Melissa Joulwan is a rock star. Ever since she started sharing recipes on Fight Back Fridays, I knew this fellow Austin blogger was on to something game changing — a way to throw deliciously healthy meals together for people who don’t really have the time, energy, or desire to cook. Apparently, she realized she was on to something, too, because she turned her system into a cookbook full of mouthwatering recipes.
But it’s more than just a collection of recipes. It’s a guide — a how-to manual geared at helping the laziest among us run our kitchens and feed our families. Please don’t equate lazy with boring. This is by no means a boring cookbook, full of boring recipes. Like Melissa, this book has attitude, and the recipes have spunk.
This week, I’m giving away a copy of her book, Well Fed: Paleo Recipes for People Who Love to Eat.
Any regular reader of this blog knows that I’m not a hard core Paleo dieter. I’m more prone to define myself as a Real Food lover. By Real Food, I mean the kind of food that people ate before the advent of the industrialization of our food supply — food that’s old and traditionally-prepared. Obviously, as a proponent of ancestral diets, I see a lot of overlap with those eating a Paleo diet. The Paleo diet is, after all, based on a hunter-gatherer variation of an ancestral diet.
Perhaps the single most appealing thing to me about the Paleo diet is that it’s simple. It appeals to the lazy side of me — the part of me that thinks that sprouting, grinding, and soaking grains is a lot of work. Because I am a lazy person, I usually fall into a pattern of either making Paleo dinners or dishing out the extra cash for store-bought sprouted grains. And, because no one in my family is trying to lose weight, I happily include the easy-to-prepare rice or potatoes or raw dairy in our meals to make sure we’re satisfying all our carb-cravings.
All that said, you won’t hear me knocking the Paleo diet. For a lot of people, it works. It’s been the key to unlocking transformed health. After all, how could it not? Particularly if you’re switching from a Standard American Diet?
My main point with diets is this: stick to Real Food and find what works for you. Each of us is so unique, with such a complex cocktail of hormones and blood chemistry, all with a varying ancestral heritage. There can’t possibly be one optimal human diet, but rather a myriad of ones traditionally eaten by successful pre-industrialized people groups. My main goal is to see the similarities between these diets and apply these principles towards a definition of what constitutes Real Food (rather than the edible, food-like substances our society gorges itself on).
What You’ll Win
Well Fed: Paleo Recipes for People Who Love to Eat makes preparing Paleo dinners a snap. Even if you, like me, aren’t a Paleo eater, you will love this book. Scout’s honor.
It’s fun. It’s beautiful. It kicks ass. It combines flavors in ways I’d never imagined before, ensuring restaurant-quality meals without a lot of fuss.
One of you lucky readers will win a printed copy of Melissa’s cookbook, Well Fed: Paleo Recipes for People Who Love to Eat.
How to Enter
This giveaway is being administered by Rafflecopter. So, enter the giveaway using the Rafflecopter widget below!
Mary Brodd says
I love the idea of the “cookup,” I’ve wanted to try that for ages!
ryan says
me, too! It seems like a great idea and I’m interested in seeing what this cookbook recommends doing..
Kelly Liston says
I just read about the weekly cook up concept in the reviews and while I definitely love to plan ahead, I would love to read the suggestions!! Yippee!
Kerrie says
I loved the reviewer’s comment “My children and I enjoy these foods as much as my husband and I do!”
jamie says
I think the most exciting thing said in the comments is that this cookbook will be well read and used and stained. I have way too many cookbooks that sit, unused because they are just not all that great. Thanks for the giveaway!
Heather A says
Just reading about some of the recipes in the book made me want to get it! I hope I can win this one! 🙂
Ashley says
Loved this comment: “Well Fed’ provides you with a plan of action and a way to stay on track with Paleo”
Action plan FTW! I have a hard time with follow through.
Kristina says
I like the idea of “no” and “yes” lists and the weekly “cookup” sounds great.
Marlo says
Favourite bit from the book reviews: “All of the photos are of the real food that we cooked for the shoot, then ate for dinner. No fancy food photography tricks and no “cheating” on the recipes. What you see in the photo is exactly what you get when you use the Well Fed recipe.”
Also, that she’s the woman behind the clothes make the girl!
Mallory says
This seems like it’s full of delicious recipes, and actually written in a fun and engaging manner! Sounds awesome–I’ll definitely be on the lookout for it!
Chris says
Really like the idea of “yes” and “no” lists for simplification.
Chris says
Really like use of “yes” and “no” lists for simplification.
Jazmine says
I liked the first comment that stated that every recipe works. It sucks to buy a cookbook, and then have only one or two go-to recipes that you go back to over and over again. Livin’ La Vida Low Carb’s endorsement was pretty awesome. I like that he seems to have read every paleo cookbook out there, and really enjoyed this one.
BeccaOH says
The book appears to be laid out well with great pictures. The page on making mayo interests me, it is something I need to buckle down and learn to do.
Peggy Martinez says
Looks like an AMAZING cook book!
