This month, I’m giving away this Le Creuset Signature Cast Iron Cookware Set to one of you.
I am so grateful for you, my readers! You hang with me through thick and thin as we buck conventional nutritional wisdom and cleave to eating according to our ancestral, traditional food ways. Without you, I wouldn’t be where I am today.
So, as a way of saying thank you and giving something back, I’m hosting monthly giveaways!
These prizes are coming entirely out of my own pocket. I choose them based on your Facebook votes, and I ship the prizes directly to your doorstep.
How to Enter
Entering the contest is as easy as 1-2-3!
1. Click the link below:
Le Creuset Cast Iron Cookware Set
(It will take you to to read about the product. Just come back here and carry on with steps 2 & 3.)
2. If you haven’t already, sign up for my email newsletter using the form below.
I hate spam and value your privacy! The emails you’ll receive will include:
- Real Food Recipes
- Nutrition & Health Articles
- Coupons, Special Offers, & More Giveaways
You can unsubscribe at any time. Please Note: YOU MUST be signed up for my newsletter at the time the contest is over in order to still be eligible to win.
Just enter your email address below and hit SUBSCRIBE. Super easy!
3. Verify your entries with the Raffelcopter widget below.
Just click the green buttons (they turn green when you hover over them) to let me know you entered! Raffelcopter will also give you the opportunity to get additional entries by following me on Facebook and Pinterest.
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Oh my goodness, so excited! Thanks for this awesome giveaway!
I would love to own one of those!!
Thank You for the opportunity to win this incredible set, what a joy it would be!
Did I miss Vitamix winner annoucement for October?
Thanks for the giveaways! you are awesome!!!!
I would LOVE this set! Thank you!
Can a Canadian win? I’ll pay the shipping if I do!!!
Red is my favorite color!
I have some older cast iron that needs a scrub and season, which is much cheaper than le creuset BUT OH do I drool over these beauties…good luck to all!
What a wonderful opportunity. Thanks and also thanks for your blog and all the awesome information and recipes that you share!
Thanks for such great giveaways.
Fun… thank you 🙂
I would be freaking ecstatic to win Le Creuset.
The red set is so pretty!
This would really help me out…moving out..need cookware!!
le creuset is the best!
I really enjoy Food Renegad. It gives great information and recipes. I love your giveaways, I am still using the same pans from my wedding.(1989):)
Love all things Le Creuset!!
I would truly love to have this set. I cook daily for my family and it would be a wonderful addition to the cook ware that I have that is in dire need of replacing.
Oh what a great prize! Especially when the starter-set of pans have taken a beating with daily cooking!
Always wanted a set of Le Creuset! Great giveaway.
What a wonderful giveaway!! Pick me, pick me!!
Beautiful set! I love Le Creuset. 🙂
Thanks for this great giveaway!
I have wanted LeCruset for many years, but never could afford it. Would love to win this one!
I love these pans. Thanks for the possibility…
Awesome giveaway! Thank you!
I have been craving a Le Creuset Dutch Oven with a lid for 10 years or more, someone is going to be a very happy cook when they win these!
ooh, I need some pots and pans, all I got is these hand-me-downs non stick laden of toxic crap pans from my grandma…they’re convenient and get the job done, but would love a better option!
What a beautiful giveaway. I’d never be able to afford this set, so thank you for the opportunity of winning it. I love your site with so many healthy recipes, as I cook everything we eat.
Thanks for the opportunity to win these beautiful pans.
Wow what an amazing giveaway! I Tweeted, as I do not Facebook. Just FYI Thanks.
These are awesome , love these pots.
Thank you for spreading the truth about the food we consume and how much it affects our lives!
Whawtwhawt! Thank you thank YOU,! Such a generous gift! Xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox
Would love to have these pans to cook in. Thanks for the chance to get them.
This would be the perfect thing to start my kitchen set!! Gotta get rid of all my junky pots and pans!
I love Le Creuset and would love to win this giveaway! Thank you so much for the opportunity!
This Le Creuset set is fantastic! Thank you for a fine giveaway 🙂
Me!!! Please pick me!!! I am a new cook teaching myself. I need all the tools I could get my hands on!! Please pick me!!! 🙂
Kristen. My computer melted down, & I lost all my info, including contacts. I don’t have your direct contact info anymore. Here is a link to a great article about bees & dealing with the colony collapse syndrome. You may want to run this or just make it avail to your subscribers. The LA Weekly edition ofJune14-20 2913 has an article titled BEE FEVER. It is very comprehensive Covering a broad spectrum of beekeeping issues. I know quite a lot about bees, but this article blew my mind & I learned a LOT more about bees.
