If you’re a long-time reader of this site, you’re already familiar with the Real Food Nutrition & Health online class. Geared for teenagers, but accessible to anyone who wants to understand the basics about human nutrition, the class engages students in creative and thought-provoking ways. Students can watch videos, listen to the world’s leading thinkers in sustainable foods via downloadable audio excerpts, read challenging essays, and question their own eating habits.
This year, I’m offering a special Summer Home Study Session. Enrollment opens today and will close on June 16th. What makes this summer session unique?
Glad you asked!
The Summer Home-Study Session is entirely self-paced. Rather than posting a lesson per week as I do during the normal school year sessions, I’ll give you instant access to every lesson and all their accompanying materials.
This session is also completely ungraded. It’s designed to be incredibly flexible — just like summer! Work around your planned vacations (or during them) without fretting about late or missed assignments.
It’s discounted! Use coupon code SUMMERSAVE20, and get $20 off the regular enrollment price! That can bring the course down to as little as $80, depending on your payment options.
What do you get when you enroll?
If you enroll, you and your kids will read first-hand accounts from inside the Real Food Revolution, watch video footage of the leading thinkers behind the sustainable food movement, and engage the course materials in a critical, thoughtful way while participating in an online community learning experience.
You’ll get to do experiments at the grocery store, in your kitchen, and (if possible) local farms.
We’ll have fun. Scouts honor.
Needless to say, I’m excited to offer you and your children (ages 12 & up) an e-course in Nutrition that lives up to my standards. Each week’s lesson contains:
- Engaging Reading Assignments
- Time-Saving Audio Files
- Informative yet Entertaining Videos
- Group Discussion Questions
- Creative and Thought-Provoking Projects
Watch This Sneak Peek Video
When you enroll, you’ll have access to hours of streaming video files like the one below. This is one of the videos from the first lesson, dealing with the concept of nutritionism.
Lesson 1:1 Food, Not Nutrients from FoodRenegade on Vimeo.
See What Sorts of Fun You Could Be Having
Although I won’t be grading assignments during the Summer Home-Study Session, that doesn’t mean you can’t do them! Assignments include all kinds of hands-on questioning — from surprisingly informative surveys of your own pantry, to experimenting on growing grass with food dyes, to speaking with local farmers about their practices, and more. Check out this post highlighting three typical class projects!
Megan Mulroy Harpine via Facebook says
Loved this course. Highly reccomend it if your considering it…just do it. You will learn life long lessons
Food Renegade via Facebook says
Thanks, Megan!
Pattie Henry Delevan via Facebook says
Took it already……loved it!! Very liberating!!
Jo at Jo's Health Corner says
It sounds great! I have to show this to my husband , this looks like something that would be good for my teenager.
Tammy R. says
Sounds good but I am really wanting to get the Real Food Nutrition & Health For Kids course. Will that be available by this fall, when we start up homeschooling again? please? 🙂
Mindy says
I second the request about the Real Food Nutrition & Health for Kids book. Is there any idea of when it’ll be out?
Sharon says
Is this course offered all the time?… or are there specific dates?… I noticed that this seems to have originally been posted in 2011. Please advise.
KristenM says
It’s open all year now. The course used to be offered only once per semester since it was graded. It is no longer graded and is entirely self-paced with an open-enrollment.
Sharon says
Thank you for such a quick reply! I have a 14 year old daughter who I believe would be interested in this. I have read and shared information with her from such books as Jonathan Bailor’s “The Smarter Science of Slim” and the Calton’s “Rich Food, Poor Food,” but I think something geared to her age and that does NOT follow the USDA MyPlate is wonderful! Thank You.