This looks like great advice–
“Since much of the book includes recipes that you won’t likely see anywhere else, I recommend that you pay close attention to the “About The Recipes” where you can get a lesson on the most common ingredients and cooking tools/methods you’ll be using and how they work to produce these recipes. You’ll save yourself a lot of headaches later if you heed this advice from someone who’s been there, done that already. And Melissa also reminds you that the presentation of the food is an important element in being Well Fed as well. You’ll rarely eat out in a restaurant again if you apply what she teaches on page 13.”
janet says
no grains, no sugar, no alcohol….no dairy! I can’t imagine
Jennifer Gray says
I like that they said that “All of the photos are of the real food that we cooked for the shoot, then ate for dinner. No fancy food photography tricks and no “cheating” on the recipes. What you see in the photo is exactly what you get when you use the Well Fed recipe.” Works for me!!!
Melissa says
I read most of the 104 reviews (at the time of this comment) and the one i liked the most was the one by the person who said “Great Recipes poor quality binding” it was said that it was easy to use , minimal prep, and that he would recommend it based on content and that it was the best of the best…ok, i’m paraphrasing him, but all his points appealed to me the most AND all this by a Man?! I love it that he is all over this, as my husband is! So, that’s why I loved his review and why i can’t wait to get my hands on this cookbook, even if the binding is defective! I say YaY! I would rather use a 3 ring binder anyday, so I’ll punch holes in the pages and be very content!! 🙂 Thanks for the opportunity to enter the drawing!
KristenM says
Just so you know, the newest batch of books has better binding. So, if anyone orders this book and gets one of the books from the batch with defective binding, they can have it replaced by Amazon at no cost to them!
Elizabeth Martin says
I liked that it was a family project. One reviewer stated that her husband took the pictures. I hope the person that complained about the binding is wrong, I am really hard on my cookbooks, and I plan to buy this if I don’t win it. 🙂 You can tell which of my cookbooks is well-loved without taking them off the shelf!
KristenM says
Hi Elizabeth — Read my comment to Melissa above about the binding!
Chelsea Wipf says
I was excited to see the many many reviews that this is the best paleo cookbook they have ever tried…Ive been looking for a great one!
Anna says
‘If you do want to follow a Paleo lifestyle, or if you are simply looking for tips on how to make cooking healthy, hearty food at home, this book is for you. Melissa includes a lot of great tips on how to make daily cooking simple and fast, as well as information on how to do a weekly “cook up” so that you CAN toss stuff together that is good and good for you. The Spousal Unit thinks Paleo is “a crazy way to eat” but has eaten every last thing I’ve made out of this book.’
All of that above. I want to commit more solidly to paleo for health reasons – but getting the hubsand and kids fed as well has proved to be a lot of work. I will buy this book anyway.
darnia says
I love this quote from one of the reviews:
“If you do want to follow a Paleo lifestyle, or if you are simply looking for tips on how to make cooking healthy, hearty food at home, this book is for you. Melissa includes a lot of great tips on how to make daily cooking simple and fast, as well as information on how to do a weekly “cook up” so that you CAN toss stuff together that is good and good for you. The Spousal Unit thinks Paleo is “a crazy way to eat” but has eaten every last thing I’ve made out of this book.”
Stacy says
I love that someone said it was one of the best paleo cookbooks out there! I have just recently learned about the Paleo diet and am very intrigued by it. I also love how someone said that it provides you with a plan of action and a way to stay on track with paleo.
Carmen says
I read about this book recently and want to take a look. I am not hard-core Paleo, but this looks like a book for anyone who is into Real Food. I also like the idea of a “cookup,” because sometimes you just need something to help you out during the week.
Jennifer says
I actually read the reviews on Amazon a few months ago, and downloaded a sample from Melissa’s website. I have been coveting this book for a while now!
The most intriguing reviews to me are about how we should be running our kitchens like a restaurant, how to be more efficient in the kitchen, how to eat “real” without spending our whole lives in the kitchen, with tips like “prepare chopped veggies for all recipes at the beginning of the week”.
I also noted a review that said the book binding was not done well, and how they took the book and had it rebound as a spiral book (wow, great idea!) for $3.
I would love to win this book!
Bev says
“Run your kitchen like a restaurant. Most neighborhood restaurants don’t cook every part of your meal to order. If they did, they’d never get the food to the table fast enough.” and “I muster up about 30 meals and snacks each week:”
The quote above is what intrigues me most! I am new to the Paleo lifestyle and I am completely overwhelmed! I NEED this cookbook. Thanks for the opportunity to win it!
Heather Brandt says
I learned from the reviews that it has a fast prep section that offers a method to get week-night dinners on the table quickly.
cara says
sounds like a great variety of recipes and presented in a really cool format! would love to win so i could add my review to the pile!
Kelly Hill says
I love that all the recipes in the book are made with no grains, legumes, soy, sugar, dairy, or alcohol!
Melissa C. says
I am really excited to get my hands on this cookbook – whether I win it or not! The reviews are all diverse – but the underlying message is the ease and deliciousness of the recipes, and the ability to cook much of it ahead of time – which is SO exciting! 🙂
Daniel Wallen says
The “weekly cook-up” idea intrigues me. I have a busy schedule, so I do all of my cooking on Sundays since this day tends to be blank for me. Also, the pictures look great. I’d love to win this and blow my fiancee’s mind with some new foods. She’s probably tired of my pork and spinach salad; fish and beans; and scrambled eggs by now.
jess says
i love that this cookbook helps meal-plan for the week – i already do that and am constantly scrambling to find good combos of things that are relatively easy while also keeping it fresh. and it’s what i’m supposed to be doing right now instead of reading about cookbooks on the internet! so, off to the kitchen i go and hope to win this fabulous looking cookbook!
kymber says
a few comments jumped out at me…the fact this is the “very best of my whole collection” of cookbooks, someone is committing to cooking each recipe this year and then LOVE the idea of the plan of action on what to do.
