It’s no secret that I’m a fan of Nourished Baby, a lovely, information-packed e-book by my friend, Heather Dessinger. This week, I’m pleased to announce that I am giving away not one, but TWO copies of this e-book to my readers!
What’s so great about Nourished Baby?
I’ve already written a full review of the e-book here. But the simple answer is this: it’s a good book. It’s full of the information you need to know when and how to introduce solids to your baby, baby-friendly recipes the whole family will enjoy, and the compelling reasons why these foods are so important during your baby’s formative years for life long health and wellness.
The e-book normally sells for $18.99 — an excellent value considering the bang for your buck. But this week, two of you lucky readers are going to get it absolutely FREE!
How to Enter
This week, we’re keeping it simple. If you want to enter this giveaway, the first thing you need to do is click on the link below!
Click here to get the scoop on Nourished Baby.
Once you’ve read all about the e-book, you must come back here and leave a comment below telling me what about the book excites you.
It’s that easy!
The giveaway will end next Monday, July 30th, at midnight CST.
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The thing I’m most concerned about it teeth health. I am always interested in learning more about that.
Thanks for hosting this! 🙂
I have been eyeing this book, but it’s not in our budget these days. I was a vegan for 6 years and through pregnancy and thought I was healthy. Recently I was diagnosed with Celiac disease and have developed 36 other allergies that should go away with the right diet, digestive enzymes, and probiotic. I have become very interested in Traditional Foods and am waiting on Nourishing Traditions from the library. I would love to read this book to learn how to have a healthy pregnancy and hopefully not deal with infertility again as well as learn to feed my family foods that are truly healthy. We think my 2 year old has Celiac as well (waiting on tests) so this would be the perfect book to educate and help heal my family.
What doesn’t excite me about this book! It is amazing! But what I love the most is about how to get beneficial bacteria in the birth canal, plus all the recipes!!
What excites me is getting off to the right start with my baby. I’m still pretty new in the real food world, and want to give my little boy the best start I can!
I’m due to have our third baby in a few weeks, and I have a two-year-old and a one-year-old. I really want to learn how to feed them better, especially from the beginning this time! This book is just what I need and want!
I checked out the Nourished Baby book and it looks great. Lots of information to learn how to feed my 5 year old son better. And stuff i wish i would have known when i was pregnant and when he was younger.
Read your review of this book earlier and it looks fantastic! Would love the chance to read it.
I’m so excited about this giveaway. I am pregnant with my third, and I would really like to learn more about how to make my breast milk even better for my baby. Thanks!
I would be most excited to learn about what your cravings while nursing means, as well as how to raise an adventurous eater! I follow Heather on her blog and I think this book sounds fantastic for those thinking about having children. I know I fully plan to go on a pre-conception diet and make sure my body is nourished so that future little one will start off with everything it needs!
This book looks great! I’m trying to get pregnant, and after reading Nina Planck’s Real Food for Mother and Baby am really paying attention to what I eat. We ate pretty well before, but now we’re eating even better. I would love to know how to give our baby the best start in life, and it looks like Nourished Baby would help us do just that!
I would love to have this book because I’m a new SAHM and I finally have time to really invest in cooking for my family.
I am excited by the Nourished Baby ebook because I’d like to know how to best feed my kids now that our GAPS experience is over. I’m a little at a loss at how to best continue to feed them now that starch is in the picture. I know my 1yo daughter is ready for grains, but I am unsure exactly how to introduce them to her. I have Nourishing Traditions… do I do the baby gruel? Is there a better way?! I want to know some good ways to make my kids healthy for life…
I love the idea that it is possibly to raise a kid in a really healthy way 🙂
My husband and I are thinking about starting our family soon. I was surprised to read Heather’s experiences on changing what you eat even before pregnancy to provide better nutrition for the baby, deter morning sickness and so on! I’m sure there is more amazing insight in this book that I would love to learn as I begin my pregnancy journeys!
Curious about: “How the ACTUAL BIRTH EXPERIENCE can affect a child’s cravings for life”
I don’t have children yet and am doing everything I can to learn in the meantime! I’m excited about this book, because it looks like a straight forward presentation in how to nourish children that I could use right from the start.
I would love to learn more about what to feed my baby to help him be as healthy as possible! I am wondering if there are tips that would also affect his teeth–they already seem crooked! Looks like an amazing book.
