I just stumbled upon a great podcast interview of Daphne Miller, the global diet researcher who recently published a book called The Jungle Effect in which she makes a good case for indigenous diets. (I haven’t read the book, but the premise sounds good. Maybe I’ll buy it and review it for you guys.) In…
Easy NT Friendly Cold Cereal/Instant Oatmeal
Okay, real food lovers, I’ve got a recipe for you. Amazingly versatile, it’s a cold breakfast cereal and quick-cooking hot oatmeal rolled into one.
HFCS suspected culprit in student’s misbehavior
That, and the loaded down sugary treats and foods sold in the school lunch room. Let’s face it folks, refined sugar is ubiquitous. It’s in lunch room milk. It’s in chimichangas, for Pete’s sake. It’s everywhere. Thankfully, it can be avoided. It’s not all that tricky or hard, but here’s how you do it. You…
Sally Fallon’s Nourishing Traditional Diets
I found this video of Sally Fallon’s lecture at the Weston A. Price’s Wise Traditions 2008 Conference. A basic introduction to the thought of Dr. Price, it’s packed full of information about his research into nourishing traditional diets. For my two cents, the third part is the most interesting. But, as just putting the third…
A Philosophy of Food
Everyone has one, even you.