When I tell people that my diet runs between 55% and 65% of my total calories from fat, they look at me like I’m growing a second head. “How do you do that?” they ask with a look that says they suddenly suspect me of deep fat frying everything I eat.
Next up, the inevitable, “Why do you do that?”
The answer to both is simple. Women like me do better on higher fat diets. It boosts our energy levels, balances our hormones, increases our fertility, contributes to serene moods, keeps our complexion glowing, and reduces the risk of having a stroke.
Yep, you read right. Generally speaking, women actually need high fat diets. The alternative is to synthesize all our saturated fat from the sugar we eat, and that comes with an unacceptable set of risks. (Hello weight gain, diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.)
So, how exactly do I get this much fat in my diet?
You’d be surprised! It’s really not that hard at all.
1. Eat and drink full fat dairy.
This one’s probably the easiest. When you see fat-free cottage cheese, sour cream, or milk, run the other way! Study after study has shown that high fat dairy lowers your risk of heart attacks and strokes. So, don’t be afraid of it. Drink real cream in your coffee or tea. Liberally stir in whole fat yogurt to your cut up fruit.
2. Eat eggs — with the yolks.
I eat an egg or three a day. When I tire of eggs for breakfast, I eat them in an egg salad or quiche for lunch or dinner. Eggs are one of the most nutrient-dense foods you can buy, particularly given their low cost. Even when I pay up to $6/dozen for eggs from pastured hens, I’m still getting a good deal when I consider all the nutrients they contain.
Eggs are rich in quality protein — having all eight essential amino acids. They’re also an excellent source of choline (necessary for brain and memory), folate (important for fertility and pregnancy), and other trace minerals like calcium, selenium, and even iron.
3. Spread that butter!
When you make toast, sandwiches, pancakes, baked potatoes, or waffles, spread more than just a tiny, thin little pat of butter on that goody. Layer it on thick. Butter is far healthier than margarine, particularly if it comes from pastured cows.
4. Ditch the non-stick cookware and use fat.
How many people make eggs without any sort of added fat at all? You know why you can do that? Because you’re cooking on toxic, non-stick cookware! Opt for traditional cookware made of cast iron or steel and suddenly you’ll realize that you need that added fat to keep your food from sticking or over cooking.
I do have one important caveat for those of you who take this plunge though. Milk fat will brown and stick if heated too quickly, so if you cook with butter you’ll want to reduce the amount of heat you’re cooking with to avoid sticking.
5. Cook your vegetables in fat.
Roast your vegetables in a coating of a traditional fat like olive oil or coconut oil. Pan-fry your potatoes in a healthy fat like beef tallow from grass-fed cows. Melt butter from pastured cows or bacon grease from foraged hogs over your steamed veggies. In short, any time you serve up a vegetable, make sure it’s surrounded by a healthy fat.
Why? Not only does it make these veggies far more flavorful, but it also increases the availability of the vitamins and minerals in the vegetable. Many nutrients common in vegetables are fat-soluble. That means your body will only make use of them in the presence of fat.
Hey, look at that! I didn’t mention deep frying once.
That’s because I don’t deep fry. I don’t have a frier, and I wouldn’t know how to use one.
Won’t this make me fat?
No. Studies have shown that people who eat higher fat foods get full faster and stay full longer. That usually translates into them eating fewer calories, or at least eating fewer calorie-rich but nutrient-poor foods like desserts, breads, or candies. Both of those translate into weight loss, or at least weight maintenance.
Finally, remember the words of Julia Child.
For recipes and practical instructions for eating this way (dairy-free and grain-free), I highly recommend Bacon & Butter — the Ultimate Ketogenic Diet Cookbook
With this New York Times bestselling book, you’ll begin dropping pounds immediately — and learn how to keep them off for good — by following a low-carb, high-fat ketogenic diet packed with tasty, wholesome meals that you’ll love.
It’s the simplest way to get started, and at the moment, the printed version of this cookbook is 100% free to Food Renegade readers. You just pay shipping & handling.
