Thank you all for your well wishes and congratulations on the birth of Alina Mae. We are both doing quite well. I think I may start working again part-time next week. I’ve still got to finish putting the finishing touches on the Real Food Nutrition & Health For Kids book. I know I promised you all a July release date, and it probably would have happened if Alina hadn’t popped out a couple of weeks ahead of her due date. As it is, you can trust that it’s the next “major thing” I’m tackling, so I’ll have it available to you as soon as possible. In the meantime, Real Food Nutrition & Health (for those aged 12 & up) is already available, and now is the time to buy to prepare for the new school year!
In lieu of actually writing something original here today, I thought I’d share some link love! Hope you enjoy.
First up, the Smithsonian is exhibiting American food posters from the World Wars, and a neat little collection is available online. I don’t know about you, but I love looking at old propaganda. Consider how different the advice back then is from what the government is telling us today (Eat more eggs? Homegrown is best?).
Next, I really enjoyed this guest post by Stanley Fishman of Tender Grassfed Meat over at Kim Hartke‘s blog about the healing power of raw milk.
I am ever a fan of egg salad, and this Tarragon Egg Salad at Simply Recipes looks summery and delightful.
Remember how the China Study was recently discredited? Well, Dr. Michael Eades finally weighed in with his response to both Denise Minger’s hefty series of blog posts and T. Colin Campbell’s light-weight rebuttals.
And finally, Dr. Michael Teplitsky guest posts at Kelly The Kitchen Kop to answer the question Cod Liver Oil: Healthy or Dangerous?
Brandi says
I am in the process of reading your book right now and busily writing up questions for my 11 yr. old. We are studying Nutrition this year and yours is the first book we will be tackling! Can’t wait for your kid version to come out for my younger two!! Thanks for all the hard work you do. 🙂
.-= Brandi´s last blog post …Corn Salad =-.
Alisa - Frugal Foodie says
So adorable! Congratulations again. I didn’t realize you already had a book out. Going to check it out now.
.-= Alisa – Frugal Foodie´s last blog post …Chocolate Explosion Oatmeal Cookies =-.
Rebecca Gerendasy says
What a cutie – and belated congrats!
Chris @ Natural Health Goodies says
Well, I’ve been living in a cave – what a beautiful surprise congratulations! (I been so out of the blogging loop I haven’t been by in far too long)
.-= Chris @ Natural Health Goodies´s last blog post …Naturally Healthy Coconut Water Without Risk of Injury =-.
Danielle Renee says
Congratulations! Such a beauty