Tara says
Looks intriguing: ” The two essential tricks for happy, healthy eating are being prepared and avoiding boredom.” very true…and I like the idea of dried fruit and nuts included for flavoring…
Elizabeth says
Basically, I can’t wait to get my hands on this book
because I’m super curious about the recipes, and want to have my mouth turn into a waterfall after reading them:)
Natasha Wright says
One of the most exciting things I read in a review was that most dishes can be made in under an hour! That is amazing for me! 🙂 I read a lot of great reviews for this book.
Stephanie Mckenzie says
Love that the recipes are for real food, that is what will make us healthy!
Natalie says
I liked how commenters said how easy the recipes are. And, I liked how people commented that even if they weren’t 100% paleo, they still really enjoyed the book for changing up their recipes.
Lois says
I like the idea of the cookup. Life is so busy that planning ahead really helps. My husband has wanted to try this diet and I need good family friendly recipes!
Heidi says
I like the comment in a review that the food pictured is the real food they cooked & not “styled” for the photo shoot.
Andrea says
It sounds perfect for me. I could really use the ideas. I am lazy and uncreative when it comes to cooking, but I can follow a recipe! I know my boyfriend would appreciate the help.
Steph F. says
All of the Well Fed recipes are made with zero grains, legumes, soy, sugar, dairy, or alcohol. I’ve never heard of “Paleo” cooking.
kristin says
I love the idea of having lots of different variations for each recipe to help with improvisation.
Andrea says
I saw something about a “Hot Plates” section for quick meals and I just ADORE quick meals! 🙂 I’ve also seen some reviews talk about meal planning which I also love. Any time I can plan ahead, I always feel better once it’s actually time to cook dinner. Anything that equals less stress for me is well worth it!
Erica says
I already like Food Renegade on Facebook!
I liked the comment in the review that the author teaches you how to prepare meals in the least amount of time. I’m really interested to read that portion of the book.
Laura says
I have used some of the recipes on her blog, and I love them, especially the carnitas!
Andrea says
The weekly cookup! Brilliant!
Melissa "Melicious" Joulwan says
Thanks so much for your sweet words about Well Fed. I’m excited to be giving a copy to one of your lucky readers — and I agree 100% with the whole Real Food approach. You are my very favorite punk rock foodie 🙂
Monique says
All the reviews, even the less than 5 star ones, say the recipes are great 🙂
Charissa says
It sounds like all these recipes don’t take too much time…that’s me!
Skip says
I loved the review that said it was the only cook book she ever owned where she made every recipe in it! awesome!
Donna Dashnau says
Simple instructions, divine tastes and substitutions. My kind of recipe book!
Marlene LeBaron says
I love the idea of having the book bound!! And of course all the great reviews re awesome! 😉
Renata says
I liked all comments on how easy those recipes are. And besides cooking with no grains, legumes, soy, sugar, dairy, or alcohol is pretty coo;!
JulieVK says
I love the review that talks about getting daily food prep down to 30 minutes; that’s a dream! Thanks for the giveaway.
Katie Desmond says
From the Amazon reviews I learned that Melissa used to be a roller derby star and that the cook book kicks ass.
Carla Remele says
I like the idea that this book doesn’t have the ‘same ol’sh*t’ as every other paleo recipe book/site. I search high and low for new and intersting recipes. By keeping it inventive and interesting, I have been able to coax my 14 yr old into eating paleo with me 🙂
Amber Golshani, ND says
As a collector of cookbooks, what I read in the comments was that this is very usable book. And also what jumped out was that people say this book is their favorite of other paleo cookbooks.
Judy C says
I saw “BBQ Fork Fried Rice” and I was sold! Sign me up!
Leaf says
“Well Fed is primarily a book of recipes that strictly follow the paleo diet with a strong focus on broadening peoples’ global recipe repertoire. Melissa intentionally visits a breadth of regions with her food, crisscrossing the globe as she sees fit to put out delicious, easily made, recipes that are also really healthy.”
Love the idea of multi-national cuisine in a paleo cookbook.
Jessica B. says
Exciting things I saw in the comments:
Easily prepared.
Also really healthy.
Sounds lovely!
Alli J says
I’m excited for 115 more recipes to try out and a new book to add to my paleo collection. Melissa not only has some awesome recipes but I’m looking forward to more tips from her on how to be a rock star in the kitchen.
Katherine says
I liked the idea of “no” and “yes” lists!
Sharon says
The reviews make the recipes sound nutritious and delicious. It also sounds like you don’t have to be a chef to be well fed.
Sandy C says
“Just eat real food”…So to the point.. Also the “yes and No” lists you can actually have right there in front of you…and stocking the Paleo pantry…I am always missing something..!!!! We raise our own meats and vegetables so need to focus more on the rest of a healthy lifestyle.