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Thank you! I’ve gotten the two headed look myself! LOL
When I’m having pancakes I’ve gone for eating them butter only. I’m predisposed to diabetes and I’m pretty sure I’ve already got metabolic syndrome, so anything I can do to prevent my sugar levels from going on a rollercoaster is good for me..
Nicholas, if you already suspect you have metabolic syndrome, you should definitely skip pancakes altogether!!!!! Especially if made with traditional wheat flour! Are you aware wheat flour has a higher glycemic index than table sugar? Trust me, once you get away from it, you don’t miss it at all. The idea of eating pancakes makes me a bit nauseous – bleck!
We’re eating pancakes, French toast, bread, muffins, cookies, cakes, etc., using coconut flour and birch-produced xylitol and the foods are awesome! No, they aren’t as fluffy as wheat or white flour products, but I’m so excited for a wonderful non-grain, non-glycemic index raising alternative. Buy Bruce Fife’s recipe book on coconut flour (Amazon has it) and Global Sweet’s xylitol (they don’t use possible GMO corn but get it from birch trees here in the USA).
I would recommend that you consider the paleo lifestyle. It’s essentially eating as the above article recommended but it cuts out all simple and refined carbohydrates – sugars, anything made from flour. All carbs should come from fruits and vegetables with the occasional treat of choice.
This allows your body to avoid insulin spikes which then leads to your body relying on it’s fat stores as energy in between meals which results in less snacking in between meals. As long as you are eating enough healthy fat with your protein and vegetables, you’re body won’t intensely crave carbs, once you’ve gone through you sugar detox period, that is.
“When you make toast, sandwiches, pancakes, baked potatoes, or waffles, spread more than just a tiny, thin little pat of butter on that goody. Layer it on thick. Butter is far healthier than margarine, particularly if it comes from pastured cows.”
Wouldn’t it be best to also avoid these bready, high carb foods? I too eat high fat, but low carb. I’m curious because I’ve never seen anyone who eats high fat also eat a high carb diet.
I also eat a pretty low-carb diet (anywhere from 65g-100g/day). That said, I still manage to eat all these foods. I just eat far less of them the average American, who consumes them at every meal. Plus, I tend to stick to high-protein and lower carb versions of them by using sprouted grains and alternative flours like coconut or almond.
In any case, I would never recommend that someone eat versions of these foods full of refined flour. If you stick to eating them traditionally prepared (long-ferment sourdough, sprouted, soaked), then you’ll find that the carbs are reduced naturally just in processing the grain. Hope that helps!
I eat high fat, high carb (whole & unrefined), high protein and maintian healthy weight and blood sugar levels.
It’s the High Everything Diet! 😉 I love it.
Because that’s what it feels like when I eat, I would say that too. But technically it’s just not true. When I put in everything I eat into an online calculator like FitDay’s, I always turn out to eat 55-65% of my calories from fat, about 15% from carbs, and 20-30% from protein.
Yes, you are probably right. I don’t really track my % intake; but because I don’t avoid carbs as long as they are whole and not refined, I feel like I don’t have to work toward a low carb diet. Plus, I tend toward the complimentary carbs…rice & beans -with lots of cheese ;-)bread & peanut or almond butter, etc….so now that I think of it, my carbs may, more often than not, be matabolized as proteins. Good point. I just know I stay healthy by eating the way I do and it’s no great hearship or mystery for me. I am just so thrilled to find what I know from experience, confirmed in your post. Up until now I’ve felt like I live by a lonely paradigm 😉
You most likely have inflamed innards. Stealth declination of your body.
I have been eating this way for six months but since I started working out i’ve had trouble with energy and recovery. Any advice?
Eat more carbs! They aren’t the devil. They’re an excellent short term fuel source, particularly if your activity levels require it. They’re mostly only “harmful” for those of us who are sedentary. Just be sure to stick to good carbs — no refined grains or added sweeteners.
Thanks for responding. I don’t eat wheat…so guess some brown rice and other gluten free options. My trainer is on my case to eat more carbs too but guess vegies not enough:-)
For other good sources of carbs, try sweet potatoes or winter squash (butternut, pumpkin, etc.). Much more nutrient-dense than the grain sources.
You nailed it!
