Real Food Nutrition & Health E-Course

A Nutrition course that gets it right.

Apalled by the sub-par Nutrition standards of the USDA? Sickened by the incomplete and industry-funded guidelines of the typical Nutrition course?

In this e-course, you'll study Nutrition from a perspective that emphasizes:

  • The benefits of whole, unprocessed, organic, & local food
  • Ancestral diets of successful, traditional cultures
  • Sustainable agriculture
  • Pasture-based animal husbandry

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    Absolutely no boredom allowed!

    As a homeschooling mother, I know what makes a good class -- a passionate teacher. It's not multiple-choice quizzes, boring homework assignments, or essay tests. It's a teacher who loves what she's teaching, who thinks up creative projects or experiments, who can turn life itself into memorable lessons.

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    Read first-hand accounts from INSIDE the Real Food Revolution.

    Join in the Great Conversation by immersing yourself in fascinating essays by Michael Pollan, informative articles by Sally Fallon Morell, humorous pieces by Joel Salatin, or thought-provoking papers by Wendell Berry, among others.

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    Meet the leading thinkers behind the sustainable food movement!

    Watch video footage from rarely seen interviews and be wowed by clips from relevant documentaries -- all while learning the basics about good nutrition and where your food comes from.

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    We'll have FUN! (Scouts honor.)

    You'll get to do experiments at the grocery store, in your kitchen, and (if possible) local farms. You'll get to keep a Main Lesson Book creatively showcasing your assignments and what you've learned.

How long do I have access to the course materials?

You have lifetime access to the course and its materials. So, even if a year from now you decide you want to review the videos and course downloads, you'll be able to. Plus, if I update the course or any of the materials, that's yours too. You'll have full access to all the updated videos and downloads.

Do I have to login to the course at a specific time?

You may login to the course at any time, day or night. You're in charge of when you log on. Just log on to the course website, click on the lesson you're working on, and get started!

What kind of computer or software do I need to have?

The course will work on any PC or MAC. You may need to download Adobe Acrobat Reader (if it's not already preinstalled on your computer) to view the downloadable and printable materials. I also highly recommend that you avoid using Internet Explorer in favor of Firefox a free and more secure internet browser. To view videos, you need to have the most recent version of Flash Player installed.

How do I login to the course?

Once you register for the course, students will need to allow 48 hours for their login information to be emailed to them. Once you receive the email, simply follow the login instructions to access the course.

What age group is this class for?

This class is for those aged 12 & up, including adults who want to learn more about Real Food Nutrition. Younger or less mature students will find the course materials very challenging. If you are a parent to one of these children, you can expect to do some hand-holding to help ensure content mastery.

Is the course graded?

No. The course is completely self-paced, with instant access to all ten lessons. Assignments are given with each lesson, but it is up to the parent or supervising adult to make sure those assignments and lessons are completed.

What if I have multiple children I'd like to enroll?

You can have as many kids in your immediate family take the course under one registration as you like. If an entire class, club, or group is taking the course, I offer a group discount and only ask that each student have their own copies of the book. Please feel free to contact me about a group discount.

Is this course accredited?

No. While the course will take an in-depth look at Nutrition, it is also taking a renegade look at Nutrition. Because what's taught in this course bucks so much conventional wisdom about so-called healthy foods, I didn't even try to get it accredited. For most homeschooling parents, this shouldn't be an issue.

How long will each lesson take to complete?

The course is designed to be the equivalent of a semester long high school level Nutrition elective. As such, each lesson will require about three to four hours per week to complete the lessons, not including weekly assignments. This will come in the form of in-depth reading, anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour and a half of listening to or watching media, and about 30-45 minutes to answer discussion questions. Students may opt to spend more time discussing the weekly questions and participating in the online class community.

Do I need to buy a copy of your textbook, Real Food Nutrition & Health?

Yes! If you haven't already bought a copy, you need to do so as the book will provide the majority of the required reading for the course. If purchasing a printed book, please allow 20-30 days for delivery. You can still start immediately if purchasing a printed book since the first five lessons come with downloadable copies of the assigned reading.

Why can't I buy a compilation of the videos in DVD format?

Most of the videos include clips of copyrighted material from various documentaries or films. While we can make use of this video content for educational purposes under Fair Use laws, we can not actually reproduce this content for sale without violating copyright laws.

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Course Schedule

Lesson 1

Food, Not Nutrients and What Traditional Food Cultures Can Teach Us

Consider this a paradigm shifting lesson. You'll learn about whole foods, see how Nutrition science is still in its infancy, and be introduced to the work of Dr. Weston A. Price as he documented the diets of successful, traditional cultures around the world.

Lesson 2

Healthy Fats & Oils

What is fat? How does your body use it? Why is it an essential nutrient? What ancient fats have humans been eating for millenia? What are the newly created fats and oils of industrialized food production? Is saturated fat really bad for you? How can you make healthy choices?

Lesson 3

Healthy Meat, Seafood, & Dairy

What exactly is protein? Essential amino acids? What do you need them for? How much should you eat? How does industrialized food production affect the healthfulness of meats, seafood, & dairy? What about pasture-raising of animals? How does that affect the nutrient-density of these foods?

Lesson 4

Healthy Vegetables & Fruits

Did you know that soil isn't inert, but teeming with life? In this lesson, you'll learn all about what affects the nutrient-density of plants, including how they're grown, stored, and prepared. You'll also learn about carbohydrates and dietary fiber -- all while being empowered to make healthier food choices.

Lesson 5

Living Foods & Superfoods

Learn the story of the discovery of vitamins and minerals. Discover which superfoods concentrate which key micro-nutrients. Find out how the enzymes and probiotics in living foods affect your health.

Lesson 6

Grains & Legumes

Travel the world to see how traditional cultures prepare their grains and legumes. See the difference between whole vs. refined grains. Witness the destructive capacity of GMOs and their associated health risks/dangers.

Lesson 7

Bone Broths

Fall in love with bone broths. Grasp their unique health benefits and learn how to prepare them. Find out how MSG and various other food additives were created by industry to replicate these rich traditional flavors.

Lesson 8


Did you know that according to the USDA, the average American consumes about one cup of added sweeteners per day? Compare this to 1905, when the average person consumed a mere 10 cups per year. Want to know what's wrong with refined sweeteners and the quantities we eat them in? Be introduced to the dangers of excessive sweets, and learn about more natural alternatives.

Lesson 9

The Keys To Health

Do you really know what health is? Our society is so sickly that our definition of health has been skewed. Learn about how to thrive, not merely survive. Examine the key organs to human health, including the liver, gut, adrenals, and thyroid.

Lesson 10

Real Food For Real Life

Discover the virtue of Real Food; find out how to transition to eating Real Food. Master eating Real Food on a budget.

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What You'll Get
47 videos, lesson workbooks, eating guides, extra readings, 12 birth stories
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Who am I?

My name is Kristen Michaelis, and I'm a homeschooling mother of three. I'm also a nutrition & wellness coach. I'm a passionate advocate for REAL FOOD -- food that's sustainable, organic, local, and traditionally-prepared.

Nutrition fascinates me. It's a blend of biology, history, chemistry. It also tells a story -- the story of ancestral diets and humane animal husbandry and byodynamic farming juxtaposed against convenience foods, modern Industrial agriculture, genetic engineering, and diminishing top soil. It's the story of true health and aging with stamina juxtaposed against modern diseases like cancer, diabetes, and heart disease.

© Copyright 2012 Kristen Michaelis and Food Renegade. All rights reserved.