Jessica says
This book sounds beyond amazing! Full of practical advice on how to get healthy, delicious food on the table with a minimum of effort. I like that she shows you, step-by-step, exactly how to properly prepare enough food for the week – emphasizing meal planning and cooking ahead as a means to reduce time spent in the kitchen. She lays out ideas for how to stock up the pantry and freezer, as well as recommends essential kitchen tools.
I am especially excited about the “You know how you could do that?” section, which gives suggestions of ways to modify the recipes, so “no matter what you have in your fridge, you can make a healthy dinner!”
Also “The Weekly Cookup” section, which includes shopping lists and meal planning. There are so many great reviews of this book, SUPERFABULOUS!
Rachel Dixon says
I’m excited for all of those recipes that everyone seems to say are re-doable, over and over again. That’s what I look for in a cookbook!
Vanessa says
All the reviews about the content of the book are high, however, sounds like the book itself has some issues with the binding. I’ve seen where others have gone to Kinko’s or some place like that and had the book spiral bound. Sounds like a good solution!
Jane says
I like that the the book offers side pairings with the recipes.
Jennifer says
I really like the idea of being walked through the weekly cook-up. Organization is definitely lacking in my kitchen and weekly routine.
Rochelle says
Melissa Joulwan is an original Texas Roller Girl! That’s so great!
A friend of mine got this book as her intro into eating real food. Her daughter was recently diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder. She dove right in and is posting beautiful pictures of food inspired by Melissa’s book! Nice!
I need this book. As do many other paleo peeps.
Andrea says
From reading the reviews, I learned that the cookbook will become a ‘classic’ in my kitchen. Dirty, yellowed and stained pages, folded pages. Hope I win it so that this becomes reality for me!
Andi says
A “no” list and a “yes” list, and a great recipe for mayo! I’m interested!
Liz says
“Every recipe WORKS. It turns out as described and wows my family”
Is majorly appealing, coming from someone who a) has been known to “tweak” and b) has been known to follow recipes to a T with lackluster results. I’m entering one last time before I finally order this book from Amazon – I can’t hold out any longer!
becky says
Strangely enough, the most exciting thing I saw in the comments on amazon were that the photos in the book were of the actual food. No fake food in the photos!
Amy says
Excited for a collection of recipes that
i dont have to modify and taste delish!
Cheryl says
I have heard a lot about this book and have been excitedly trying to find it in the last few days! I’ve seen several recipes made by other paleo followers, and am super excited by the reviews on Amazon about how good they are. I am always looking to find new recipes to make food interesting, since I am a total foodie. I worried about changing my diet when switching to paleo regarding taste, and had been disappointed by the lack of recipe books emphasizing this lifestyle up until recently with books like Well Fed. I cannot wait for my copy!!!
Keegan says
Love the idea of the “yes” and “no” list and everyone keeps mentioning all the drool worthy photos!!
Janna says
I am intrigued by the review that mentioned “hot plates”, and preparing a whole bunch of food for fast dishes throughout the week. That sounds like just the sort of idea that my family could really use. Thanks for the giveaway!!
Brent says
I was most excited by all the reviews saying how comprehensive the book is. The “yes” and “no” lists, tips on technique and how to make paleo eating an easier fit into your life.
Kenneth says
I’m looking forward to seeing if my attempts at preparing the recipes in this book will look like any of the pictures accompanying them.
Spencer says
I’m excited for the “action plan” that was mentioned in one of the reviews.
Megan says
Love the “no” and “yes” list. Something I’ve been searching for!
Becca says
I like the fact that there seems to be lots of way to save time during the week because it’s been a lot of work trying to make 3 meals a day from scratch, even when using leftovers. Makes me (almost) miss fast food (almost…).
Lizzie B says
The best comment I saw was from Jimmy Moore (
Livin’ La Vida Low-Carb Man “Jimmy Moore”) – where he says he wants to try every recipe. Definitely looks to be worth the money! Gonna have to buy a couple.
Paula says
I love the comment by AnitaB on Amazon that Mel’s cookbook is the very best of her collection of paleo cookbooks, the one she wishes she’d had first. What a great recommendation.
Jody says
Love that many people said this is “the” cookbook to own.
Kate says
Treat your kitchen like a restaurant kitchen! One of the reviews mentions this and i would love to see the Well Fed plan, as it completely makes sense!
tanya ci says
I really like how easy and yummy most people say that the cookbook/recipes are. I also like the idea od the cookup for the week!
Diane says
I love her writing so I know I’ll love the book. I was thrilled to read about the yes & no lists, though!
Ronnie says
What is most encouraging to me is the LARGE number of people that love the book. I always read the ones who aren’t satisfied and weigh those reviews against those who really love it – this cookbook looks like a keeper! 🙂
Maureen says
Exciting to see how many people love the recipes.
Liz says
The reviews sound really promising! Melissa sounds like a neat person and I am off to read more about her and her story.
martine says
I loved this comment “My children and I enjoy these foods as much as my husband and I do!”
Katherine Patton says
The author is one of the founders of the Texas Rollergirls!!!! Royalty in (my town) Austin, TX!
Dillon says
I like the post about the 1 page of “no’s” but 3 pages of “yes’s”
Cynthia says
I like the cooking ahead so you can have a weeks worth of go to meals & snacks.
