As healthcare providers across the U.S. desperately attempt to treat a rapidly growing number of patients with the coronavirus, a pharmaceutical company with ties to the Trump administration has been granted exclusive status for a drug it is developing to treat the illness—a potential windfall for the company that could put the medication out of…
Kombucha Questions & Answers
For those new to making kombucha, the process can be intimidating. Every little thing is confusing. Does it matter if my kombucha SCOBY sinks? Can I cut my SCOBY in half? Why can’t I ferment the kombucha SCOBY with fruit juice? How much sugar is left in the kombucha when it’s done? How can I tell when my kombucha is done? It’s taking an unusually long time for my SCOBY to grow. How long is enough? Today, I’m answering these and other frequently asked questions about kombucha. Hope it helps!
The Eczema Cure: Discover the Root Cause And Heal Yourself
Even if you don’t need an eczema cure, I’d be willing to bet you know someone who does. That’s because more than 15 million people in the U.S. are suffering from eczema at this very moment. Eczema is an itchy, often painful rash. The typical treatment of steroid creams? Doesn’t really work. Why’s that? It’s a short-term solution that doesn’t treat the real cause.
What to Take Instead of Cod Liver Oil
If you’re having a tough time swallowing cod liver oil, you’ll be relieved to discover what my family takes instead. I believe the combination of these whole food based supplements confer benefits equal to (and possibly excelling) what you could get from cod liver oil on its own.
How to Make an Egg Substitute with Chia Seeds
Do you want to know how to make an egg substitute with chia seeds? Did you even know that was possible? I am an egg addict. I love eating eggs from pastured hens, love their firm, bright orange yolks, love how nutrient-dense and healthy they are. Yet sometimes I (gasp!) run out of eggs before I have the chance to buy them again from my local farmer. When that happens and I need an egg substitute for some baked goods, I use chia seeds as an egg substitute. (This is also particularly useful for those with egg allergies!)
New Studies Show Gut Bacteria Are “Mind-altering Microorganisms”
Did you know that you have ten times as many bacteria cells in your body as you do human ones? Humans are, for all intents and purposes, “bacteria powered.” While this is old news for many who’ve experienced the benefits of a living, probiotic-rich diet first hand, scientists have only recently begun studying the gut-brain connection with more depth. What they’re finding out is positively fascinating!
Magnesium Deficiency: Symptoms, Causes, & Treatment
Magnesium deficiency affects at least 68% of us according to the Journal of the American College of Nutrition. Translation? Two out of every three people you meet suffer from magnesium deficiency. The truly sad thing? Most don’t even know it. They experience magnesium deficiency symptoms, but blame those symptoms on a myriad of other causes. Because magnesium deficiency has been tied to innumerable health problems from insomnia to morning sickness to muscle tics, you can’t afford to assume that you belong to the other 32%.
Where’s The Butter?
It’s not where you think it is. Not long ago, someone was treating me to breakfast and took me to I.H.O.P. I asked the waiter if he could bring me butter, and he brought me margarine.
“Excuse me,” I asked him politely, “but do you have any butter butter? Real butter, I mean, not margarine?” His momentarily confused expression quickly passed, and then he promised to go ask his manager.
Five minutes later, the manager came out and asked me what I wanted. I reiterated that I simply wanted some butter. I wasn’t trying to be a pain, but surely the restaurant had real butter somewhere back in the kitchen.
Five minutes later, he returned. “We don’t have any butter,” he said.
How To Recover Gut Health After Antibiotics
In past generations, the same infectious diseases that would have impaired or killed us are easily halted through a simple course of antibiotic medication. While I’m not in favor of contaminating our food supply with antibiotics, using them wisely in order to stop the progress of acute disease is extremely valuable. But one of their unfortunate side effects, however, is that antibiotic drugs are not selective in choosing which bacteria to kill. All the good bacterial colonies in the gut die along with the bad. Because of that, readers often write to me asking how to recover their gut health after a round of antibiotics.
Is Pressure Cooking Healthy?
Does pressure cooking preserve nutrients or destroy them? Does it denature proteins? Create carcinogens? I’ve heard all this and more about pressure cookers. So, what’s the truth?
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