I am expecting my first and would love to learn how to give myself the best nutrition, and also how to begin introducing foods to my little one. I also like how she includes recipes.
I am really excited to read about picky eaters & what suggestions are made to help. And all the recipes! 🙂
I believe that good nutrition is very high on the list of things you can do for your children to make sure they grow up to be the healthiest adults possible. There is so much to learn about nutrition, but I simply don’t have the time to wade through all of the information. I would be so excited to have a book containing this vital information from a mom who has done the research. I would also love to have some great new recipes on hand!
I’m excited about the teeth health. I wish there had been books like this when I was a child. I want to provide the best options for my kids.
This is the part that made me most want to read this book (there are several other things I would love to learn too):
“But most parents don’t know where to look to find resources they can trust. My new ebook offers the insights you need to make the healthiest decisions for your precious baby.”
Everything in the book will be valuable to me, but I’m most excited about the “picky” eater information and the “cravings” while nursing information. I have a son that I only recently started switching to a real food diet and I’m currently pregnant with my 2nd. Thankfully I started eliminating processed foods and eat real food (which helped me get pregnant again easily) and my son loves broccoli and liverwurst but overall could be eating more variety. I’ve recently become a fan of Heather’s blog and have wanted the book but am extremely tight for money (we all know real food aint cheap!). Winning a copy would be great but I wish everyone here luck!
I am excited about everything in this book! I would love to learn more about how to start my baby on the right track rather then to set them up for future health problems.
I would say I’m most excited about learning how to raise my daughter to not be a picky eater. I was a fairly picky eater most of my life, and am just now branching out. I don’t want that for her!
I’m excited about a book that will get both mom and baby eating the best so that they can be their best! It really sounds like a lot of interesting info!
I’ve been wanting to read this book for a while. I think Heather is so knowledgeable and I’d love to be better prepared when the time comes for baby #2.
I am currently 27 weeks pregnant with my first baby, a girl to be named Camille (after our favorite crossfitter Camille Lablanc-Bazinet). While I have had trouble staying 100% paleo in my second trimester, I am working every day to stay true to what I believe. This book would greatly benefit me to raise a child with the same healthy eating values I have come to love! I love the cooking and preparing aspect of healthy eating, and I truly believe that it is my responsibility to take care of our family’s health and well being. Please help this stay at home mommy-2-be!! Thanks!!
You had me at “not needing braces”
Those things are expensive.
I am so energized by the possibility of not only preparing my body to be an ideal and nourishing environment for my little one, but also understanding the science behind each of my decisions. Understanding not only the what, but the why is incredibly empowering to me.
I have been wanting this book! I am really interested in first foods and what to introduce and where to start with my 6 month olds solid foods journey.
Over the years we have taken baby steps toward a healthier lifestyle. Our first baby was formula fed. I relactated at one month with our second baby and successfully minimized her colic symptoms. Our last several babies have all nursed past a year and a half. Baby number seven is due in November and I could use another nudge in the right direction in nourishing my family. And I am especially interested in combatting the picky eater syndrome that seems to strike at around two years. 🙂
Just 6&1/2 weeks along in my fourth pregnancy makes this book super appealing, from how what I eat now affects our little one’s jaw/teeth to how the birth experience affects life-long cravings. Not to mention having the info in my brain ahead of time for starting our baby on solids. Thank you for doing a giveaway!
I think the prenatal nutrition and foods for baby sounds like really helpful info!
Can’t wait to read it.
A good question would be: What about this book *doesn’t* excite me? (in other words, i would love to get my dirty hands on it. dirty from my garden, fyi.)
I’d love to know more about how to make sure my breast milk has adequate nutrients for my baby due in August! Thanks for the giveaway!
I’m so excited to learn how to feed my baby WITHOUT buying all the conventional baby foods. Sometimes it’s so hard to think outside of the box – I’m hoping this book will be inspirational!
I am excited to learn about the first foods I should feed my children! Also, I am pregnant, so I am excited to see what she says about nutrition, especially how to have nutritious breastmilk!
Having a new baby healthier than my 4 year old with good teeth too !
I am also quite curious and caught by the first bullet point- how the ACTUAL BIRTH EXPERIENCE can affect a child’s cravings for life… can’t wait to read.