Chelsea says
The fact that this has truly been THE year for Paleo in regards to cookbooks ( inserting itself into the mainstream.) I love all of the information being distributed to the public! Inspirational and truly wonderful!
Lyn says
The most exciting thing I read from the reviews is that every recipe works! I would love to win this cookbook and start my Paleo lifestyle. Thanks for the opportunity.
Robyn says
I like that there is an “About The Recipes” section with lessons on the methods or ingredients. I often skip recipes that look good because there is an ingredient or technique that I’m just not familiar with.
Vicki DiIoia says
love the plan of action and the cook up ideas….
Megan B says
It sounds great that the book is easy to use and appeals to newbies who are just getting started, Like Me!!
Marcella F says
I would love to know how to present meals like they do in restaurants.
lynh says
love the idea of salmon afrique du nord.
Shannon says
I’m super impressed with how many positive reviews the cookbook has gotten. There are quite a few paleo books out there that aren’t that impressive and don’t have as much positive hype behind them. Can’t wait to check it out!
Jana Burkholder says
I was amazed that one reviewer claimed to have most of the paleo cookbooks and liked this one the best!
Emily says
Moroccan dipping sauce sounds divine! We went to Morocco on our honeymoon (6 years ago) and I’d love to learn to make some Moroccan food, Paleo-style. Also, since I’m on the GAPS diet I appreciate any grain-free recipes. 🙂
Atour says
This book sounds wonderful. I would love to own one and start trying new recipes.
Cassie says
I had heard about this book and was definitely curious, and now that I’ve read more I’m so excited to grab a copy! On of the nice descriptive reviews talked about Melissa’s tips on prep and running your kitchen, which I really really need. I’m a decent cook, but I’m disorganized and slow. It makes nightly cooking much more of a time suck than I need! Just for that I’d buy the book!
Lauri F. says
I read a number of the reviews. Some of them really spent a lot of time giving details, which is very useful. One of the reviews impressed me with the idea that each recipe has several variations so you get not just one recipe but 4 or 5. I also was happy to hear that there are creamy dressing recipes. I love creamy dressings and find it challenging to always use oil and vinegar.
KristenM says
Sometimes a recipe even has 10 variations! I mean, really, it’s creativity in the kitchen at its best.
Marie says
I’m excited about the photographs and the fact that the recipes are designed to be made quickly. I’m a mother of three and it’s hard to get food on the table for five.
Andrew G says
The most interesting thing I saw in the “Well Fed” reviews was that apparently all the recipes are really delicious. I would love to try some of those recipes if I get the book.
Abbe K says
I read a review saying they had all the other books and wished they had this one when they first started out on Paleo. This has got to be good if that is the case, because several of the other available cookbooks are good! 😀
CC says
read the review that said “plenty of space is reserved on each page for notes” – I have no cookbooks like that & usually use postits to make notes on substitutions or sizes of pans, etc. – this is a cool idea!
amy p says
I love the idea of having a “no” list and a “yes” list! That would make it so easy, especially if it was posted…and great for my kids! They could also easily reference it and make healthy food choices for themselves!
Natalie B says
I love the comment in a review that said “Then it’s just a matter of opening up “Your Paleo Pantry” and pulling out your choice of some of the most remarkable spices and seasonings that will awaken the foods you are about to consume.” I struggle with flavouring my food creatively, and would LOVE to win this book and try out all of the marvellous recipes.
I like the comment a lady made about her kids liking the recipes as much as she and her husband did. I am working on getting myself and my 3 year old on this diet.
Christi says
The first thing that jumped out at my in the comments section is that it has a little more than a 85% 5-star rating. That’s pretty darn good! And, reviewers are usually brutally honest. Then this comment really caught my eye: “woven throughout the book is the theme of how to put fantastic meals on the table in the least amount of time. This is where Melissa shines.” As I try to care for my family of 6, that’s enough to sell me right there!
Loren says
I’m a (paleo) graphic designer, so the comment I found interesting was about taking the book to get spiral bound so it holds together longer. Smart!
Velva says
I am excited by the number of people who LOVE the recipes. My favorite quote so far is “I have never before cooked every recipe in a cookbook. I am committing that I will be making every single recipe in this book before the end of 2012.”
That sounds like my kind of cookbook!
danielle says
I am intrigued by how many reviewers mention of how much they love the recipes in this book. I am learning about the paleo way of eating so would love a great treasure trove of awesome recipes!
primal_maya says
I love Melissa’s use of global flavors in her recipe. It brings out the professional chef in all of us!
Diane says
I really like the “cook-up”, it would really help me stay on track during my busy week.
kris says
I read the reviews earlier today after reading about Well Fed on the blog ‘Evolutionary Pyschiatry’. I wanted the book NOW not standard amazon shipping so I stopped at Barnes & Noble -they didnt carry it ! this giveaway must be karma!
Karen says
Loved the part: “This is more then just Paleo recipes. ‘Well Fed’ provides you with a plan of action and a way to stay on track with Paleo.” That’s what I need a “plan of action” and a “way to stay on track”. It encourages you to “encourages you to think outside of the square”. I love it. Sounds like a book I’d read cover to cover to cover to … 🙂
Ceejay says
She includes a “no” list and “yes” list in the book–very helpful.
jenene says
I am all for this real food revolution, let’s hope the world catches on.
