I am quite the fan of natural remedies, particularly the kinds of natural remedies that you can make at home. I like feeling that resourceful and industrious. Plus, it’s just plain fun to do. The kids enjoy helping me, and they’re ever that much more eager to “take their medicine” if it’s something they helped make.
Fellow Real Food enthusiast and blogger, Michele @ Frugal Granola recently wrote an e-book on the subject. Full of time-tested recipes for many herbal natural remedies (including teas, tinctures, salves, and more), this book is by far the best little book I’ve ever read on the subject. And guess what? I’m giving two copies away this week!
What’s so great about the natural remedies found in this book?
First, they’re simple. Some books on this subject create complicated, hard-to-follow recipes for natural remedies full of instructions that require expensive special equipment or ingredients. Not this one!
Second, they’re kid-friendly. Each recipe contains a “Learning at Home Option” with ideas for how you can involve your kids in the process.
What You’ll Win
TWO lucky readers will get a copy of the e-book. EVERYONE who enters will get a code for 25% off the already inexpensive book (bringing the price down to just $6.71)!
How to Enter
Leave a separate comment for each of the following possible ways to enter.
1. The first step to entering the contest is to click on the link below. You’ll be taken to the Frugal Granola website, where you can see some sample pages of the book. Then, come back here and leave a comment letting me know why you want a copy of the book.
Click here to enter to win a copy of Herbal Nurturing: A Family Healing And Learning Guide!
Now, leave a comment below. That’s good for one entry. For additional chances to win, do any of the following:
2. Blog about this giveaway and link back to this page on your blog. Comment below with the link. (1 extra entry)
3. Sign up for my email updates or RSS feed. Leave a comment below telling me that you signed up. You will also get an entry if you already subscribe — be sure to leave a comment! (1 extra entry)
4. Follow me on Twitter and tweet about the giveaway. Be sure to include the URL to this page in your tweet. Click the Twitter icon button at the bottom of the post, or you can use the following tweet: “Don’t enter to win the FREE Herbal Nurturing e-book of natural remedies! I want it all to myself. http://tinyurl.com/25nb6jj” Leave a comment telling me that you followed & tweeted. (1 extra entry)
5. Email 5 friends about the giveaway, with a link to this page. Leave a comment below telling me that you did. (1 extra entry)
6. Stumble this post and leave me a comment telling me that you did. (1 extra entry)
7. LIKE my newly created Facebook page and share about the giveaway on Facebook, linking to this post. (2 extra entries!)
There are a total of 8 possible entries!
Questions? Comment below.
This contest will end ended Friday, November 12th at 11:59 PM PST. The winner will be was chosen via random.org, and will be was announced on Saturday, November 13th, along with the coupon!
(photo by massdistraction)
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This ebook looks like it is so full of wisdom! I would love a chance to read it.
I totally HATE taking any pills. This is a great way to learn natural remedies! Thanks
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I would like a copy of this book to help teach my little boy and the baby on the way how to take care of themselves without resorting to chemicals. Also, the sample page coincidentally gives a remedy for something we need – to help heal chapped cheeks in the winter!
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It sounds great! I’d love to know more about the headache relief!
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I’d love to learn more about natural remedies in general. This would be a great resource!
I’d love a copy of this book. It seems to be just what I’ve been looking for to take care of my little family naturally.
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I would love to have a resource for some simple remedies! This looks really good!
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I see the book mentions a remedy for arthritis. I reeeally need that.
Looks like a good e-book!
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I’m always open to more natural remedies vs. store bought medicine. The 2 items that really appeal to me are the Aches & Pains Massage Oil and Fever Reducer Tea. 🙂
I’d like to stop putting chemical into my children’s bodies and use something more “natural”.
I signed up for your emails! 🙂
I am learning to NOT use chemicals. I want to learn more and this book will help. ThaNKS
I “like” your FB page (that’s how I found this page) and posted a link to the give away!
I’m already subscribed. 😉
I’m a “food renegade” too… sustainably farming to produce grassfed meats, milk, organic vegies, maple syrup for my family and community up here near Toronto, Canada. Our farm has many natural herbal remedies I want to learn how to harvest and use for the humans and the livestock! Thanks for the great information you’re providing!
And finally, as a homeschooling mama of 3 who prefers vitamins & homeopathics to conventional medicine this is a fantastic book! I don’t know much about herbs, tinctures or infusions and I’ve always wanted to learn. The past 2 years my kids & I have had a veggie garden and we had a fantastic time growing, watering, harvesting & eating! This past year we started container growing greens & herbs (stevia, parsley, basil, mint, lemon balm) which worked out really well. Looking forward to the spring & new plantings! Maybe even a few more medicinals with help from this book…
It would be good to have a friend along the journey.
We’ve been making our own personal care items for a while now.
Only seems “natural” to branch out into this area of homebrewed goods.
I wish I had a copy of this book right NOW! I’m pretty sure there is a wonderful rememdy that I could whip up to help me conquer this nasty head cold I have! : )
Just one reason why I want that book? Oh boy…..there are so many reasons why. One reason would be that I’ve always wanted to learn more about these sorts of remedies. I have seen great results from over-the-counter herbs, supplements and homeopathic remedies……I’m sure that actually making them yourself would be even better.