The cookware is almost as amazing as you! 🙂
Thanks for the awesome giveaway.
Beautiful! Would love to win this! You have outstanding prizes!
OMG! This is my favorite color and I have a red teapot to match! This would be great for our LARGE family and I need some more cast iron. Thanks for the giveaway!!
I would LOVE this set. Thanks for another great giveaway 🙂
Le Creuset in red, does it get any better. I think not. Love this set. Thank you so much for your efforts on the blog and for the wonderful opportunities to enhance our cooking experience.
Wow! Awesome giveaway! I do not currently cook with cast iron, but I know I should. 🙂 And red is my favorite color!
Holy moly! Thank you for such a great giveaway (and everything else) 🙂 !
Please, please, pretty please!
If I win, this is my Moms Christmas gift!
Thank you for this giveaway! Love Food Renegade, Love Le Creuset, Love RED! 🙂
where are the green buttons to click?? lol
I have been wishing for this cookware for a while. I do hope to win. Thank you
I entered thanks!!!!!
I always wanted a set like this…..but to expensive…..I would be thrilled to win it….thank you for the opportunity….
Awesome :] Thanks for doing the giveaway!
Love em!! Thanks for the chance!!
The widget just says “Loading…” So I cannot enter…
Please choose me! I have no cast iron in my collection!
Would love to win this. Thanks
Where is the widget
Red Red Red…trying your easy home made Worcestershire sauce today sans anchovies. Thx
Thanks for the nice giveaway.
Thank you for the opportunity to win this set! It would be perfect timing to win these, for me!
I’d love to win these. Thanks for the offer.
Thanks for another great give away opportunity. Really though, I feel like I get great stuff for free, everyday, from your posts!
Received a le creuset dutch oven as a birthday gift and it is the only thing I want to used… I’m addicted! Would love to win these.
My pans have seen better days; how great would it be to win the top of the line to replace them with.
I would love to win this beautiful set of cookware and I followed your instructions through #2 but for some reason #3 or the Rafflecopter widget didn’t work. Thank you! Margaret
I would love to win this Le Creuset Cookware Set. I completed #1, but I am already subscribed to your newsletter, so I couldn’t enter anymore times. I love all your recipes and information you provide to help us eat right and stay healthy.
Thanks for this opportunity, Kristen.
My husband bought me a new stove earlier this year, but none of my pans will sit flat on the glass cook top. These look like they would work fantastically! Thanks for the opportunity to win these.
New convert to natural products… would love to win! Thanks!
I entered..thanks!!
Hi, 🙂
I am a new subscriber, and did get my confirmation email – however, I wasn’t able to complete my entry into the contest because I didn’t get any Rafflecopter buttons?
Hope I’m still entered? Thanks for fighting the good, and worthy, fight! 🙂
Thank you!
Amazing giveaway!
Thanks for this wonderful Give Away!
Looking forward to more great things from you.
I am an avid cook, baker and creative food soul. Good luck to all who enter. Happy Thanksgiving Everyone. 🙂
A more fantastic giveaway there could not be! Le Creuset equals cooking heaven in my book:)
I threw away all my old cookware as it was of the nonstick variety and so I would LOVE to win these, i am operating with a few pans of a friends and buying new is NOT in the budget right now! I still feel the getting rid of the old was worth the sacrifice because I am trying to implement things that are better for y families health as I learn new things!
Great giveaway!
This would be a dream gift! Oh the things I could make 🙂
Love this cookware! thanks for the opportunity!
Thank you for this opportunity! Love this:)!
These look awesome!
I would really love to win these. I love cast iron pots.
What a fantastic giveaway! I have to get rid of my old pots and pans. Would love these!
thanks for what you do!
I don’t have the rafflecopter widget appearing to enter for the giveaway.
Would LOVE this!!! Thanks for the opportunity and the great information you share!
I recently started over. These pans will be a great addition to restocking and rebuilding my kitchen. I love cast iron 😀
Thanks for this wonderful give away!
Would love, love, love this cooking set. Am just coming into my own as a cook and these would greatly enhance my collection.