I am very interested in reading this e- book because of the misconceptions that so many people have about what to feed your baby and when, including myself. It seems the author has given us better information and current information to clear those misconceptions. I am also really interested in knowing what the right foods are to feed my baby. This book looks like it is very thorough and complete.
I’m excited to learn how to do better! We’re still fairly new to the real foods movement/WAP and I have a two-year old with one on the way in September. I’m especially excited to learn some new ideas for soups and stews as I feel like I’m really bad at making them, and my daughter’s not really into them. (I know, I know – they’re supposed to be super simple!) I’ve been eying this book for awhile now and keep hoping we’ll have a little extra in the budget for it… thanks for the chance to win 🙂
My daughter, Charlotte, will be one year old the beginning of August. I primarily breastfeed her, but am DYING to know what solids to feed her. With so many resources out there tellin me to do this or that, it gets so confusing! I want the very best for Charlotte. Of course, there’s a catch… she is only interested in what I am eating. Jars? Nope. Organic pouches? Not a chance. Homemade purées? No way! I want to know what to feed my entire family so Charlotte grows up healthy and makes good decisions regarding her health. I own a canoe & kayak rental business in NC, and know the meaning of busy!!
Long story short- i’m VERY interested in The Nourished Baby because I’m a busy mom who wants the best for her family!! Thanks 🙂
I would love to get this book because we are trying to help the leaky guts in our family. We all have gluten and dairy sensitivities and we are trying to figure out if one of our children has an egg allergy too. I had a breast reduction at 18 years old and the doctor said I would probably be able to breastfeed my babies. My mom did not breastfeed so she didn’t think much of it at the time. As soon as I got pregnant, I was determined to breastfeed. After many struggles, herbs, and supplementation at the breast, I have breastfed all my babies. We just had our fifth baby and now there are some women that give me breastmilk. I do produce at least half of my babies milk. I have made the formula from Nourishing Traditions cookbook for my last baby and will do so for our newest if needed. But I will never again use store bought formula. I’m explaining all of this because it’s very important to me to nourish my babies (and children)well especially since I can’t give them 100% breastmilk. I would prefer to put off starting solids as long as possible, but with low milk supply, it’s really not possible. I would really like to have this book! Thanks.
This book sounds facinating. I have been very interested to read it since I first heard about it. “Why experts believe purees can lead to overeating” has got me really curious.
I’m fascinated to learn more about the relationship of food to tooth decay (along with so many other concepts from the book)…would love to win a copy!
What I am excited about is how to get probiotics into the birth canal.
I’d love to learn more about fermented foods for babies!
ALL OF IT! I have been getting my body “ready” for pregnancy for the past few years. I LOVE Heather’s website and can’t wait to read this book!!!
I am a huge fan of Sally Fallon and her cookbook. My niece is newly pregnant and this would be a wonderful gift for her, and introduction into a new way of thinking about food.
I am 27 weeks pregnant and it took me many years to undue my eating habits as a child. My parents never cooked and every meal was takeout. I began choosing at a young age to make strides toward change and it was the best thing I could have done. I would love to start this child off right with good habits, nutritional breast milk, and just a good relationship with food and nutrition. Looking forward to reading your book!!!
This book would be awesome. I think I did okay feeding our first child although I could have done way better in pregnancy. This time I want to do more than just okay. I might not be as lucky with this babies gut health.
I love real food! I’m really curious about what to feed myself while I’m breastfeeding. I just love cooking and reading on this topic.
I have a 15 month-old picky eater and I am curious to know what is going on with his system. He doesn’t digest food very well and is still being breastfed. I am at a loss about what to feed him and where to go next– I feel like this book would help guide me.
Mommypotamus you hit just about all the things that I think are misinterpreted by many new and young parents. I am a grand father of two beautiful healthy girls 6 and 2. The 6yo developed severe allergies to peanuts and coconut. We never left the house without her EpiPen and had to be extremely protective. The 2yo had difficulties digesting dairy products and would cause her stomach bleeding. To date the girls have thankfully out grown their issues but the elder is a very picky eater (she hates meats), the younger will eat anything you put in front of her. We have another on the way. Due mid November, a boy. My son and daughter-in-law are wonderful parents but quite busy with careers and are very social. The kids try their best to present nutritious and fun foods. In addition they have had to install expensive water treatment systems in the home to further reduce the level of naturally occurring fluoride in the tap water. With out a doubt this young family will appreciate your help. Even if I am not a winner of the free Ebook for $18 it is a good investment for the development of my babies… Thank you so much.
