This month, I’m giving away a $750 Amazon Gift Card to one of you.
I am so grateful for you, my readers! You hang with me through thick and thin as we buck conventional nutritional wisdom and cleave to eating according to our ancestral, traditional food ways. Without you, I wouldn’t be where I am today.
And this has been an AMAZING year. The highlight for me? You raised more than $50K for my favorite non-profit, the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund.
So, as a way of saying thank you and giving something back, I’m hosting monthly giveaways!
These prizes are coming entirely out of my own pocket. I choose them based on your Facebook votes, and I ship the prizes directly to your doorstep.
How to Enter
Entering the contest is as easy as 1-2-3!
1. Click the link below:
(YOU MUST CLICK ON THE LINK. It will take you to to read all about the gift card’s terms of use. Just remember to come back here and carry on with steps 2 & 3.)
2. If you haven’t already, sign up for my email newsletter using the form below.
I hate spam and value your privacy! The emails you’ll receive will include:
- Real Food Recipes
- Nutrition & Health Articles
- Coupons, Special Offers, & More Giveaways
You can unsubscribe at any time. Please Note: YOU MUST be signed up for my newsletter at the time the contest is over in order to still be eligible to win.
Just enter your email address below and hit SUBSCRIBE. Super easy!
3. Verify your entries with the Raffelcopter widget below.
Just click the grey-blue buttons (they turn blue when you hover over them) and click ENTER to let me know you entered! Raffelcopter will also give you the opportunity to get additional entries by following me on Facebook and Pinterest.
(Note: You do NOT need to login with Facebook to use the Raffelcopter widget. You may also log into the widget using your email address. Once logged in, simply follow the instructions above to have it count your entries.)
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Would love to win this! How about you?
Who wouldn’t want to try?!
This would be super awesome to be blessed with!
My cart and wish list would be empty 😉
Thank you for the giveaway
Wouldn’t allow me to sign up. 🙁
I’d love to win this so I can buy my pressure cooker!
Love this gift card in this holiday season.
Whoa…heck ya! Would love to win this! I’m in.
Thanks for hosting!!
Great blog, and exciting giveaway! Both will be a great help to regaining my health from chronic illness… thanks!
Awesome Giveaway!
How fun. THANK YOU!!!
Just wanted to say that I love your blog! And thank you for all of the excellent information 🙂
Done, and thankyou so much. On the terms and conditions, it shows most of their affiliates, etc.. as not useable. I usually only use Amazon Smile. Is that one useable with this gift card?
What an awesome giveaway! Thanks so much!
I’m entering now! Thanks for hosting such fabulous giveaways.
Thanks for the chance! sharing with friends 🙂
Awesome 🙂
This is NOT a thankyou but a blanten advertisement for Amazon. SHAME ON BOTH OF YOU.
I am sorry you feel that way. You are welcome to NOT follow me and to unsubscribe if you seriously believe I’m lying about how grateful I am.
But I assure you, I am a real person. I am honestly humbled and grateful by the generosity of my readers. And this really is my way of saying thank you.
If this giveaway doesn’t communicate my heartfelt thanksgiving to you, then maybe my words will?
Or maybe nothing will, since you’re so quick to think the worst of a complete stranger on the internet. You may find that life is much more pleasant if you believe the best about people and their intentions until you have a real reason to believe otherwise…
Wishing you all the best,
(AKA Food Renegade)
Would love to win. Lorraine Wiebe
You guys realize this is because of how grateful I am to you, right??? You raised more than $50K for the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund this year!! This is just my way of saying thank you. 🙂
I would really love to win this giveaway, and just in time for the hollidays! Awesome!
yes please indeed!
Follow regardless cuz you Rock but also excited to enter!!!
Sorry, but the Rafflecopter thing is not working. I’ve subscribed to your list, and clicked on that link about a million times. But still no Rafflecopter.
Hi Kim,
How are you logging into the Rafflecopter Widget — using Facebook or using your email address?
Or are you saying that you don’t see the Rafflecopter Widget at all? If you can’t see it, it’s likely because you have javascript disabled or an ad blocker enabled. You’ll need to enable javascript for this page or disable your ad blocker for this page in order to view the Widget.
