Hi all. Are you a homeschooling parent hunting for a way to teach Nutrition that’s based on Real Food? Check out the Real Food Nutrition & Health book, now with a Book List For Further Reading.
Also, don’t forget to check out the new How To Cook Real Food course offered by Jenny at the Nourished Kitchen! Enrollment ends May 31st. Spaces are limited. Multiple payment options/plans are available.
Welcome back to yet another Fight Back Friday! Today we are bringing together another collection of recipes, tips, anecdotes, and testimonies from members of the Real Food Revolution.
Who are they? Why, they’re the Food Renegades. You know who you are — lovers of SOLE (Sustainable, Organic, Local, and Ethical) food, traditional food, primal food, REAL food, the list goes on. I believe that by joining together, our influence can grow, and we can change the way America (and the industrialized world) eats!
So, let’s have some fun.
If you want to participate but aren’t sure how, please read these guidelines for how Fight Back Fridays will work.
Please be courteous and use your BEST blog carnival manners! In the very least, that means remember the two most important things you can do:
- Share a relevant post from your blog with us using the McLinky Widget below (don’t just link to your blog’s home page).
- In your post, be sure to link back to this post (not the Food Renegade home page) so that your readers can have access to all the information and encouragement we’ll be sharing.
Please also feel free to make use of any of the banners below by saving the image to your desktop then uploading it to your own server. (You don’t have to use them, but they’re there for you!)
If you don’t have a blog but are interested in joining the conversation, you can leave your comments below!
Fight Back Friday Banners
PLEASE NOTE: The smaller banners are also available as badges/buttons for your sites over on my sidebar so that you can sport your Real Food Lovin’ Pride and inspire others to join us in the Real Food Revolution. Just copy the code and paste it into your sidebar. (Again, you don’t have to use them to participate in the carnival.)
Stanley Fishman says
My post this week explains the difference between healthy natural trans fats and the artificial kind.
.-= Stanley Fishman´s last blog post …Don’t Fear the Natural Trans Fats in Grassfed Meat and Butter =-.
BodyEarth says
Fight Back Friday May 28th | Food Renegade http://bit.ly/9EesRV
This comment was originally posted on Twitter
Ellen@BodyEarth says
Thanks for hosting, Kristen! My Tarragon Chicken with Creme Fraiche recipe is super easy to make, but tastes like it isn’t!
.-= Ellen@BodyEarth´s last blog post …Tarragon Chicken with Creme Fraiche =-.
Raine Saunders says
Hi Kristen – thanks for Fight Back Fridays! My contribution shows many of the basic misconceptions and myths people believe about nutrition. Happy Friday to everyone!
.-= Raine Saunders´s last blog post …Common Myths About Food & Nutrition =-.
dina says
I found my great-grandmother’s recipe box! Woo Hoo! I’m so excited to go through this treasure trove and share the wealth of GG’s amazing recipes! The first one is her famous Caramel Candy recipe.
.-= dina´s last blog post …In the olden days… =-.
Christina @ Spoonfed says
Posting this week about the assault (and insult) of children’s menus in restaurants.
.-= Christina @ Spoonfed´s last blog post …The assault (and insult) of children’s menus =-.
Karen says
Entered my (new) blog for the first time ever. I was a little confused about how to fill out the linky thingy. Didn’t see a place to put my name (was hoping it would follow on a second page) and don’t see any way to correct my entry. Anyway, my subject was How to Make Fresh Milk Yogurt. There are various ways to make it and mine is simply how I make it in a large (gallon) thermos. For those who feel intimidated by the process, this shows how easy it really is. It also shows why raw milk is much better than pasteurized milk. If there is a way to show that mine is a first time entry, I’d appreciate the help. Regardless, it’s an honor to be part of something like this.
.-= Karen´s last blog post …How to Make Fresh Milk Yogurt =-.
damaged justice says
“would a store labeling program help you choose better products?”
No, because I haven’t found a labeling program yet that doesn’t promote the low-fat, high-carb, pro-grain, anti-meat dogma that to my mind has been thoroughly discredited over the last fifty years.
“How else can we pressure manufacturers to make healthier products?”
Buy what you want, don’t buy what you don’t, and tell other people why you’re not buying certain things. And buy real food, not “products”.
This comment was originally posted on FoodieTots.com