Welcome to another Fight Back Friday! Today we are bringing together another collection of recipes, tips, anecdotes, and testimonies from members of the Real Food Revolution.
Who are they? Why, they’re the Food Renegades. You know who you are — lovers of SOLE (Sustainable, Organic, Local, and Ethical) food, traditional food, primal food, REAL food, the list goes on. I believe that by joining together, our influence can grow, and we can change the way America (and the industrialized world) eats!
So, let’s have some fun.
If you want to participate but aren’t sure how, please read these guidelines for how Fight Back Fridays will work.
Please be courteous and use your BEST blog carnival manners! In the very least, that means remember the two most important things you can do:
- Share a relevant post from your blog with us using the McLinky Widget below (don’t just link to your blog’s home page).
- In your post, be sure to link back to this post (not the Food Renegade home page) so that your readers can have access to all the information and encouragement we’ll be sharing.
Please also feel free to make use of any of the banners below by saving the image to your desktop then uploading it to your own server. (You don’t have to use them, but they’re there for you!)
If you don’t have a blog but are interested in joining the conversation, you can leave your comments below!
I can’t wait to see what you all share!
Fight Back Friday Banners
Stanley Fishman @ Tender Grassfed Meat says
Thanks for hosting! My post this week is about how traditional cooking methods are the best for grass fed meat. Microwaves and slow cookers are not the best for cooking traditional meat, for a variety of reasons. Besides, cast iron cookware can be so easy to use, when you know how to use it.
Traditional Heat Is Best for Cooking Grassfed Meat
Kathy (aka Mrs Dull) says
Hi Kristen, Thanks for hosting! This week I’m continuing with my series Real Food Economics 101. This installment is Strategies to Reduce Food Costs.
Amanda @ Traditional Foods says
Thanks for hosting! I shared a recipe for green soup from foraged greens along with information on reducing the oxalic acid in the greens to improve mineral absorption.
Laura @ Gluten Free Pantry says
Thank you for hosting. I can’t believe it is almost the weekend-I feel like this week flew by! I shared 3 recipes today:
-Chocolate Chip Pecan Cookies (Grain Free)
-Coconut Cherry Muffins (Grain Free)
-Black Forest Smoothie
Have a lovely, relaxing weekend!
Debbie @ Easy Natural Food says
I’m sharing my Tomato Vegetable Soup and my Energy Trail Mix, and letting everyone know about Summer Salad Sundays that will run in place of Sunday Night Soup Night over summer. Thanks for hosting and have a great weekend!
Tara says
I left a little twise on tacos today called Taco Potatoes. It is a crowd pleaser! Thanks for hosting.
Tessa@TessaTheDomesticDiva says
Happy Weekend! Weekends have totally different connotations for now with the kids out of school and lack of structure, they’re not quite as relaxing as they used to be! I stopped by to share a coconut butter post:
and a healthy treat: Sunbutter Blondies: http://www.tessadomesticdiva.com/2012/05/peanut-butter-blondies-gluten-free-vegan.html
Thank you for hosting and letting us all share.
maria says
This is my first time doing carnivals this week. Today I’m entering my recipe for a diary free strawberry ice-cream made with coconut milk. The secret ingredient, butter or ghee, offsets that funky canned coconut flavor for the most amazing diary free ice-cream I have ever had! It’s comparable if not better than the dairy filled version.
Kendahl @ Our Nourishing Roots says
This week I am sharing two posts that I think are very important:
Ethical Omnivorism: Another Name for Real Foodie–this post looks into the ethics behind eating happy animals. And how we overlap with veganism!
Think Saturated Fat and Cholesterol Will Give You Heart Disease? Think Again.: the name says it all. Come over and learn the happy truth!
Vicky says
Hi! Thank you for hosting, I love reading the posts linked here!
Today I shared an egg-free Coleslaw recipe and a Quinoa Salad!
Have a lovely week!
Justine @ The Lone Home Ranger says
This week I’m posting my favorite roast chicken recipe, brined with lemon and tarragon. It’s a great dish for late spring. http://www.lonehomeranger.com/2011/07/lemon-tarragon-brined-chicken.html
Happy cooking!
kristy @ gastronomical sovereignty says
Good morning/afternoon – what a late linker I am today!
For this week’s link up I’ve decided to submit my contribution to the Secret Recipe Club – are you a participant?
My contribution: Pan seared duck breast salad with fruit and toasted walnuts. Cooking times may vary depending on the size of your breasts. Mine took a while… Story of my life.
Oh yeah – and i’ve included a second link this week too for our CSA Week #13. We got a wowza Spring of a box! …and I need help. I’m on pause! PAUSE!