Have you ever tried to explain to a friend or relative why the lipid hypothesis is just plain wrong? Why dietary intake of saturated fat and cholesterol have nothing whatsoever to do with increasing incidence of heart disease (and may perhaps be protective against it)? Why a low-fat diet is actually unhealthy? Have you ever felt like the words got stuck in your mouth, or like you couldn’t find the right way to explain it all? Or maybe you felt like you could explain it, but you didn’t have scientific studies at hand to reference when they said “show me the science?”
Chris Kresser, recently released two beautifully done videos (really just one video, broken into two parts) that may be the answer to your prayers. Just email your friends or relatives these videos, and let Chris do the talking for you.
The video is called “I have high cholesterol, and I don’t care.” Catchy, isn’t it?
Primal Toad says
Awesome! I will without a doubt show my family and friends – as many as possible. This is so necessary for all of them to see!
My sister actually asked me what causes heart disease when I told them it wasnt fat or cholesterol. I was unable to come up with a good answer right away… then finally came up with a decent one later after I thought about it, lol. Damn I need to show them this immediately!
Thanks Kristen!
.-= Primal Toad´s last blog post …Primal Fitness: Simple Fit Workout Day 2 =-.
KristenM says
Oh, that answer’s easy: refined carbs and an unhealthy Omega 6:3 ratio! Or course, unpacking that takes quite a bit of work, and even I’m sometimes not able to pull it off as eloquently as I’d like.
PrimalToad says
2 Videos bust the #cholesterol myth, @Foodrenegade http://bit.ly/9DWbkw
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CharlesWelling says
Two Videos Bust the Cholesterol Myth http://ht.ly/1X13P
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The 50 Best Health Blogs says
Those are two very interesting videos. Thanks.
Jim Purdy
.-= The 50 Best Health Blogs´s last blog post …Comments? Questions? Suggestions? =-.
WholeMind says
Two Videos Bust the Cholesterol Myth | Food Renegade http://ow.ly/1X8Ta
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sa_cosme says
Yay bacon! http://tiny.cc/unmer
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FoodRenegade says
2 great videos bust the cholesterol myth: http://su.pr/1poilH
This comment was originally posted on Twitter
DB says
Really great videos! Thanks for clarifying something that is so unknown to most of our nation. My only concern is that the video also speaks in broad terms: “saturated fat” and “carbohydrates.” Would you agree that high quality carbohydrates (whole grains, vegetables, fruit) should still be a staple part of the diet?
Golf Simulator says
NIce videos. I really enjoyed watching it. and the pic is so tempting 😛
Jared Livingston says
The videos will not play – it says they are private. Rats.
Meredith Reichmann says
Is there a way to by-pass the “private” status of these videos?
Barbie Anderson says
I was so excited to watch the videos on cholesterol that you posted, one from Dr. Oz and two more by Chris Kresser. However, you can no longer view them on You Tube. Any suggestions as to where they are still available?
thank you,
Laura Smith Homan via Facebook says
I tried to watch them. Both said, “This video is private,” when I clicked on them.
Julie Kellum via Facebook says
ummmm…seems to be the frying of the food/oil/fat that is not good…so a pic of fried eggs here isnt good!
Download free instrumentals of songs, unprecedented photos and others via Facebook says
nice article
Stuart Lambert via Facebook says
Hiya – I got the “This video is private” message too…
Mary Light via Facebook says
I believe it’s deep fried foods that are objectionable, not an egg in a pan.
Aaron M. says