Up until a couple of years ago, my mother and aunts still considered me young enough to get shooed out of the kitchen when it came time to cook a holiday meal. Even now, I rarely get to actually make a complete dish from start to finish. Instead, when I offer to help they set me to chopping vegetables or washing dishes. I’m not too worried. I know I’m a decent cook, so I can pick up the family recipes and follow them when my mom or my aunts finally decide that they’d like to take a break and let the next generation do all the cooking.
I’ll never forget the year that Christmas spontaneously ended up being hosted by me with no mother or aunts in sight. I had a new baby and NO real experience putting a holiday meal together. So I cheated. I used “easy” recipes with frozen veggies and canned soups. You know the kind. People complimented me on the food, but I was appalled by how quickly I lowered my standards in order to whip something together. Thanks to Jenny at the Nourished Kitchen, I’ll never have to do that again! This holiday season, Jenny’s serving up a series of cooking lessons featuring Real Food for the Holidays. AND she’s releasing a FREE mini-lesson to prepare you for Thanksgiving!
The absolutely FREE mini-lesson includes 1 video, 1 complete menu, and 8 recipes.
Ahem. Why aren’t you hurrying over there to sign up for it already?
Now that that’s out of the way, and you’re getting your FREE lesson, I’d like you to consider the full scope of what Jenny’s offering this holiday season.
Happy Healthy Holidays with Jenny at The Nourished Kitchen
Let’s face it. We all love foods that make the holidays special. It’s not just about roasting a turkey perfectly so that it comes out moist and flavorful. It’s about pumpkin pies. Candied yams. Latkes. Roast beef tenderloin that melts in your mouth. Sugar cookies.
Want to know how to make these foods the healthy way? Without refined sweeteners, flours, or oils?
Do you want to know how to cook up a pastured turkey so that it’s not dry? Grass-fed beef so that it’s not gamey?
Jenny’s classes will show you how!
The full course includes more than 30 meal plans, 175 recipes, 29 videos, and an exclusive forum so that Jenny and others can answer your burning questions, and more.
And — get this — you can buy individual classes for just $15 each OR pay for the whole course (10 classes for just $89!). How PERFECT is that?
So, go check out the classes and see what whets your appetite.
(photo by barbara_kb)
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