My family LOVES smoothies. We pile the fruit, yogurt, eggs, grass-fed gelatin, coconut oil, and whatever else inspires us into the blender, whizz it around for a minute or so, then pour up a tall glass of yummy.
They’re fast, easy, and can be as nutrient-dense as you make them.
This week, I’m hosting a giveaway for a smoothie base combo I’ve grown to love: Perfect Plant Protein and Perfect Coconut Oil from Perfect Supplements. I just add fruit, yogurt, and eggs from pasture-raised hens and I’m good to go.
What You’ll Win
Perfect Plant Protein — $39.95 Value
Long-time readers know I’m not a fan of most protein powders on the market. They’re either processed at high-temperatures or full of strange additives and sweeteners.
I don’t feel that way about Perfect Plant Protein by Perfect Supplements. It’s a blend of raw, organic brown rice, hemp, and mushrooms, plus various digestive enzymes and probiotics.
It’s also certified organic, gluten-free, non-GMO, and uses stevia as a sweetener.
Is it a panacea? No. I don’t believe any supplement is. But it is useful for those who need extra protein!
Perfect Coconut Oil — $21.95 Value
This organic, extra-virgin, unrefined, cold-pressed coconut oil is as tasty as they come. Coconut oil boosts immunity, improves cholesterol levels, and promotes weight loss.
It’s also rich in medium chain fatty acids (MCFAs) like lauric acid. Your body converts lauric acid into monolaurin — an antiviral, antimicrobial, antiprotozoal and antifugal compound.
How to Enter
This giveaway has officially ended.
To enter the giveaway, you’ll need to subscribe to Perfect Supplement’s Newsletter using the link below. Just click on the link, and in the upper right corner of the new page you’ll see a green subscription box. Simply use your email address to subscribe.
(If you can’t see the above link, it’s because you have javascript disabled or are using an ad blocker. To see the link, simply re-enable javascript or deactivate your ad blocker for this page.)
After you’ve signed up for the newsletter, you must come back here and comment letting me know you’ve done so. If you fail to leave a comment here, or fail to subscribe to their newsletter, then your entry will not be valid.
That’s good for one entry. For additional chances to win, do any of the following:
1. Follow Perfect Supplements on Facebook. Click here to like their page, then return here and leave a comment telling me you’ve done so.
2. Follow Perfect Supplements on Pinterest. Click here to follow their page, then return here and leave a comment telling me you’ve done so.
3. Follow Perfect Supplements on Twitter. Click here to follow their page, then return here and leave a comment telling me you’ve done so.
The giveaway is open only to mainland U.S. residents and will run through Sunday, May 5th. The winner will be announced soon thereafter.
(photo: top photo by madlyinlovewithlife)
Sam says
Karen D says
@kdff follows Perfect Supplements on Twitter
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Dia Giordano says
I subscribed! (After four tries haha!)
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Amy says
I subscribed, liked on FB, and followed on Pinterest and Twitter!!!
Deanna D. says
I subscribed to their newsletter. 🙂
Gina H says
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Deanna D. says
I liked their page on Facebook. 🙂
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Debi H says
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Chi Chi says
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Deanna D. says
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Thalia says
1. I subscribed to the newsletter.
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3. Following on Twitter (@thalianm)
Thanks so much!
KP says
Signed up for newsletter, liked on FB. I love your website! Thank you so much for being brave enough to talk about real food!
Chi Chi says
I follow Perfect Supplements on Facebook
Chi Chi says
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Shari says
I signed up for your newsletter! 🙂
Shari says
I liked Perfect Supplements Facebook Page! 🙂
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Kathy G says
Subscribed! Thanks for all that you do!
Gayle Sacchetti says
Just confirmed my newsletter subscription! Hope to win! Thanks!
Gayle Sacchetti says
Just Liked the FaceBook page for Perfect Supplements and am now following them on Pinterest!
Kathy G says
Now following on Pinterest too!
Doretta says
Just subscribed! Can’t wait to try the recipes! Wish we could have a world without chemicals and junk foods!
Heather Cornbleth says
liked on facebook! 🙂
Sabrina says
Subscribed & liked. I’d love to win! I can always use some coconut oil and this protein sounds AMAZING…pick me! Please and thank you <3
tex towle says
Aloha, We have a couple different brands of protein powder on hand at our Surfhouse,none of which we’re overly enthusiastic about ,two of our client surfers suggested we try this one this morning ,,we are big proponents of coconut oil,,its the only oil we use for cooking,sunscreen and moisturizer. we look forward to trying this product line!
Lisa says
Subscribed! Looking forward to learning more!
Diane Bergstrom says
Signed up and my fingers are crossed! 🙂
Jennie Graham says
I subscribed! Thanks~
Kate says
Just subscribed. Thanks!
Tanya says
Signed up for the newsletter.
Tanya says
I liked on Facebook. 🙂
Nikole c says
I joined your news letter today. Hoping I have a shot at winning!
sierra lord says
i think i did it correctly.
Cindy Santa Ana says
I subscribed!