Haha, I get the “look” as well. A co-worker does not believe me when I attribute my recent 25 pound weight loss to eating healthy whole foods like whole raw milk, real butter, eggs with yolk, etc. She also doesn’t believe that I didn’t starve myself and said I had to have only ate those foods on rare occasions. Her argument was to tell me about another coworker who recently lost weight and SHE said she pretty much starved herself and that was the only way anyone can lose the weight. I was informed that I’m just in denial. And this other co-worker who lost weight through starvation has lost weight in the past and put it back on once she reaches her goal weight and goes off her “diet”. Funny, I haven’t changed anything with my eating and I’m maintaining my 25 pound loss no problem.
WOW. I think it’s amazing that your friend doesn’t believe you! Does she really think you’re lying? Or just delusional?
Kimberly, my sister has viewed me the same way for years. I’m convinced she believes I have an eating disorder…and I believe she’s convinced that she knows best. Go figure!?! Truth is, I like feeling/being well nourished way to much to do something that would make me feel sick. And not only that, I feel better with a bit of padding than I do when my weight drops. I go for healthy over thin any time. ‘Course, in my case, the two-headed look often comes when I tell people I have to work at keeping my weight up…and I eat plenty of fat. Oh Well. I know what feels healthy for me.
This is great information, folks. I’m new to the high fat lower carb eating and so far have lost 15 lbs that have refused to budge any other way. I’ve also eliminated a bunch of chronic conditions that I now understand to be a product of systemic inflammation. But since I seem to lose weight best keeping the carb way down I’ve been really trying to stay under 50g/day. I have also been having trouble with energy and muscle recovery after my training workouts. Based on this I think I’ll add a little more good carb esp on workout days.
Oh, and at 52 I was heading for menopause. Now my body has reversed itself and I’m back in full woman mode again. I’m guessing that my hormones are better balanced with proper amounts of fat.
What about men?
Men can eat more fat, too. NOBODY needs to be eating low-fat or fat-free processed foods or dairy! Those foods are weirdly unnatural and highly processed.
That said, most men don’t need to be on a high-fat diet the way that women do. It just depends on their activity levels, genetic disposition, preferences, etc. Some men might try it and totally thrive, shred pounds, feel energetic, etc. Others may need a little less fat and more protein because of their muscle mass and activity. It just depends!
I completely agree with your post but I have a couple of questions I hope you will try to answer. First, what do you mean by, “Women like me…”? The reason I ask is that I am learning that possibly not all people really need the same diet. Some do better with more fat less carbs, others better with less fat more carbs, etc. If you mean that a certain type of woman does better eating the high fat diet you are posting about, I would love to know what type that is. I have eaten a high fat diet now for years, continuing to refine that to more fat and less carbs. However after my 4th baby 2 years ago I am still struggling, for the first time ever, to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight. I am 45. When I stopped nursing a few months ago my body suddenly packed on about 8 more pounds! I had been of the mindset that if the food was nutrient dense then the calories didn’t matter, but it wasn’t until I actually started to skip a meal here and there and eat much smaller portions that I finally dropped 2 pounds. So maybe I’m not eating right for my body type? I eat two eggs scrambled in cream for breakfast every day, cooked in butter or bacon grease and a glass of raw milk; a smoothie made of kefir, coconut milk, almond butter, 1 frozen banana and a raw egg yolk for lunch most days; and then dinner which would usually include pastured meat, organic vegies with butter, maybe sourdough bread with butter, or a soup with homemade stock. This is an amazing diet, IMO! So I’m frustrated about why I’m not losing weight, especially after reading the comments above about people losing 15 and 25 pounds eating this way! Thus, I’m interested in your thoughts on the meaning of your “women like me” comment – is there a special body type that should eat the higher fat? And do the calories matter or not? Thanks for reading this jumble of comments and I would appreciate any insight you may have! Thanks!
I meant that women, in general, need higher fat diets than men because of our hormones, etc.
As for your particular situation, I think it has to do with the fact that you’ve now had 4 babies AND you’re 45. Your body has changed, and so your diet probably needs to be tweaked along with it to find what’s the new ideal.