Proud Grand Parents, Las Vegas, NV
Wow, so many things about this book get me excited! The most relevant right now would be decoding nursing cravings!
I’m the most interested in the recipes. That seems to be the blueprint for the plan.
I have 3 kids and didn’t start learning about real foods until after my last child was born. And I want to know more!!! I made the decision to not vaccinate my kids, so that means I have to go the rest of the way to learn everything I can to keep them healthy through their developing years. So I’d love to have a copy of this eBook!!!
I just bought it the other day, Great book!
Sounds like such a great book! Hoping to learn more as I am looking forward to having children soon. What a wonderful resource!
As a first-time foster mom of a precious baby girl, I would EAT THIS BOOK UP! Knowing that this baby girl likely had utterly poor nutrition in the womb and was deprived of the opportunity to breastfeed, I am on an all-out search to learn how to best nourish her from this point forward. I need to make up for lost time (and development) for her well-being.
Thank you so much for promoting this great resource!
Learning about the best real food for babies is the most interesting to me along with the way our diet affects our dental health.
I WANT THIS BOOK! I’m most excited (like many others above) to learn how I can improve and heal teeth. I grew up with dozens of cavities; I would love to prevent that for my daughter and future babies!
Wow! I have never heard of breast milk not meeting standards for essential nutrients for baby! That’s alarming! I would love to learn how to prepare my body for optimal pregnancy through nutrition and how to sustain that good nutrition for sound breast milk for my baby and subsequent pregnancies.
By the way, I totally got on a tangent following the links in the article and reading her posts about dental health and restoring enamel and not using toothpaste!!! Very very interesting. I hope she writes about that in the book as well as that would be very beneficial to learn more about!!!
I am so interested in learning about baby’s first foods and how I can support proper brain development, as well as jaw formation and healthy teeth.
I’m currently pregnant with my first child, so learning about when to introduce solids, and which solids will give my baby the best start in life is what excites me most about this book!
It is very reminiscent of the Adel Davis books, only in a more modern form. It seems a must for anyone with a family.
I’ve been dying to read Nourished Baby! I discovered Heather’s blog about a month ago and have learned so much to help improve my life and that of my 16-month old son. I know this book would make a huge impact on us!
I’m very intrigued by the prevention or curing of cavities! My dh has Bsd teeth so I worry about the kiddos
I have a picky toddler & would love to learn more about how I can get her healthier. We are also trying for baby #2, but were told from the get-go that we had a less than 4% chance of conceiving… obviously we have a little miracle but we’re ready for another and I want to be as healthy as possible in preparation for our 2nd 🙂
I read the free preview. I’ve been having issues with my 6 yr old DS with picky eating for the past few years. I realize now that I set this in motion in utero because I ate the SAD way. Now, I realize what is happening in this gut for him to crave the carbs all the time. I have a long road to hoe with him, but at least with my 7 month old DS I know better now so I’m feeding him real food.
I also have a 3 yr old DD who eats so much better than her older brother and I attribute that to making my own baby food. She is more open to trying new things than my 6 yr old is.
Good luck to everyone!
My second baby is a few months away from starting solids – would love to win this book!
WOW! I have a daughter just getting ready to hit teen years and a grandbaby that is 2 ( I am an older mom) I thought i ate fairly healthy for my pregnancy but my pre-teen is currently in glasses and braces. I would love to help her navigate her upcoming hormonal years and pregnancy years better than i did apparently.
This book sounds amazing. I have been extremely cautious about what I feed my baby, and now that she has turned one, I know she’ll need more and more real food. It would be amazing to have the kind of guidance that Nourished Baby provides, especially when I feel like giving in and giving her something easy or convenient that probably isn’t the best, just because I don’t know just how bad it is, or how easy it would be to give her something better.
I am 7 months pregnant with our first child and would love to learn about how to best nourish a baby and what timing is really right for what foods. I have spent the last year eating REAL foods, avoiding MSG, GMO’s, hormones, gluten, etc. trying to get myself healthier and give our baby the best chance possible. I’m excited to read this book!