I signed up via email as I don’t Facebook. But it showed up fine for me.
I just found you after searching for fermented sauerkraut recipes. I have now bookmarked & subscribed and am in the process of going through past posts!
A great blog!
Blessings and it would be over the top to win the prize!
I am looking forward to learning more from you in the new year!
I could really use this! I have been unemployed for 9 months and really would love to buy some pretties for myself and my family 🙂
Thanks for the chance to win!
Thanks for the chance.
WOW!!! Did you ever post the winners for October and November? I’ve been waiting and hoping 🙂
love it!!
What a nice contest, would be fun to spend that. 🙂
Good stuff
Yes, I’ve entered! Thank you for the awesome giveaway opportunity! Best wishes to all those entering and happy holidays! 🙂
Great giveaway! Thanks for all the great content you share.
Pick me!
Thank you, an amazing prize!
One of my favorite places to shop. Thanks for the opportunity!!
Me, me, me!
Awesome! Would be so helpful to have a nice stocking stuffer like this!!
Yay! Thank you!!!
Awesome giveaway!!!
Pick me please.
I’m glad I found your site and I also hope you pick me for the GC!
Hope I win 🙂
Great giveaway. Thank you.
I hope I am the lucky winner.
I don’t care who wins. . .I would love it, but I am sure that there are people who need it more than I do. . .so I am not entering!!!! Good luck to everyone else!!!!! I think that it is great that you do this!!!!
Would make an awesome Christmas gift!!
It wouldn’t let me do step 3. The rafflecopter never showed up. Please enter me in the giveaway. Thank you for everything that you do, and for this chance to buy something nice for my daughter.
I love your blog, even when you don’t give stuff away! 😉
What a fantastic prize to give away!
I hope I win
I’m a giver and this holiday season is super tight as we moved to a one income family. Winning this would be the most amazing thing! Good luck to all 🙂
Thank you, I love your blog! Such great information and recipes for real food eating in a pretend food world.
I entered! I would like so much to win, but I wish everyone luck!
Thank you so much for the giveway! 😉
Kristen, thank you so much for giving us the opportunity to win this wonderful gift. Too bad there are a few Grinchs trying to spoil the fun.
There are several items I would love to have but can’t afford, so this would be a great gift and I’d love sharing with someone who has far more needs than most of us, but never complains.
Merry Christmas –
Forgot to mention that it was wonderful to see how much was raised for Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund. One of the best. Keep that raw milk flowing for sure!
I’ve entered 🙂 Fingers crossed.
Shared and liked 🙂
I looked everywhere but couldn’t find the contest rules. Can you help me find them?
Rise above the gimmicks. Set yourself apart. Probably cost you less than half if anything at all for an Amazon gift card while you promote their site. Good companies that want to stay around do not fool around. Perception is more than your you think.
Thank you for doing this!
I don’t win things but you can’t win if you don’t enter. So I entered.
I’M IN !!!! TY….L&S
thanks <3
Love your work.. shared!
How generous and full of holiday spirit! Thank you so much for this opportunity- the work that you do is truly a blessing! 🙂
Thanks for your blog and doing the research you do. 🙂
That would be a nice win!
WOW! Thanks for the chance! 🙂 <3
Priscilla Slone Thacker Current Resident
I entered! Hope I win! I loved the post about earthing helping adrenal fatigue, I am hoping to be sleeping on an earthing sheet soon!
Thank you for the chance. Shared
And I am all entered!
FYI – dead link on the rafflecopter tab for Google+.
I have my fingers crossed, I could get my Blendtec (finally!) and still have enough left over to cover at least a year’s textbooks!
Wow! That’s a big prize! Thanks for the opportunity!!! Amazon is my favorite way to shop. Looking forward to receiving your lovely recipes in my inbox! 😀
I have been following you for YEARSSSS!!! This is seriously the most generous gift EVER!!! I order from Amazon on almost a daily basis, ha! They just have everything, and make my life so much easier! Speaking of, I need to order a few other things, RIGHT NOW!
Food Renegade Do we need to actually share the post every day to get the 3 additional daily points? I’ve shared it three days in a row and my entry number hasn’t risen above 10… am I missing something?