It’s pretty typical (and traditional) for women to pack on an extra 10-15 pounds as they approach menopause. I don’t think it’s unhealthy, but many women think it’s unattractive.
If it’s very important to you to get this weight off, I’d suggest trying smaller portions and exercising more. Don’t starve yourself by any means, but just be conscious of what you’re eating.
Try keeping a food diary. I know it sounds silly, but that’s what made the difference for me after baby #3. I nursed her for 2 1/2 years and was still hovering at about 15 pounds more than I weighed pre-conception. When I stopped nursing, I realized my portion sizes HAD to shrink. I had been eating an extra 300-500 calories a day to fuel the nursing, and I didn’t need them anymore. I also started walking a few miles every night after the kiddos went to bed. It was good “me” time and I felt rejuvenated.
Another couple things to watch: 1) sleep! Lack of sleep or interrupted sleep can cause hormonal shifts that make you gain weight. So, give yourself a good 8-10 hours of solid rest a night. 2) alcohol! My hubby had gone gluten-free so had stopped drinking his occasional beer, instead bringing home hard cider. I hated beer, but found I liked hard cider. So, I indulged. I gained about 5 pounds after a month of adding that to my diet. 3) sweets and late night snacks! It goes without saying to avoid added sweeteners when you’re trying to lose weight (even natural ones!), but it’s even more important that you don’t eat sweets or chocolate after dinner. If you get late night munchies, eat something high protein instead. It’ll help you sleep better, too.
P.S. You may also be deficient in some amino acids. I just starting learning about this from Julia Ross at the most recent Wise Traditions conference. Basically, she says that even a super nutrient-rich diet may not be enough to help you correct an amino acid deficiency that’s created because of stressors to our body (like pregnancy, birth, or an emotional crisis). You’ll want to supplement with the amino acids you test deficient in (using a test in her book, below) for a couple months while simultaneously sticking to your already awesome diet — just long enough to correct the deficiency. When you’re back up to normal levels, your nutrient-rich diet will be sufficient to keep you going in the right direction!
For more on this, I highly recommend you check out her book, The Diet Cure: The 8-Step Program to Rebalance Your Body Chemistry and End Food Cravings, Weight Gain, and Mood Swings–Naturally.
Thanks for helping clarify what “women like me” means in the post. I eat this way and have found that although I am not losing weight, at 50 merely maintaining my weight, shape and glow is enough for me.
I also want to say that giving myself 8-10 hours of uninterrupted sleep is very hard because of temperature fluctuations that come with perimenopause. Until you have been through waking up hot several times a night, throwing off the covers and then waking up again freezing it’s difficult to understand how hard if not impossible it is to get that sleep. I have personally tried every sleep hygiene trick and supplement combination with varied results from night to night. It is frustrating that there are few people talking about perimenopause and fewer ideas to help. Sigh:)
I’ve often wondered if women are just supposed to have interrupted sleep! I’ve spent the last 9 years having interrupted sleep due to pregnancy & nursing. I’m just now at the point where my sleep is uninterrupted 5 nights out of 7, and looking forward to the day when my youngest is old enough that her night waking is highly unlikely.
But then to realize that in another few years I may hit perimenopause and have interrupted sleep AGAIN?
I’m 50 and had the hot flashes too. My local herb store recommended “Transistions.” Is wonderful and solved my little problem. You can get it off Amazon if you can’t get it locally where you are.
Amy: I’m not an expert by any stretch (just learning a little more everyday). I’ll be 40 at the end of the month & after my 2nd child was born last year and my period returned, I began to realize my hormones are out of whack. So, started hunting around the various whole food blogs for suggestions. I ran across T-Tapp which is an exercise system that works to rebalance your body & reduce inflammation. I gave it a try & in the first week of just doing the “how to” version of one of the workouts, I lost 11 inches from my body. I have since lost 11 more inches. I still have a lot of hormone rebalancing to do which I’m working on thru diet as well, but T-Tapp has helped me get a start. You might at least have a look to see if it might help you at all. There are some “try before you buy” exercises & you can find her on YouTube as well. Wishing you luck!