I’m about a month away from starting my baby boy on solids. I made and drank bone broth during my pregnancy, but gave it up once he was born (no time to cook!). I love the idea of starting him on broths and other nourishing liquids.
I’m still struggling with the healthy eating and right now, my husband and trying to get pregnant and for sure would like to learn about a healthy eating for babies!
My husband and I are expecting our first. YAY!!! My mom told me she wasn’t able to breast feed me because her milk was not good enough to sustain me and help me grow. This is a concern I have for my own little one. I am really interested in learning how to support my baby in breast feeding through the way I nourish myself. Also, I have already begun to hear the parenting advice of others, one person almost argued with me that I must give my child rice cereal at 6 months. I am super interested in reading the research and support in going against this practice as well as a more holistic and healthy approach to food introduction.
I am a nanny for twins that are two-months, xx and xy. I feel like nutrition is the best way to have the big impact that I want, but I don’t know where to start. I don’t have any children of my own yet, and thus no experience to draw from. I may not be able to influence the parents who live on Lean Cuisines and Fruit Loops, but I can’t stand the idea of the babies growing on that!
I am delivering my second child in October! This would be such a great resource to read beforehand to prepare me for when the baby does start eating solids. Thank you!
I’m interested in learning how the birth experience can affect a child’s cravings later in life.
I find a lot of the info exciting – how the birth experience can influence cravings, when to introduce foods, etc. Sounds great!
This whole book sounds exciting! We’re a GAPS family and are completely interested in any info we can get our hands on in regards to whole healing foods! Thank you
What a great book! The preview looks great. I’m trying to conceive now, so it’s all exciting and interesting to me. I like the part about raising adventurous eaters, too!
I LOVE that she had water births and that she goes through the steps of what it is that WE need to take in for our babies to receive the nutrients that they need from our breast milk. I am also VERY interested in the little comment she had about healing cavities! My son’s dad is a dentist and very stuck in the modern medical model, and I am in chiropractic school and have a much more natural belief system! God put the healing power in our bodies! What we have to do is remove all the interference and feed our bodies properly so we can function and heal at 100 percent, and I think that this book helps teach just that! I want a copy so I can read it and share all that I learn with our future patients that deserve to learn alternatives to the nation’s current lifestyle!
I would really like to learn about how purees can cause overeating and why rice cereal is not good for babies (although I think I already have that one figured out!)
I’m actually pregnant with my 3rd baby (due in Sept), and getting started with easing the rest of my family away from processed food. I’d love to start this baby out from the beginning on the right path!
I know the drawing is over, but I thought I would vent out one little thing somewhere, where maybe someone will hear me!
I have not read the book. I am interested, very interested. I have 3 children under 5, and have been trying to be healthier since the first, without going extreme.
This book is just too expensive. $20 for a book, that I have no idea how much new info if any is in it, no idea how long it is even. My hubby and I are the poorest we ever been, as that is just how it goes when you have kids and the mother stays home. Not complaining, just saying, if this is the audience you are trying to sell to, please lower the price. I can throw away 10 and not feel too bad, but 20 is a pinch.
I’m so interested to know how the birth experience affects a child’s cravings for life!
I’ve owned Nourishing Traditions (my naturopath’s recommendation) for a couple of years.
I’ve been delaying starting solid foods for my 6-month-old because I don’t know the best foods to start her on, and I don’t know what she’s really not getting in my breast milk.
I’m excited to learn what my breast milk may be missing (per the 2001 study done) and what I can start her on that’s not some high glycemic index food!
I have been eyeing this book lately and would love to take a closer look at the information. My first son was born 8 weeks early and I want to make sure I’m doing everything I can to rebuild and get healthier before trying to have another one. Thanks for the giveaway!
Been wanting to have a copy this book since I read your last review but can’t afford it right now. I’m interested in how to instroduce solid foods and “allergenic” foods. And excited about sharing the valuable information this book contains with the other moms in my sphere of influence.
It’s not in the budget to buy right now, so thanks for this opportunity, Kristen. Been trying to get pregnant for a LONG time. Still hopeful. Would love this resource and all the healthy tips it contains.
We adopted our daughter when she was 3days old and fed her the cows milk formula with great success. I did struggle with ideas to feed her when she first started eating. We are back on the list to adopt again and I’d love to have this in my arsenal this time.