I have 3 kids four and under and we’ve been under cold after bug after virus despite our healthy eating habits. We could really use some old-fashioned remedies around here! 🙂
I would love a copy of this e-book. I already try hard to tend to most of our ailments at home, having a pretty big distrust of big pharma. It would be great to have some more information at my disposal. Thanks for the wonderful giveaways!
And I already subscribe!
I would love a copy so that I can learn how to naturally treat things at home, I am not a fan of using medications unless it’s an emergency situation!
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I would like to win this ebook, because I have been on this journey to make changes in the way my family lives. It can be overwhelming. It is hard to find tried and true things you can feel safe and good with for your family, especially when it seems like everyone else in society thinks you are nuts for choosing healthier less intrusive methods…etc.
I liked your fb page 🙂
I’d love to have this book! I have been really into natural things for a while and this would help me so much!
I also subscribe to you on my google reader rss feed.
I would really like to have this book! I try not to ever give my kids store-bought medicine and I would love some ideas for more ways to heal them naturally!
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I LOVE this! We run a LifeTime Sanctuary for ElderANimals and Special NEeds animals, and I turn to natural rememdies for the animals, and forget for myself! If I could win a copy of this book, it would be dogeared (pun intended) and have grubby fingerprints for all eternity, because finally, recipes that are EASY!!!! And I am going to subrscibe too! Thanks and blessings!
I am interested in this book because my daughter is very allergic to mold and I hate using over the counter medicine to help her alleviate her hives. I noticed in the table of contents that there was a hay fever/allergy tincture. I would love to try this out on her hives.
I also like to use natural methods when ever possible to use for common illnesses. This would make it easier for me to have them as fresh as possible when they are needed.
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I’d like a copy so I can take better care of my family so they will have a healthy chemical free life and live longer, healthier, and happier. 😀
Want this! I’ve had severe asthma all my life, which creates other complications like allergies, lung infections, sinus infections, etc. It would be soooo nice to treat these infections and allergies naturally rather than be pickled by BigPharm.
I woulld love a copy of your book
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I’ve been looking for this book! I knew there had to be a kid-friendly herbal remedy book out there somewhere!
I would love to win the book to learn more about using herbs here at home. We have been using herbs for about 15 years, and there is always new things to learn.
i would love to have this book, i think its a must have with 2 children a failing economy and ever expanding pharmaceutical companies controling our health and making big money while we just get sicker.
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I’d love to learn the immune-boosting Syrup!! all the recipes look useful.
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I love home remedies and grow alot of herbs. The book looks like it has alot of great ideas.
Wow! This book is chock full of recipes for taking care of the whole family. I especially like the People Paste. I would love to add this book to my library of herbal knowledge.
As I know several people who suffer from persistent headaches and migraines, I am really interested in the therapies for those.
I already subscribe.
This little book sounds wonderful! I would love to take care of my family with natural remedies instead of synthetic drugs! We would all be much healthier for it.
I like the idea of how to learn at home by creating what is needed for healing, and also having a “faster fix” option. Very clever! This e-book sounds very interesting! Thanks!
I would really like to have this book because it’s much easier to create home remedies. I’d love to know if the migraine cure is more effective than what I use now, specifically. I don’t get them often, but when I do…. let’s just say I’m always looking for a solution.
Ok, here goes….
I’ve been signed up for your RSS for a while! Love it!
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I’ve stumbled your post! (My first on the site…. going to explore it later!)
And now I’m on your Facebook page! And I’m hoping my sister see the link so she can check out the remedies for my nephew!
Oops, I was supposed to do that separate…. FB posted!
i already get your email updates and now like your facebook page.
i’d love that book. i was JUST talking with my sister about how i wanted her to help me put together a collection of items to have our own herbal and natural healing kit in the house for myself and family.
I’ve dabbled in making some of my own remedies but hadn’t found a great one-stop source for instructions. This book looks awesome!
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And I’m already a subscriber.
I love to learn about natural remedies. I already have a few simple ones that I use. but having a list of remedies that I could easily make sounds wonderful.
I already like you on FB.
Oh how I need this ebook! I just started a new job as a preschool teacher, and after two weeks on the job I got my first cold in 3 years! I refuse to take chemical-ladened medicine and am relying on prayer for relief–but some natural remedies would certainly help!
I subscribe to and love your e-mail updates!
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I’d like to win the book to have as a resource for natural remedies.
A natural sinus remedy would be great – I’d like to try the sinus steam.
i just signed up for email subscription
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I’d like to learn more on this. The People’s Paste recipe looked great. I’m going to try making it.
would love to learn more about homemade remedies rather than taking a pill. thanx for the chance
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We do not have health insurance and live in a very rural area (about 45 minutes to the nearest medical facility), so prevention is key for us. Also, my 17yo daughter gets frequent migraines, so I am especially interested in that chapter!
Second entry: We subscribe to your blog feed.