Hello, I know it is not really related with the article, but in the same time it is. On your site is an article about fats and one about coconut oil. I tried to find a coconut oil without the coconut taste, but it seems impossible in UK. I bought one from the Whole food’s shop, it is organic and virgin, but still tastes like coconut. Any idea where I can find one without the taste? Thanks!
That’s because it’s virgin. 😉 You want a more refined or deodorized product. Coconut oil is so good for you, even non virgin oil is beneficial. You can add coconut oil to your body simply by using it as moisturizer for your whole body…a perfect use for the virgin oil you don’t like the taste of.
Hi Anna, in the UK check out Higher Nature they do a flavourless coconut oil (they call it coconut butter but it is just the oil. they also do a full flavour one so don’t confuse the two). Also Tiana do a flavourless coconut butter (that is a butter not just the oil, but can be used as a cooking fat nonetheless). also Red23 sometimes have the Tropical Traditions expeller pressed flavourless oil.
Thank you!
OH MY GOODNESS!!! You have described how I have eaten for at least 40 years and I have often felt like people look at me as if I have two heads when I tell them I have lots of fat in my diet. I currently am a healthy 115 lbs. (5’2″) and for years was a thin (but not by intention) 105 to 110 lbs. I feel healthiest at at least 110 lbs and even with a high fat diet struggled to maintain that weight. I have been convinced for a very long time that fat is not the problem when it comes to weight problems…the problems come from refined foods, which by the way, I have NOT included in my diet for the past 40 years…no sugar, bleached white flour, chemicals, preservatives, or meat or dairy with hormones or anti-biotics. Most people I know just don’t understand but I do believe that the body’s metabolism maintains a natural healthy equilibrium if it is not asked to try to process the junk!
Thanks for this! I have never heard anyone else relate to the benefits of high fat intake.
And, Hurray for Julia!!! What a Gal!!!
I completely agree with the article and have found the consumption of saturated fat in the form of coconut oil to be my cure.
I am an LPN Nurse and recuperating from being very sick, this is how I ate myself back to health. This article shows what else I found while taking a new look at nutrition.
I created a web-site dedicated to showing others the result of my research. This is the first article.
And What do you do with Coconut Oil?
June 26, 2012
I love butter and enjoy eating it. What about avocado? Is that a healthy fat source?
Of course it is! Have people been eating avocados for as long as there have been avocados? YES.
I im always using computer does that affect you weight
Great post! I completely agree with you. I have been transitioning to a real food diet the last 2 years and I’m glad to see that I have the fat part down. (Now if only I could conquer wheat/gluten containing foods and grain altogether- now those truly wreak havoc on my metabolism. Hello, 40lb weight gain?) I also make sure my 5 yr old boy eats plenty of fats just as you described- not only does the food appeal to his taste buds but he doesn’t crave a lot of flour products anymore (which if you have kids, is basically a miracle!). It’s sad to see doctors, the food industry and schools even pushing low fat/fat free foods onto kids. At my boy’s school, they don’t even offer full fat milk anymore! I don’t let him drink that milk but instead give him plenty of full fat dairy when he is at home. Not only is he not obese, but he has good muscle tone and robust health.
On the WAPF website there is an article by Dr. Thomas Cowan on kids dietary needs over the years and according to him fat is hugely necessary!
We made oven-baked fries using duck fat the other night and they were truly delish. We didn’t even need to eat a lot of fries to satiate us- just a handful each was enough. Whereas with fries even sweet potato fries made the regular way I find that need a much bigger quantity to satisfy, and then I feel sick to my stomach and greasy. Not so when cooked in animal fat. If you haven’t had it, I highly recommend! I find that once you’ve made the mental switch of fat = heart disease, to good fats = good health and bad fats (ie veg oil, margarine etc)= bad health, you really do feel that this way of eating truly makes sense.
I’d love to eat more fat from eggs and dairy…
…but I’m highly intolerant 🙁
I understand the importance of eating good healthy fats, but have a small dilemma: I had a gallbladder attack this past spring and my gallbladder was removed. It wasn’t something I wanted. I’ve read Dr. Henry Bieler’s book, Food Is Your Best Medicine, and it changed my understanding of how food affects everything in our bodies. But what’s done is done; my gallbladder is gone.