I think that this book will make an excellent companion to the beautiful babies course, thank you
My wife has been interested in this book. She is fighting ulcerative colitis while pregnant, and is wanting to learn more about how to nourish her baby well while trying to follow a diet that is not inflammatory to her condition. Thanks for the opportunity to get this resource!
I really want to learn about how picky eating can really be a sign of more serious problems. That is something I haven’t heard before.
This looks like a great book! My daughter is 7 months old and I am very particular about what I give her to eat. I did not take my doctor’s recommendation to start rice cereal at 4 months and have not given her any baby food purees. I only give her organic fruits and veggies, grass fed meats, and cage-free eggs prepared in a way that she can discover and explore the different colors, textures, and tastes.
Everything about this book sounds awesome! Decoding nursing cravings sounds fascinating. I’m currently nursing #4, and would love to know what my body is trying to tell me my little guy needs!
I have a 2 month old and I know it will be time to start introducing foods to him in a few months, so I’m interested in reading about skipping rice cereal (which I’ve been contemplating anyway). I’m also interested in learning about picky eaters because my 4 year old doesn’t like much of anything, even though as a baby he ate anything I put in front of him!
I would love to what, why and how to start with baby foods.
I am interested in everything in Nourished Baby!! The preview was a nice teaser and I so wanted to keep reading! I am eight weeks pregnant and feel alone in my quest to eat real food – I have many friends who are pregnant or have small children and most of them would think I’m crazy if I told them I wanted to prepare the birth canal with beneficial bacteria. I have Nina Planck’s great book Real Food for Mother and Baby out from the library at the moment and so far I have been doing as much research as I can for free because I would rather spend the money on pastured raw milk and quality pastured eggs (and the gas to go get them!) A copy of Heather’s e-book would be such a great help!
As a former “low-fat” only eater, and as a mom of a 14-month old, I am always looking for more great nutrition information as I try to prepare truly healthy foods for our family.
Exciting! Thanks for hosting this give-away. I’ll also request this book at my local public library.
I’m a nursing mom who would love to learn more about how to raise a healthy eater. I’m excited to learn about how to make my breast milk more nutritious.
I’ve seen her website before while researching for my baby (who will make his appearance in mid October!). I’ve always suspected that food was at the bottom of a lot of the health epidemics in this country. I just want my first little boy, and all my others later on down the line, to have the best start possible.
I’d love to read this book! We have been doing real food for the most part, but slipping back into some junk during these summer months, with all the socializing and traveling. I need some extra motivation to get back to feeding my son what’s BEST!
What excites me is not that we have as resource a very “nutritious” in all sense of the word book out for families but excitement for me is to see how many mothers are following the nourishing traditions and getting the real facts of our real food. As a natural health practitioner, I am educating my clients about the real food nutrition and minimizing nutraceuticals prescription. While many others are prescribing nutraceuticals resulting in the most expensive pee of our north american nation. I want my clients to get excited about food and get back to preparation of food, as it can be fun for kids and sexy for partners. Learning about fermentation crock pots design is a cool thing!
I absolutely love this real food movement and thank you all for making this possible and being part of it! Heather, Thank you for researching and writing and best of all for being a conscious mom, your children will thank you.
To all of you, very best in health and in experiences of your lives,
I’m a believer in real food and all its benefits. In March, I’ll become a mom for the first time so real food is especially important to me right now, more than ever before. I want to be able to know precisely what to make for my child to give him/her the best possible start in life and I know the Nourished Baby eBook will help me do just that!
I’m just finishing my first trimester, and I think what excites me the most about this book is to really understand the link between what I’m eating (and craving) and how it will impact my growing baby, both while I am pregnant and then during breastfeeding. It feels like it’s become secret information! I look forward to continuing to educating myself and listening to my body and my instincts.
I am just starting my 7 mo out on solids and am most intrigued by the “no purees” part of this book. I want to learn how to avoid picky eating as well.
I just want to say that as a mother with multiple food allergies I am constantly looking for ways to make my one year old a stronger, healthier person. I feel like this book is the answer to my search! I am so excited to learn how to keep my family but especially my little boy healthy through Real Food!
I am passionate about teeth health since the journey my son & I have undertaking healing & restoring his hypoplasis, gut health and autism. Nutrition is powerful medicine.Our journey is here:
I would love a copy of this book tp further my knowledge and heal my family! x
I’m most excited to learn about the connection between the birth experience and food experience throughout a child’s life, as well as how to reduce my child’s likelihood of needing braces!