Fleur says
Wow! I’m excited about this book and finding myself and my family “Well Fed”!! As a mother of five young girls and wife to one very energetic husband, I have long struggled with finding a healthy balance between good ‘home-cooked’ food and fast ‘easy-to-prepare’ food. With this in mind, one of the reviews in particular stood out to me with the comment “…woven throughout the book is the theme of how to put fantastic meals on the table in the least amount of time”. Hmmm, sounds like this may just be the sort of advice I need!
Sumiko Takeda says
I love reading so many great reviews about this book! Many people are happy since they can make healthy, but flavorful and delicious meals. I love the comment “qually as good as the recipes and the instruction are the tips on how to shop and prep for the upcoming week.”
AmandaLP says
Fix the binding, and use the book to create lots of items that can be combined into meals.
Rachel says
I like that it sounds well organized (shopping lists, batch cooking ideas, yes/no lists, etc.). I love organization and lists!
Judy says
I love that Melissa Joulwan gives tips on preparing meals ahead of time. Some weeknights, I’m so strapped for time. Another plus is that the food is good – not good paleo, just good food.
Jane says
I love the part about the Weekly Cookup. Every time I cook for the week, we eat healthy. I really need to get back to that and this book sounds like it lays it all out.
Stefanie says
Loved the review about “The Weekly Cookup” that includes shopping lists, meal planning, and how to construct a meal that will knock the socks off of the people you are serving.
Nicki kramer says
This book sounds great! I am a single mum with four hungry teenagers and I am just getting started on changing my diet and hopefully influencing the kids as well. I am also a full time student and folk fiddle player( I play in Irish music sessions two nights a week) and also love doing yoga classes with my daughter. SO……. I am very busy and if this book can help me prepare healthy meals in 15 mins and if I can get shopping and prep work done on the weekends I will be very excited!!! I know Australia is a long way away but I really find food renegade interesting and helpful-cheers-nicki
Nicole M says
I love her Meat and Spinach muffins, I make them pretty much every week
Rachelle says
Totally convinced I will purchase this cookbook. She musters up “30 meals and snacks a week”?! I have much to learn from her. Finally, this sounds like something I could do.
Kristin says
Glowing reviews on Amazon!! One even claims it is THE BEST Paleo cookbook! I gotta have this one also. I also liked the review that says it’s more than a cookbook, but also a meal planner. That is something I really need!
Maryjane says
Wow, reading the comments sure makes me want to get this book! The mention of an “apples in butter” dessert was enough to make my mouth water! Sounds like this is one of the best Paleo cookbooks yet.
Jill Teitlebaum says
I am smitten by the reviewer who wants to make EVERY recipe in the book. Easy, real food that’s delicious; what’s not to love about this? I WANT the book!
Stephanie says
The reviews sound wonderful! The thought of making 15 minute dinners instead of the hour I’m used to sounds magical with multiple children underfoot!
Judy says
Wow!! There are a lot of really good reviews for this cookbook. I will say that the idea of the weekly cookup, and having it all laid out for you, is a huge draw to wanting to own this book. I also loved that frequently it was said that this was the best recipe for a certain item that they had had. It sounds like this cookbook is has an edge over others, in that it helps you to organize your eating plan.
Thanks for the opportunity to try to win one. 🙂
Christina says
I’m excited that this book uses a variety of spices in unusual combinations. I need help with that!
Amanda says
I am not paleo, but the reviews got me interested…Looks like you can have gourmet and easy in one, and sometimes I don’t want carbs for dinner but a filling meal.
RDS says
These reviews are inspiring! I am really interested in the modifications included, and the weekly cookup. Organization is key to consistently having healthy meals!
Valerie says
Endorsed by Jimmy Moore. ‘Nuf said.
patty says
I am an expert baker, from the conventional school, who is now Paleo/Primal cooking/baking/eating and I can use all the help I can get to learn and implement these new cooking/baking secrets!
My favorite review: “Since much of the book includes recipes that you won’t likely see anywhere else, I recommend that you pay close attention to the “About The Recipes” where you can get a lesson on the most common ingredients and cooking tools/methods you’ll be using and how they work to produce these recipes.”
I’d love this book for all the learning and implementing I am doing!
Amy says
I was struck by how positive each review was. Even there weren’t too many reviews, most cookbooks get mixed reviews, no matter how classic and well-loved they are. This one seems to be a staple in the kitchens of each of the reviewers.
Can’t wait to see the photos of each meal prep!! It’s hard to find a cookbook that claims to be as simple, and organized. Fast, main dish recipes are sooo hard to find, especially those meals fashioned for a “Dino-chow” lifestyle family. EXCITED!!!!
Andrea says
I’m not a full paleo eater, but I would like to learn more about how to prepare foods that are whole and healthful. The positive feedback in the reviews makes the recipes in the book sound delish and easy to make. I would love to learn from this book
Samantha P says
The most exciting thing from the Amazon reviews are mentions of new recipes from Melissa that I haven’t tried yet!! I’ve been a fan of her blog for a while now, love her recipes and writing style. Would love to win this!!
stacy says
Excited about the minimal prep time and trying new foods!
Heather says
My favorite comment was from Tim who said “I’ll wager that this will be the cookbook in your kitchen that has pages folded down, will be stained, and will have notes written in the margin. Why? Because you will use it!”
