After two weeks of holiday festivities, welcome back to yet another Fight Back Friday! Today we’re bringing together a collection of recipes, tips, anecdotes, and testimonies from members of the Real Food Revolution.
Who are they? Why, they’re the Food Renegades. You know who you are — lovers of SOLE (Sustainable, Organic, Local, and Ethical) food, traditional food, primal food, REAL food, the list goes on. I believe that by joining together, our influence can grow, and we can change the way America (and the industrialized world) eats!
So, let’s have some fun.
If you want to participate but aren’t sure how, please read these guidelines for how Fight Back Fridays will work.
Please be courteous and use your BEST blog carnival manners! In the very least, that means remember the two most important things you can do:
- Share a relevant post from your blog with us using the Mr. Linky Widget below (don’t just link to your blog’s home page).
- In your post, be sure to link back to this post (not the Food Renegade home page) so that your readers can have access to all the information and encouragement we’ll be sharing.
Please also feel free to make use of any of the banners below by saving the image to your desktop then uploading it to your own server. (You don’t have to use them, but they’re there for you!)
If you don’t have a blog but are interested in joining the conversation, you can leave your comments below!
Today, I’m sharing a super-easy, kid-friendly recipe for Eggs Poached in Marinara Sauce. (So yummy in your tummy!)
I can’t wait to see what you all share!
Fight Back Friday Banners
PLEASE NOTE: The smaller banners are also available as badges/buttons for your sites over on my sidebar so that you can sport your Real Food Lovin’ Pride and inspire others to join us in the Real Food Revolution. Just copy the code and paste it into your sidebar. (Again, you don’t have to use them to participate in the carnival.)
Powered by… Mister Linky’s Magical Widgets.
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I’m a long time reader, but first time participant in Fight Back Friday! Thank you for hosting, and keep up the wonderful renegade work! 🙂
.-= Jen (Modern Beet)´s last blog post …Orange, Pomelo, Lemon and Ginger Preserves =-.
This looks fantastic as do the other recipes you mentioned from the book. I’m inspired, but still have way too many jams-in-waiting. What to do, what to do…
This comment was originally posted on Modern Beet
denise — the only thing to do seems to be to start making jam! 🙂 if you are interested we could do a jam swap??
This comment was originally posted on Modern Beet
It was great chatting with everyone who showed up at the Real Food Twitter party this evening!
.-= Melissa @CelluliteInvestigation´s last blog post …Request for Information: What’s the Cellulite Situation in Your Part of the World? =-.
I don’t can but have often wondered what we did “before the packets of pectin” I am glad to know the healthier way! Someday I will can – just not this day! I wish had some of your preserves now, they sound yum!
This comment was originally posted on Modern Beet
Happy new year, Kristen,
Good to be back at Fight Back Fridays!
.-= Dr Ayala´s last blog post …Are vegetarian diets healthy? =-.
So glad for another round of Fight Back Friday’s! Today I’m sharing a wholesome rice pudding with flavors typical of Spain. Creamy and nourishing using fresh raw milk, my backyard eggs, lemon peel, cinnamon and sweetened with raw honey! So good and creamy!!
.-= Diana@Spain in Iowa´s last blog post …Arroz Con Leche – Rice Pudding =-.
We’re grilling in January at Peaceful Acres. Come by today and see what other nutrient dense foods we had with our January Grilled Onions fresh from the winter garden!
.-= Diane@Peaceful Acres´s last blog post …The January Grill =-.
I’ve also missed Fight Back Friday and am looking forward to browsing the recipes. They all look so good. I’m sharing a warm salad with winter kale and quinoa – yummy and nutritious, too!
.-= Amy @ SS&GF´s last blog post …Old Fashioned Gluten Free Gingerbread Recipe =-.
I meant to post my Spicy Sustainable Shrimp with Kale and Quinoa but the link above is showing a different post, and I’m not sure why! Thanks for hosting Fight Back Fridays!
.-= Winnie´s last blog post …Kumquat Marmalade with Champagne and Figs =-.
Fight Back Friday hosted by @FoodRenegade is live. We’re post #8…
This comment was originally posted on Twitter
I posted an oldie but goodie essay from my file about growing up on a farm. For the Jam folks – there’s a Can Jam challenge this year at
.-= The Local Cook´s last blog post …FitJerk Friday: Realizing Your Potential In Life =-.