What a great resource and encouragement! I love that the focus really is on nutrition and making sure that your babies have the nutrients they need for growth and sustaining a healthy life! What we put in our bodies impacts out lives today and tomorrow. Can’t wait to check this out and share it with others.
I have also been on a quest to change my family’s diet and learn to eat better and have been successful through many alternative sources such as this wonderful e book. I enjoy and have found the “experienced” food writers know the most because they write from their own true life. That means more to me than commercial claims from corporate food producers and even some Doctor’s advice. I would be so grateful to have a copy!
Our firstborn baby is 10 months old, so this is a topic that is more urgent and important to us than ever.
I would like to know how the actual birth experience can affect a child’s cravings for life. I am very interested. Hope i win 🙂
I have wanted this book for quite some time! I would love to know more about insuring my kids turn out with straight healthy teeth, and how birth experiences can affect their zest for life.
This looks like a great book! I’m especially interested in reading about how the birth experience affects a child’s eating and discovering some new family friendly recipes that we can all eat. Thanks!!
Oh my word, I want to EAT THIS UP!!! My husband and I are trying to get pregnant and are DEVOURING all vintage-style guides to creating a healthy, happy home that goes against the mainstream!
This book sounds amazing! My 2 year old just got a cavity and that has really made me realize I am not giving her all the nutrition she needs! I have three kiddos so this information would make me one happy mamma 😀
I’m due Sept 15th. I’d love to have this information on hand to really start off on the right path!
I adopted two special needs toddlers and am trying to feed them nutrient dense food. I know I could learn so much from this book!
While I would love to read this book to help better feed our whole family more healthfully, I’m also scared it will make me feel I have done irreparable damage to my kids thus far. But ignoring it won’t make it better. This book seems like a great tool to get on the right track. And not just but helping determine what to eat, but also explaining why.
I would love to know more about picky eaters and what it might mean regarding their health, and of course suggestions for what to do about it.
I’m expecting baby #2 in three weeks and would love to read how the actual birth experience can affect a child’s cravings for life! Sounds very interesting!!!
Thanks for the giveaway!
As a new mom and nursing my son, I did not realize your breast milk could be without the necessary nutrients for your baby’s needs. I also like to know how to decode cravings and raise an adventurous eater. This book sounds phenomenal.
I am excited to learn more on how to boost my fertility with a good diet.
I’ve been trying to heal and prepare my body for having a baby after 10 years on birth control. I’m very interested in learning about home birth.
Wish I had this book 3 children ago. With all the digestive problems I have had with my little ones. If I don’t win this I will definatly buy it!
i would love to read this book. Pretty interested to know about how breast milk is not actually nutritious enough when all we hear is how you must breastfeed your baby as long as possible. My little one is 6 months old, she is still breastfeeding bt having formula and veggies too. Now i’m concerned that i’ve done my child a disadvantage by doing what is naturally good for them
I’m looking forward to my 9th, and would love this book, thanks for the giveaway!
I am interested in how the birth experience affects eating habits and I’m always interested in knowing how to feed my children better.
We have an almost 2 year old and our second child due in January. I would love to make baby-friendly recipes that the entire family can enjoy as well as how to raise an adventurous eater with both children!
You have truly read my mind! I want and need this book for all the reasons it lists; currently trying to nurse full term and need to learn about my cravings, already skipped rice cereal but not sure where to go next, loved my natural birth experience but am SO curious to hear how it may have affected my daughter, etc. Anyway, you read my mind because I was just thinking about looking this book up to see how much it costs, and here I see a giveaway on the rare occasion I get to check facebook – gasp, the stars have aligned!! Really though, thank you for this particular opportunity with this giveaway, and if you’re really able to read minds will you pretty please tell me what my husband secretly wants for his birthday :)?
What excites me most is learning about the foods that will help me to get pregnant again and continue BFing my son. I was DXed with an AI disorder when he was three months old and have since changed my diet considerably. I am worried that I might be missing something in our diet that will be of great benefit to us all. But I would like to learn about everything else that’s in there, of course!