Contrary to what I’ve read, I have not had to completely cut fatty foods from my diet. I seem to digest most healthy fats just fine. Fried food is the one exception but I shouldn’t be eating that anyway. My question is this: how do I know that my body is properly breaking down the nutrients I need from healthy fats? Is there anything I can do to aid my liver now that it is taking over for my gallbladder?
I’ve had dry skin my entire life, but it seems to be getting worse (which may be because I’m pregnant – I don’t know). But from what I’ve read, chronic dry skin is an indicator that I’m not getting enough nutrients from healthy fats in my diet. But I made the switch to grass-fed butter (Kerrygold’s) and raw milk several months ago! Please help.
Hi Tanya,
I’m glad you didn’t give up on eating healthy fats completely even once you had your gallbladder removed!
In answer to your question, according to Dr. Mary Enig and Sally Fallon in their book Eat Fat, Lose Fat, those without gallbladders can still enjoy good fats, but may need to supplement with something that will help do what your gallbladder used to do for you. Namely, they suggest supplementing with Ox Bile and Bitters. Ox Bile helps supplement your own bile production, and the bitters help stimulate the production of bile by the liver.
One of the most reputable supplement companies out there (all whole food based without strange additives) makes a supplement with a blend of these two gems. It’s called Cholacol. They recommend taking at least two tablets about 15 minutes before each meal.
You may also want to try out a good liver cleanse like the one Raine Saunders has recommended and written about extensively before.
I will teach you how to deep fry.
Oh I know you would! I think it was in your Surf & Turf cooking class that I saw a video of you with your frier. You were talking about choosing a coconut oil to use in it and storing it when not in use. It didn’t seem all that hard.
I’ve just never owned or used one.
I would like to back up the author of this article by saying she’s right about fat. I found myself overweight and went on a low fat, low carb diet and I did loose weight but it was a struggle for every pound. I finally got off that diet and like the author about half of my calories now come from fat. The remaining 10 pounds melted off effortlessly and I am now at my perfect weight. It is the most incredible thing and I probably won’t have believed it had it not happened to me personally.
What the sources for your information? I am very interested in reading more about the benefits of high fat diets for women.
Fat is getting harder and harder to find. I’ve slacked off on yogurt-making lately, so I thought I could pick up some at the store. Nope. Not a single tub of full-fat anywhere, Greek included. I made sure an employee knew I was looking for it! Whole milk is more expensive (and no wonder, seeing as it isn’t just white water like skim is) and butter just keeps going up and up. I even have to go through the cheese to make sure I’m getting full-fat.
What is the world coming to?
This is exactly what I do to add fat into my diet. My husband is a bit paranoid still about gaining weight from eating fat, so we’re a bit at odds on this subject. He’s always “starving” and finding himself pilfering through the pantry for snacks all day long while I find myself rarely craving food (even though I’m pregnant). After gaining 50 pounds during my first pregnancy while on a “normal American diet”, I am having a much easier time keeping my weight under control–without controlling my fat intake. I know this is the difference for me, and I can’t wait to see how this translates to my and our baby’s health after having the baby.
It always makes me laugh when I see people who give up certain foods only to try and replace them with this flour or that sweetener. I can’t even pronounce this word: xylitol. How great can that be for you? Oh, I bet it’s “natural.” I get the whole I think the point in changing your habits is to do just that–change them. I don’t find I need to replace wheat (non-gluten) or sugary (xylitol???) things when eating enough fat. If I wanted pancakes, I would have them full on with butter and full syrup. A little bit w/enough protein to satisfy. But trying to invent a way to keep flour and sugar in my life seems frustrating and unhealthy.
what is the best kind of diet?
Would assume, clean raw meat, and clean raw milk, and fermented vegetables and fruits and sprouts and whatnot and nuts. Rainbow colored vegetables and moderation of these foods. Spring water locally grown foods, and even natural cleaning.