Danielle Tippy says
Three things appeal to me about this cookbook: That it’s the “best of” Paleo cookbooks (in the opinion of some reviewers), the emphasis on less time in the kitchen, and the authentic and engaging writing style of the author. If I don’t win the drawing, I’ve got it on my wish list :-).
Tracy says
I liked the comment that the book was “full of deliciousness.”
Carina says
I liked that one reviewer stated that every recipe works. Sounds great!
Christy Underwood says
The thing that I most look forward to about the book is getting a glimpse into how to prepare a weeks-worth of food in one sitting. I will be getting married in June and will be returning as a full-time student in August, so any helpful hints on how I can balance a healthy lifestyle with an hour commute for school will be very much appreciated! : )
Kelly Bragg says
I liked the idea that “Well Fed is absolutely chock full of deliciousness. Every recipe WORKS.”
Recipes that are healthy, good for you, and they WORK? Sign me up please!
Coy says
I will very simply sum up what I liked best in the reviews: Butternut Squash Soup!
Hannah W says
One of the things I liked in the reviews was: “It is the very best of my whole collection… Well Fed is absolutely chock full of deliciousness. Every recipe WORKS.”
Melinda Nickas says
“I’ll wager that this will be the cookbook in your kitchen that has pages folded down, will be stained, and will have notes written in the margin. Why? Because you will use it!” I love a stained, well-loved cookbook!
Joyce Kasper says
From an Amazon review:
with a strong focus on broadening peoples’ global recipe repertoire. Melissa intentionally visits a breadth of regions with her food, crisscrossing the globe as she sees fit to put out delicious, easily made, recipes that are also really healthy.
Love this! Why not embrace different regional flavors in one cookbook?
Kristi Cooke says
What’s exciting is the Amazon review from AnitaB that says she has several paleo cookbooks and this is the best out of all of them, so it’s got to be great! Would love to win a copy!
Erin says
The most exciting amazon review was mentioning that the book is not 100% paloe, but offers options for low-carb as well. I really like that it has flexibility!
Marlo says
Friended on facebook!
Reanna says
Liked on facebook.
Jenna says
The two essential tricks for happy, healthy eating are being prepared and avoiding boredom. Well Fed explains how to enjoy a “cookup” once a week so that you have ready-to-go food for snacks and meals every day. It will also show you how to how to mix and match basic ingredients with spices and seasonings that take your taste buds on a world tour.
This sounds wonderful and helpful 🙂
Paula says
One review used these magic words: “Minimal prep time”. The author clearly understands the value of a weeknight recipe.
Megan H says
Most exciting thing I read in the “well-fed paleo” cookbook reviews was this comment:
“In addition to the beautiful photographs and delicious recipes, this cookbook does something unique in the genre of food preparation – woven throughout the book is the theme of how to put fantastic meals on the table in the least amount of time. ”
I am working hard to be a slow-foodie living a modern fast paced life, reading that review makes me want this cookbook more than ever!
Alissa says
Well, this book is on my wish list without reading ANY reviews, but I like that people say the recipes WORK and that it’s more than a recipe book, but also a plan of action 🙂
Anna says
The most exciting thing I read is that one reviewer intends to try all the recipes!! How many cookbooks can one say that about?
Gina Brym2 says
Well, this is probably surprising (at least, it is to me) but the most exciting thing I read in the book reviews on Amazon was this: “When it comes to healthy foods, he’s a pretty picky eater, so I don’t think I can make a more ringing endorsement than that!!”
There were sooo many exciting things I read in the reviews, especially being a newbie to eating real food, but my husband is incredibly picky (though ever-dedicated to our new way of life :)) so this one REALLY sold me. I originally entered this really hoping to win the cookbook (duh, right?), but after reading that statement I will now buy it even if I don’t win it; I was convinced it is worth the room in our budget if even picky eaters enjoy the recipes!
Diana says
I am a bit new to Paleo, but this book sounds amaaaazing! From the reviews, ‘AnitaB’ said she wishes this one had been available when she first started this. According to other reviews, this one is easy to follow, full of pics of recipes that seem to be pleasers. I do hope I win!
Michelle T says
Having read great things about this book elsewhere, I chose to read the lowest-star reviews, because I wanted to know what they didn’t like about it. In each case, the complaint was about the binding of book, and not the content of the book itself. To me, that is a pretty good endorsement of the content. For the price of the book, though, I can understand the disappointment if it does not hold up well.
Patty Seifert says
I am feeding my family plus two other families several days a week. I would love some more ideas for healthy snacks and recipes to share. I think this cookbook will have GREAT and healthy ideas for cooking ahead.
Meg says
The most exciting thing to me is that there are sections that expand on cooking techniques in the book. I like a cookbook to be good looking AND useful!
Charis says
I like that the food pictures in the book are the real deal. That speaks a lot to how good the food actually is – no trick photography needed!
Stephanie says
Favorite of the amazon comments: woven throughout the book is the theme of how to put fantastic meals on the table in the least amount of time!
I so need this book!