Cool site
Shared yet again
Love your page!!!
worth sharing
RE: OMG, I shared.
Wow, prize Amazon gc is fab. & splendid. 2 fingers snap. It is tight, fly
& off the chain. Thank you for the awesomeness, the contest, and
generosity. Pick me, pick me! Dear Santa: I’ve been nice. My X-Mas
wish this year is to win this contest. Starving artist here desperately needs
the Amazon gc to shop and eat again.
Wow, prize Amazon gc is fab. & splendid. 2 fingers snap. It is tight, fly & off the chain. Thank you for the awesomeness, the contest, and generosity. Pick me, pick me! Dear Santa: I’ve been nice. My X-Mas wish this year is to win this contest. Starving artist here desperately needs the Amazon gc to shop and eat again.
Thanks for this giveaway,it”s a huge prize 😀 and if i win i will use for buy a new laptop for gaming 🙂
AWESOME!! <3Merelyn Reads Shani Walters-Gray Sofia Black Roselle Torres Barbara Gartman Maria Theresa Santos Angelina Ocampo Amber Rose Bauswell Angie Richards
awesome!!! Merelyn Reads Priscilla Slone ThackerAngela Cetrangola Angel BookWhisperer Anna AbellaAnnisa Belikov Casillas Shandra Torbett SB Morales Aprille ShadowspeakJessica Bush Jessica Settle Jenn MarrDzintra Sullivan
Thank you so much for this giveaway.
Love this
liked & shared; Brian Lane, Renee Mckinney, Jacquie Denison, Kathy Heare Watts, Jessica Mueller, Sarah Nichols, Cathy Robbs, Virginia Schroeder
thanks for the giveaway and good luck to everyone.
I hope I win this giveaway. I been wanting to go on a diet for a while & I never really had the right food.. This will be a jump start… 🙂
This is an awesome giveaway!
Entered and shared on Facebook. This would be a great blessing for anyone, indeed!
Thank you. This is very generous of you.
Happy Holidays!!
Oh man this would come in so hand. I could get my hubby a new wheelchair!! That would be awesome! Good Luck ladies, whoever wins this I hope it comes in handy and helps with what ever it is you need right now. We all have things we need desperately and amazon has it all! Great Gift card giveaway!
Ha-ha this is awesome!!! Can’t wait! So want to win this!!!
When will the contest be over and how will you notify the winner? 🙂 Thanks for this! Winning would be amazing. 🙂
Thanks, just entered!! I hope I win! Love from Dubai! xoxo (P.S I really hope there aren’t any country restrictions…)
Awesome giveaway. Good luck everyone! Fingers crossed!
What a generous giveaway! Thank you so much for the chance to receive this wonderful gift! Blessings to you and yours for the holidays!
Whoa, this is so complicated.
click on the amazon link, and then? will the link take me back to your site? no, hit the back button
sign up but wait, I have to do something to receive the free report. what free report? do I want the free report? I thought I was entering a giveaway.
then click on rafflecopter button that turns to blue from gray. Uh. nothing is letting me click, do I now have to sign up for rafflecopter? unclear. will I be spammed by rafflecopter? unclear.
What an awesome giveaway! Thank you for offering this!!!
I would love to win!
Thank you for this chance to win!
Omg what a wonderful thing to do! Thanks so much for the chance. Happy New Year!
Oh, this would help with our homeschooling adventures sooo much!
I just stumbled upon your website, the last day of 2014, while searching for info to help me learn about healthier lifestyles. So glad I found you! Also entered your giveaway. Thanks for all you do and your generosity! Happy and Healthy New Year Everyone!
where can we check if we have won?
An ipad air was on my wish list this year!
I was on your site, when a popup popped up saying to enter the context, and click here…
Well, on that page, it says it is OVER in the Rafflecopter section.
So, it looks like you should stop the popup from popping up!
Also, it is unclear how you determined the winner. I do not see any “Official Rules”, that state things like beginning and end date. Important info.
Have you selected a winner for the Amazon giveaway? I tried asking on your Facebook page but I don’t know how closely monitored the posts are there. I didn’t see it anywhere on your website either.