Cindy Santa Ana says
Liked on Pinterest, FB and Twitter!
molly says
subscribed. Pick me, pick me 🙂
Sarah says
Thanks Kristen for your great giveaways.
I’m signed up for newsletter!
Sarah says
& liked them on FB
Sarah says
& Pinterest
Sarah says
& Twitter!
Jenn Van Haaften says
Subscribed to newsletter. Thank you.
Gail says
Done! Thanks for letting me know about this site! Never heard of it!
Gail says
I meant the Perfect Supplements site. 😉
Heather says
Followed, twitted, liked, and subscribed!
Amy Shouldice says
I signed up for the newsletter!
Stephanie Devine says
Subscribed to newsletter. Thank you!
Becky Webb says
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Becky Webb says
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Becky Webb says
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Michelle H says
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Becky Webb says
I also followed them on twitter. @beckyjwebb
Michelle H says
Liked perfect supplements on FB
Nicole says
I subscribed, & liked & followed & enjoyed your info!!
Michelle H says
Followed on pinterest
Laura says
I subscribed! can’t wait to read the newsletter!
Rickk says
This sounds great! I subscribed and liked of FB!
sMeghan says
I subscribed!
VJ says
Wow it isn’t easy to find where one is supposed to get back to you and let you know if we have followed your test rules and liked you on Facebook, subscribed to the Newsletter and are following you on Pinterest.
I’ve just finished doing all 3 of these things as I actually do really like your site and I’m already a participant on Pinterest so i’ve added you to the few I follow there. Maybe you’d lke to follow me!
If I win what it seems like is a yummy healthy prize I’ll post my imbibing some on all those sites.
Now back to work.
Thanks and Blessings,
Shea says
I subscribed and liked on Facebook.
LisaRose says
I subscribed. 🙂
And I am following on Pinterest.
Bridget Compton says
I love the sounds of all the beautiful ingredients in the plant powder! I most definitely signed up for your newsletter and look forward to reading them!
Cheryl P says
subscribed to Perfect Supplement’s Newsletter
Kristi says
Subscribed to newsletter
Kristi says
Liked their Facebook page
Kristi says
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Elizabeth says
Subscribed to the newsletter, liked on Facebook and am following on Pinterest!! Coconut oil free?! I use it for everything… Cooking, as butter, on my hair, as a moisturizer on my face, lotion out of the shower and for (pardon the bluntness) cracked nipples from breastfeeding! Heck, I even use it on his skin. Now I have another website to follow!
Kirk Mason says
I just subscribed to your newsletter and would like the opportunity to win a smoothie kit, as you have an interesting receipt I would like to try. Thanks, Kirk
patty blanchard says
just subscribed
patty blanchard says
I liked on facebook
Audrey says
Just subscribed. Perfect Supplements look good! Thank you.
Brad says
Just subscribed to that sick newsletter! Hoping to win some bomb gluten free protein and coconut glory!!!!! Come on baby
Alisha Brandon says
Signed up for the newsletter
Alisha Brandon says
Now a fan on Facebook 🙂
Alisha Brandon says
Now am following on Pinterest
mountain girl says
Oh…looks good!
Katie says
I subscribed to Perfect Supplements newsletter. 😀
Grace says
I subscribed to the Perfect Supplements newsletter.
Grace says
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Grace says
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Grace says
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Jessica dooley says
Subscribed to newsletter
Jessica dooley says
Liked perfect supp on fb
Jessica dooley says
Following perfect supp on pinterest
Jessica dooley says
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brenda says
I love smoothies! Hope I win so I can try some of your amazing smoothie recipes!
brenda says
I have subscribed to the newsletter, liked them on FB, and am following them on Pinterest and Twitter
Melissa says
I followed and liked!
Rebecca Ostler says
Following Perfect Supplements on Facebook 🙂
Rebecca Ostler says
Following Perfect Supplements on Pinterest 🙂
Rebecca Ostler says
subscribed to Perfect Supplement’s Newsletter 🙂
Mia says
Okay, I did the thing. Kinda got lost on the site reading about all the nifty items but I am back for the commenting. May not actually win but am still super excited for the coming newsletters. Going to go “like” and follow on those other sites now. Woot!
carol ives says
I have started taking coconut oil. I melt it & add to my oats & ground flax for breakfast. also made brownies w/ coco oil in place of 1/2 of butter. terrific.
rob says
I have signed up for the newsletters… I bought some coconut oil last night and look forward to using it often!!!
Michlny says
I went to their page to subscribe — and guess what?! I was already subscribed! About to order from them!
Michlny says
Turns out, I already LIKED them on Facebook too!
Michlny says
I followed them on Pinterest!
Michlny says
I also follow them on Twitter!
j says
i signed up for the newletter
j says
and i followed perfect supplements on facebook
Malisha Burns says
I subscribed!
Sarah says
I subscribed to the newsletter and am following on Facebook and Pinterest. My fingers are crossed! 🙂
THANKS for the info and opportunity to win!
I have subscribed to the Perfect Supplements Newsletter….
I have also “LIKED/FOLLOWED” on FaceBook….