I am expecting my first grandchild in October. As a nurse, I am so shocked as stranger and stronger disease patterns occur earlier and earlier in peoples lives. I know that diet is such a huge part of a humans foundational strength for basic good health….and so would love to give this to my son and daughter-in-law. mary
My husband and I are finally planning our first child and I’m near paralyzed by the idea of what and how I’m going to feed this growing life! Sugar or no sugar, is Vegan safe, when can I introduce allergenic foods, etc etc etc. I’m hoping this book can alleviate some of my worries and help me gain a clear perspective on my little ones needs. Thanks.
After getting a divorce from my husband after finding out he had never really wanted a family, I thought, in my late 30s, my life was ending. Somehow, I picked up the pieces and moved on, and now at 40, I’m trying to conceive for the first time. I’ve had a miscarriage, even though I’ve always thought of myself as a healthy person. Lately, I’m researching anything and everything to help me conceive a healthy baby and carry it to term, which at my age for some reason makes a lot of people raise their eyebrows at me (and I don’t want to use fertility treatment!)! I know it’s not too late for a natural pregnancy, and I think this book would be a tremendous help. Reading Heather’s story brought tears to my eyes, because finally, something has given me renewed hope. Thanks for sponsoring the giveaway and moreover, for leading me to another great resource!
I am excited to learn what the research says about introducing eggs and other allergenic foods. My daughter is 4 months and I’m trying to research before I start solids at 6 months.
What excites me about the Nourished Baby book is that it will get me out of the food rut of all the recipes I currently have on hand (mostly researched online) for my baby. I’m always looking for great recipes to make him, but it takes SO much time to just do this front-end part. I’d love the advise of this author. Thanks!
Wow, I have wanted this book for a long while now. I have 4 kiddos and my youngest just turned 1. I have read lots of other books, nourshing books, blog posts, and articles on feeding babies, but I would love to have this book as a reference tool. One to read and then be able to look up information for friends and family. I am most interested in stews for baby and creating an adenturous eater- both sound like delicious chapters! Thanks so much!
I am the only person I know who is a whole food eater and does not want to give my child rice cereal and cookies. I would like to have a resource for nourishing foods and the interpreting breast feeding cravings part sounds really interesting.
I am interested in how picky eating can indicate other problems, and how to deal with it.
I am excited to read the recipe section and to hear her insight on what can be done to prevent eczema in newborns.
As a mom of many little ones (4) I am always looking for new information on how to care for my children better.
WOW!! I’m interested in learning how food can help prevent the need for braces and new recipes to nourish my family. Since I am older and wanting another child, I would love to learn about which foods help with fertility too!
Everything about this book excites me because there are very few people today who know how to truly nourish their children and this book will teach parents (and grandparents and aunts and uncles, etc.) how to start proper nourishment early. We’ve all been raised by what the medical community has been teaching us what nutrition is and their ideas are so damaging to our children’s (and our own) health! I wish this book had been available when I was a new mom over 18 years ago.
I would love to have a copy. Why?? Because I have a baby who is just about 9 months old — he is actually #6 and I believe in whole foods and would love to know more!!
Everything in this book excites me! I am interested in learning how to raise a family nutritionally-speaking as I have never had children before, and would like to.
Like every mother I want to give my child the best start in life. I am a new mother who is about to embark on the adventure of introducing solid food to my baby. I’ve had “digestive issues” most of my life, and I would love learn what foods will help my baby’s digestive tract. I’m also really interested in learning how my non-medicated delivery might influence her cravings. Thanks!!
I am 8 weeks pregnant and would LOVE to read this book! I always, eagerly, check my emails for the latest posts from Mommypotamus! Trying to find recipes and ideas for feeding my little ones is so overwhelming sometimes…I would love to have a “go-to” resource of recipes!
I’m 7 weeks pregnant with my first baby, and so this book looks so good! All the subjects look so interesting. I think I could really learn a lot from something like this. Thank you for this giveaway!
So much of what Heather wrote of her own journey to health and two healthy pregnancies resonates with me. I want to learn from her so that my daughter can benefit from her amazing journey.
Being a prospective mom and changing my views on food in the last year and a half I’m actually concerned about how I’m going to feed my child, what the things to stay away from will be and what the best options for my child will be without denying them… I’m at a crossroads and need help before I get pregnant! Tis would help me to unravel some of the questions in my head so that I can start my family off right.