I love this. It epidomizes what I enjoy about your blog and I think you summed it up nicely in your prose. I love that you make so many things that most people would just buy at the store. However, it’s definitely worth it to make it yourself because the flavor combinations are limitless.
This comment was originally posted on Modern Beet
Once I make a new jam I’d love to do a swap. I really want to try something from the Winter section of this book. It looks great!
This comment was originally posted on Modern Beet
Hi Kristen!
Glad to have Fight Back Friday back. I have been lacto-fermenting a bit (my husband says I’m obsessed) and wanted to share some of the results and the opinons from my family.
.-= Millie @ Real Food for Less Money´s last blog post …Lacto-Fermentation Hits and Misses- Our Results =-.
A shout out for the sustainable sardine.
.-= Melissa Graham´s last blog post …It’s Alive! =-.
Glad to see FBF again 🙂 Posted a personal review of a local (to Minneapolis/St Paul) CSA where you can get raw milk.
.-= Psychic Lunch´s last blog post …Raw Milk in Minneapolis =-.
I wrote about Our Plastic Lives, xenoestrogens and estrogen pollution.
.-= Lindsay´s last blog post …Our Plastic Life =-.
I did a lot of preserves when we lived on Long Island. Blueberry shallot chutney was always a favorite. I also did blackberry jalepeno, strawberry lemon zest, raspberry anise, pear cardamom, tomato brown sugar ginger and anise, peach clove and peach mint. I haven’t done any since we left there a year and a half ago. I had no room in Seattle and I guess have just been lazy about it since moving here. I think you’ve just inspired me to take it up again.
This comment was originally posted on Modern Beet
Look forward to a year of discovering better ways of eating at Fight Back Friday.
.-= Greenearth´s last blog post …Always Learning Something New at the Community Garden. =-.
Hey Guys!
This week I’ve posted some cute cupcakes with interesting ingredients!
I’m glad FBF’s back for 2010!
.-= Michelle @ Health Food Lover´s last blog post …Cute and Sweet: Matcha Mint & Choc-Mint Spelt Cupcakes! =-.
Christy – you should definitely try canning! especially jams and pickles… I haven’t yet found the motivation to make plain canned vegetables and fruits, but the extra zing of jellies and pickles keeps me excited. You might check out The Joy of Pickling for good (and sometimes unusual) pickle recipes (all sorts of pickles, not just cucumbers)
Kelly — that’s a really nice thing to say! I always appreciate your thoughtful comments!
denise — a swap would be fantastic! Let me know when you’ve cooked up some new preserves!
Erin — those combinations sound amazing! cardamom is one of my favorite spices, so I am particularly drawn to the pear cardamom one you mentioned — is the recipe on your blog? want to participate in denise’ and my jam swap?
This comment was originally posted on Modern Beet
Although my submission is not so much a recipe, it’s no doubt a promotion of natural foods that are good for keeping dementia and Alzheimer’s away. Hope you like it!
.-= The Conscious Life´s last blog post …How to Make Adult Learning as Addictive as Games =-.
This looks so delicious! And it’s neat how you showed the progression from a mess of fruit and sugar to a smooth jam.
This comment was originally posted on Modern Beet
It’s not, the last time I made that one in particular I didn’t have a blog! I will recreate it one of these days and we will have to do a swap.
This comment was originally posted on Modern Beet
Rhea — Thanks for commenting! I am glad you like the pictures. The first couple of times I made jam I wished I had a better guide (I sort of followed the ’seat of the pants’ approach), so I hope the photos are helpful
Erin — please do recreate it!! also, do you think your chutney would work with dried elderberries? I dried a bunch in 2008, and they are just sitting in my cabinet waiting to be used for something…
This comment was originally posted on Modern Beet
You know, I have never had an elderberry. If the flavor profile is similar I am sure it would work. I actually use fresh blueberries for the chutney, not exactly textbook, but delicious. I paired it with shallots, lime zest (I think, could have been orange) and balsamic. It is really fantastic on grilled duck.
This comment was originally posted on Modern Beet
I have the book! I’m admiring the Orange with Earl Grey Tea. I’ll try not to procrastinate for too long…
This comment was originally posted on Modern Beet