Chandra Deas says
The comments are pretty impressive. I have wanted to go more Paleo for a while but haven’t been able to. My latest lab results are a huge kick in the pants to get motivated tho. My thyroid autoimmune antibodies are way way way high.:(
Natalie says
I got excited when I read that it’s hands down the best paleo cookbook! I added it to my wish list 🙂
Gabrielle says
I love the sound of the humor, inventiveness and time-saving tips Melissa has incorporated into the book. I know she also is a big fan of using spices and I am very excited at the prospect of expanding my knowledge and bringing more diversity to my flavourings. Plus as a new full-time student I’m having to get to grips with balancing study, my health, nutrition and a chocka schedule so the weekly cook-up concept could be invaluable.
Debi says
I am looking forward to a good read. And cooking, of course. Some of my cookbooks are a better read than some books. Thank you.
cindy brickley says
Healthy cooking, what’s that? I guess I should win the cookbook to find out. Love the recipe format. Let’s get eating healthy.
Jodi sinaga says
Looks like an awesome cookbook. I live in the Pittsburgh area and there are over 40 holds on it to get it out of the library!
Jennifer Beck says
I am so excited that even though I am new to “paleo”, I can easily get into this book. The fact the she calls the food “dino-chow” will appeal to my kiddos!
Jerelle says
“Every recipe WORKS. It turns out as described and wows my family.” This comment is exciting for me to try them for my own family.
Ana says
Fantastic idea of setting some time to cook for the entire week. I read the pictures are really what they cooked and ate. Now, THAT is a real cookbook.
samW says
“The Weekly Cookup” that includes shopping lists, meal planning, and how to construct a meal
Tammy says
I love that it balances the Omega 6s ans Omega 3s.
AJ says
Being grain-free I am always looking to expand my food options. I am interested in this book helping me on that path.
Amy says
This looks great! I have been doing a paleo diet since January and it has fixed some of my digestive issues! I am a cookbook junkie, can’t wait to get my hands on this one!
Tasha Schifsky says
i like easy cookbooks and I am excited that people said was simple and clear to understand the recipes
Talia B says
Kid friendly recipes!
Caorlyn G says
Someone mentioned how easy it as to create these recipes and that’s what I need, easy
Barbara says
like the idea of “no” and “yes” lists and the weekly “cookup” sounds great.
April says
This book has been on my wishlist for about a month now since I’ve recently gone Paleo. I love the format and the reviews are just too good to ignore!
maggie says
am i to late to enter…Id love to win a Copy
Mary B. says
I must confess I’m new to paleo cooking, but I really want to do it! We have grand kids with multiple food sensitivities and gluten intolerance and it would be great to have a good collection. I liked the fact that seasoned paleo fans thought this book was the best! Now I know which one to get!
Mel says
I love the idea of the “paleo pantry”. This is so awesome that there is finally a great recipe book to showcase herbs and seasonings. Learning to bring out the best in foods is what breaking and sharing bread is all about. Thank you for bringing back the joy of cooking with a slice of health on the side.
cheryl graham says
I liked the idea of real food “even if not a paleo eater”. I also liked the numerous praises for excellent recipes and best ever owned cookbooks. disconcerting was the “pages falling out on literally the first day it arrived”… however i do see above that that seems to have been fixed. Ummm, i enjoy real food.
Ann S says
I know this sounds silly but the first review caught my eye. I can identify with buying every cookbook and then finding one that covers it all. Moving towards more paleo every day.
Kristin says
I loved the comment, “I have never before cooked every recipe in a cookbook.” I haven’t either! I want this book so bad, it just looks delightful!
domestic diva says
The recipes are easy to make and taste great.
Penny @ Plate By Plate says
I like the idea of having a weekly cookup to prep healthy food in advanced. Add a shopping list alredy made for you and it should cut down on time spent in the store and kitchen.
ikkinlala says
I like that it includes plans that will let me cook ahead for a week.
Becca G says
Ooh, I want this book! My family just went Paleo due to some health concerns, and I didn’t realize how much I depended on grains…especially for breakfast. “Well Fed’ provides you with a plan of action and a way to stay on track with Paleo.” –This is the encouragement I need as I switch over to a Paleo Lifestyle!
Melanie G says
I’m a recent convert to the paleo lifestyle. One reviewer said she’s been paleo for over a year and wish she had this cookbook back when she started. I’m so excited with how I feel and would love to have my hands on this book. Also seems like a book to fit my quick paced, busy lifestyle as a middle school teacher and coach. Winning a copy would be amazing!
Michelle Wylie says
Hi–I’m not so pinterest savvy yet as to be able to know how to “follow” as your contests suggests, but I did go check it all out and have requested and invite. As to the comments on Amazon, it sounds like people really like the book and the only complaint I saw was about pages falling out. Sounds like the content is golden! I’ve been mostly Paleo for 18 months, but still learn new things all the time (like you I read ALOT!). I really want to read up on putting a week’s worth of food together on the weekends, as it is nearly impossible to prepare great real food spontaneously in the middle of a hustle week! So pick me! Pick me!
Melanie G says
I’ve been checking back, watching the days and hours. Final 14 hours!
Leah says
I’m excited for recipes that WORK!! Those are some very through reviews.
Vanessa says
Hi, I checked out the reviews. I liked that Jimmy Moore mentioned that “Well-Fed” keeps Paleo from being the drab, boring and undesirable lifestyle that it is stereotyped to be. Not so! So many new and exciting flavors in this book!