when he is home. Detox bath is one but I have no idea for essential oils. 2nd is juicing veggies and fruits. I will start searching it. Thank you
Dee Dee says
Lisa, bless you and him. Pray is better now.
I agree with you (and you are smart), you have to do something to flush it out.
I have given detox baths, used herbal remedies and other home remedies to flush the toxins out.
Some books that may be helpful is Back To Eden, The ABC Herbal and Prescription For Nutritional Healing. All are excellent.
I learned of giving the enema. Which is one of the best ways to help detox him. If ok’d enough, consider colonics.
Not giving medical advice. Talk with your home holistic doctor.
Veronica Teoh says
my 5 yrs old son is suffering from eczema for half year now. Since nobody in the family have similar problem, we are at total loss on how to help him although we had seek consultation from various doctors, dermalogist or even chinese physician. Then I thought of detox and your site come in view. I really this work for my son too. Thank you for sharing your method.
Carol A says
Good article. And, good comments.
I do coffee enemas to detox liver.
My two are not old enough for the coffee enema (I will get ok from holistic doctor).
I do most of the things listed on here.
I also give them enemas when needed.
Good book is Prescription For Nutritional Healing.
Sue mom divorced says
Good article! The child is exposed to so many toxins and junk foods these days.
Wish this article would be revised to include more methods for detoxing the child.
Best to consult with naturopathic doctor before giving any treatments or diet changes.
I do all the things told on this page. And do the things mentioned in the comments.
Detoxing baths are very beneficial.
I also give the enema often. Especially when has fever, sick or see signs of die off.
Being moody , fighting with the others, tired, sluggish, getting ill more than the others are signs it is time to detox. When these happen an enema is always given.