Amanda Davis says
Amanda Davis says
Facebook Liked
…AND I am now “FOLLOWING” on Pinterest…
Amanda Davis says
Following on Pinterest
Nives says
Debbie says
Thanks for the Giveaway. I love the site. I signed up for email newsletters.
Kiaya says
I subscribed to email, am following on Pinterest, & “liked” on Facebook. I don’t do the “Twitter” thang.
Thank You!!!
Mia says
I just liked them on the facebook. Yes, I said “the facebook”. 😉
Karen says
I would love to have a protein add-in for my smoothies that I felt great about. However, have you looked into the levels of arsenic in rice? Organic brown rice is pretty high. We should probably re-think consuming rice on a regular basis.
Tina McDermott says
I love coconut oil and plant based protein powders for toxin removal and weight loss. Thanks for having the contest.
Leslie says
I’ve signed up for the Newsletter!
Leslie says
I’m following on Twitter
Judy Wyeth says
I am following them on FB, Twitter & Pinterest & signed up for their newsletter. Thank you!
Candice says
Signed up for the newsletter!! 🙂 here’s hoping!!!!!!!!
Chris says
Just subscribed to your email newsletter, and am entering your giveaway contest. How fun!
Thank you!
Kathryn K says
I subscribed to the newsletter.
Kathryn K says
I like perfect supplements on facebook
Ramon says
I’m now subscribed & ready to win the really good stuff!
Mindy Hellwege says
subscribed so please enter me in giveaway
Mindy Hellwege says
and pinned and liked on fb! thanks
Velva says
OK. I’m subscribed.
Alissabeth says
I subscribed! Thanks!
Alissabeth says
Liked them on Facebook.
Alissabeth says
Following them on Twitter.
Ana N says
I subscribed to their newsletter!
Nathan Cook says
Liked on fb!
Barb says
I have subscribed. Looking forward to your newsletters.
Erin says
Subscribed 🙂
Erin says
LIked on FB, and following on Pinterest 🙂
Shari Scott says
I’m subscribed! Thanks for all the great info!
clare says
somewhat addicted to coconut oil…
Shari Scott says
I’m subscribed!
Janira says
I just subscribed to Perfect Supplements newsletter and liked their Facebook page.. it took me a few minutes to come back to your site to let you know since I couldn’t stop scrolling their page and reading all the awesome info. they have posted! Thank you!
Tamra Yarwood says
just subscribed for the give away and followed on pinterest! 🙂
leah says
I subscribed to the perfect supplements updates on the website.
leah says
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leah says
i Followed Perfect Supplements on pinterest
leah says
i Followed Perfect Supplements on twitter
Amanda B. says
I subscribed to Perfect Supplements newsletter
Andy says
Giveaways are simply the greatest. This is a clever gift package that can really bring some fundamental nutrients into the consumers life. Even if I don’t win, I plan on investing a bit of time and money on the world of healthy smoothies. Thanks for the inspiration and the chance to win.
Carrie says
I have subscribed to Perfect Supplements’ newsletter, as well that their FACEBOOK PAGE, TWITTER FEED, and PINTEREST! Excited for this giveaway! Can’t wait to try their products!
Lynn B. says
I subscribe
Lynn B. says
I like them on FB Lynn Bulk
Lynn B. says
I follow on pinterest
Lynn B. says
twitter follow @lynnlynnbobin
Thomas Herbert says
I subscribed to Perfect Supplements newsletter.
Esther says
I signed up for their newsletter.
Jane H says
Me too! I subscribed!
Sabrina Bilek says
I just subscribed to the newsletter. I drink smoothies with coconut oil added all the time so I would love to try these 2 products!!:)
Julie C. says
Subscribed to newsletter and following on FB!
monique says
I signed up for the newsletter
monique says
follow them on facebook
monique says
follow them on pinterest
monique says
follow them on twitter (armsofasister)
katherine d says
katherinedibello (at) gmail (dot) com
katherine d says
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katherinedibello (at) gmail (dot) com
katherine d says
followed on pinterest @kad5243
katherinedibello (at) gmail (dot) com
katherine d says
follow on twitter @kayday3
katherinedibello (at) gmail (dot) com
Melissa / WellnessMel says
Hi Food Renegade –
I signed up for newsletter, and followed your 3 social media accounts. I’m a nutritionist and would love to try the giveaway products! Thanks!
Elizabeth Smith says
I subscribed!
Just found your site and am loving what you have to say so far. Thanks!
heidi says
I subrcribed and am looking forward to the newsletter..seeing them on fb and Pinterest!!!!
Max says
I subscribed, liked on facebook and follow on pinterest!
DiDi says
subscribed and would love to try their products.
Shawn says
Sorry- how is it “rebellious” to plug an ad for whatever company in order to take our focus off of our own personal- and community- based food production? I’m not saying I’m gonna be growing coconuts here in Denver, but this “renegade tip” looks more like “business as usual” than anything. I look to Food Renegade for useful info on food self-sufficiency and a critique of the commercial food system, I frankly don’t give a damn about seeing yet more advertisements in my inbox distracting me from real action.