People use to actually have grain mills, I don’t know though if the organic heirloom grains are made healthier when they are turned into flour to make bread, but the way I think about it, after the grain becomes a flour then it becomes so much easier for the body to digest. After that baking it as a dough by adding water to it and kneading it, well it becomes even more healthier with nutrients easily accessible to the body!
Me too. i seem to do best when i’m around 50% fat, 30% protein and 20% carbs. Or around those parts…
actually I do too, now that I think about it. Fats should consist a bit higher, then proteins come second and calcium and magnesium and potassium, and even then carbs for the energy from natural sugar or dietary fiber.
Me too love my high good fat
Coconut, coconut and coconut – daily, for all in the household – including the dogs.
Cacao coconut? Cocoa coconut? A very healthy combination is cacao coconut
Try egg eggplant
I just recently found you and I have started using pork fat to cook with. I have Hashimoto and I am having a lot of problems with food allergies. I was hunger ALL the time! After starting to use the rendered pork fat to cook with I find that I am more satisfied and actually eat less. I do have a question for you though about the pork fat. I prefer to buy the fat and render it myself. I am having a hard time finding ‘pastured’ pork. I did find a farm that sells at a local farmers market. Shes says she feeds her pigs “alfalfa, grass, vegetables, oatmeal, and occasionally yogurt”. Is this ok? I don’t want to be consuming bad fat. Thanks so much!
Eating good fats doesn’t make you fat. Insulin is the fat storing hormone and it takes carbohydrates to release insulin. Watch your starches, sweets, and alcohol. This article is accurate, I would only say don’t cook with olive oil as it is a mono-saturated fat. This means with elevated heat, olive oil can become a trans fat which is unhealthy.
However don’t kick ALL starches to the curb. Resistant Starches feed gut microbes that produce butyrate (like in butter) and a numbre of other healthy nutrients.
Yep I agree Bruce, I use EVOO only for cold or low heat applications. Coconut oil, avocado oil, safflower are my high heat ones.
I have one cup of coffee a day for breakfast, that is all I need until after noon. That helps me bump my fat intake. We put butter, coconut oil, gelatin and calcium in every time. We put chocolate, nut butters, bananas, pumpkin puree and different spices depending on our mood. We also drink full fat homemade hot cocoa made from milk in the evenings with added butters and oils, and just for fun marshmallows, made with marshmallow root. We are thinking of trying this with tea. I will have to experiment with that to see how I can get the right taste for my family. Darn it I have to drink yummy stuff, to make my fam healthy. This life is so hard (eyeroll). Everybody in the house gets in on the healthy oil drinks.
Christine 🙂
Was just reading 🙂 thank you sweets
Never read it, and never knew, but I was going to try this. Healthy fats/ sources only.
Yeah. But if you are trying to lose weight, doesn’t it make sense to go lower fat, not only to create a calorie deficit, but also because your body will get plenty by burning the stored fat? That’s what Paul Jaminet, who advocates a Paleoish/WAPFish diet, recommends.
I’ve found a few teaspoons of (non-hydrogenated) peanut butter in the early evening is so satisfying I’m not tempted to eat much more through the rest of the evening. I’m not gaining weight, but I guess if I was serious about losing some I could cut back on the number of teaspoons and see if the satiety effect is still there.
Mary MacDonald – there probably isn’t one diet that works for everyone. But I can tell you I most certainly eat a higher fat and lower carb diet than most and am down 24lbs in 10 weeks. It would have been more but my thyroid was off and my meds were upped a couple weeks ago. For me (b/c I have PCOS and am insulin resistant), I do best getting carbs only from fruit n veggies and letting my body burn bat for fuel. You can’t go into fat burning mode when insulin is floating around. You will have insulin floating around when you eat carbs.
I’ve read a lot about beef tallow (as mentioned in the blog post) but have no idea where to get it. I live in the LA area and we don’t have many farms out here :-). Any suggestions?
Milled flax seed, daily!
Babies, children need fat to develop healthy brains.
I’ll try!
Mixing carbs and fat is very bad idea. – Cook your vegetables in fat. – Don’t do that !
Fat + Carbs skyrockets blood sugar level.
This is really a good site