I need this ebook because I grew up on natural remedies but I now realize that, as an adult, I didn’t take in many of the recipes or methods. Now I have to learn how to use natural remedies to take care of myself and my family.
I like(d) your FB page!
This is exactly what I need to help me keep my family healthy. I will put it to really good use this year if I am the one to win.
It is so easy to follow instruction I would love to win the book
I don’t trust commercial products and secret recipes. For that reason, I’m very interested in learning herbal recipes that I can do with my children.
I follo wyou on twitter and fb….I would love to have this e book…I have just started learning about real food and taking your health into your own hands. I want to feel I have the power to know how to help my family and friends with natural ways of healing…..
I would love a copy of this book. The table of contents lists several remedies I already know I would use.
I also subscribe to your rss.
I’d love to win this book because it would be great to learn some more home remedies as the cold season comes.
I’m getting into herbal remedies and would love some recipes!
I subscribe to your RSS feed.
i would love a copy of this book. i read the link and it sounds like exactly what I need
I’ve entered drawings at other blogs to win this-it looks like a great tool! Too many useful ideas to narrow it to one, but the calming teas are probably where I’d start!
I’m already subscribed to your blog. 🙂 Thanks for the giveaway!
i also like you on facebook 🙂
I’m already a fan of yours on Facebook!
I would love to win this book. I’m moving from a large city to a few acres in a more rural setting, and this book will expand my repertoire of homemade remedies.
i believe strongly in our bodies ability to heal itself with a little additional help from herbs and the natural environment. it is afterall how animals frequently “treat” themselves. that harmony w/ nature exsisted for humans for a long time and is the enviroment that people evolved in so it only makes sense that natural remedies would be helpful.
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I would like this book since I need some more ideas to help take care of my healthy family with more natural remedies. I like that I don’t feel so at a loss when they are not feeling well!
I would love to have a copy of this book! My son has lots of allergies, and I’ve been searching for better ways to take care of him and my husband and myself. This ebook seems to fit the bill. Thanks!
Subscribed to your RSS feed. Thanks!
I’m already liking your FB page, and I’ve shared this link with my friends on my FB page. Thanks for the opportunity!
I’d love to win the e-book; thanks for having the give-a-way!
I already subscribe to your email updates. Thanks!
Would love this natural health resource as we head into cold and flu season . The learning at home looks great, especially as we are studying the human body this homeschool year.
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I already subscribe and I just started getting into herbs, there is so much to know!!! Its overwhelming!
The e-book looks really wonderful. I was diagnosed with a severe sensitivity to sulfites about a year ago and I have spent most of that time figuring out what foods I can eat that don’t make me sick. I haven’t even gotten to medicine yet, I have simply stopped taking anything – to be able to use some herbal remedies that wouldn’t make me even sicker that what I am trying to treat would be a blessing!
i’d love to have this book for natural remedies rather than popping a pill or taking a cough medicine for example
I already am a subscriber to your Blog, e-mails, & on your FB. I would love to have a copy of the book to help us to continue to make the transition from PhD Rx background to natural, nutritional ways of living.
This book looks awesome. I’ve had terrible allergies this year and would love to learn a natural remedy for it. Also with flu season coming up, it would be great to have an arsenal of drug-free remedies.
I subscribe in Reader.
We homeschool and would love to use this book in our studies.
I already subscribe to your newsletter.
I like the idea of making some of the items on the book for gifts this upcoming season. Thank you for that inspiration!
hey, i would absolutely love this book! i have 4 young boys and i strive to do everything natural! i really stand alone in this and i feel the book would help me! i have a chiropractor that we see regularly and other thank that i am on my own searching out wisdom and ways to treat my husband (who is type 1 diabetic), myself and especially my four precious boys! especially during this season! thank you so super much for considering our family:)
I just found you through Facebook and “liked” your page. I am very interested in the book because I am currently getting certified to become a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner and I plan to rely on whole food and natural remedies to help my clients eat right, feel better and heal their systems.
Very useful e book. I follow you on facebook.
I’d like a copy because I would much rather use natural things for my family and hate having to search all over for remedies and recipes!
I went to the site and also liked your post on the Facebook page. Thank you!
I would love natural remedies to cope with colds and headaches when they come up.
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I’d love a copy of this book so I can treat my kids’ ailments naturally.
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I would love to give this book to my daughter and her baby for Christmas!
I have been leaning more and more toward growing my own medicinal ingredients, but lack a good book on how to make the medicine. This looks like the perfect book for this, simple, easy to read, not overly technical. Cannot wit to read it!
I have always just suffered through any illness or problems because I hate : 1) taking pills and 2) the thought of putting chemicals into my body. I have always tried to use food to manage conditions. I have always known that Herbs are medicinal and this book help guide me in the right direction. very excited about it
I am tired of using products with so many chemicals and unhealthy ingredients. Most if us don’t even realize we are being exposed to. I want to start using natural products and preferably home made.
@chreia, i agree with you
I also have experienced the same thing. I consume lots of synthetic drugs a few years ago and not much progress on my health, my health even worse than before. And finally I decided to switch to herbal medicines