If you’ve ever attempted to buy gluten-free bread at the supermarket, you may have been shocked by some of the ingredients. “Gluten-free” does not necessarily mean “healthy.” Nuts and seeds aren’t soaked or sprouted. The bulk of the flour is made up of isolated starches like potato starch or tapioca starch. The oils and sugar are highly likely to be GMO.
While I expect just about any commercially produced food to include compromise ingredients, I also love it when I stumble upon a commercially produced food that I can feel really good about buying. That’s how I feel about Manna Organics Gluten-Free Bread.
This week, thanks to the generosity of one of my sponsors, Wise Choice Market, I’m giving away a sampler pack of their gluten-free breads to one of you lucky readers. The sampler includes 5 loaves of bread — each a different, delicious variety to delight your taste buds.
What You’ll Win
The Manna Organics Gluten-Free Bread Sampler includes one loaf of each of these varieties:
- Cinnamon Raisin
- Ancient Grain
- Original
- Open Sesame
- Ciao Chia
All varieties are certified organic, GMO-free, and utterly delicious. Typical ingredients include filtered water, organic brown rice flour, organic sorghum flour, organic millet, sprouted organic quinoa, sprouted organic amaranth, sprouted organic seeds, organic evaporated cane juice crystals, organic sunflower oil, xanthum gum (non-GMO), and yeast. Of course, the exact ingredients vary from variety to variety, but I hope you’ll see here what I see. Care. Dedication to doing it right.
The sampler pack typically sells for $33. Tack on the free shipping, and this prize is worth $48!
(P.S. You can get free shipping standard on all orders at Wise Choice Market, so long as you place an order of more than $90. I don’t know about you, but that always makes a difference to me when I’m buying online.)
How to Enter
This giveaway has concluded.
First, you’ll need to click on the link below. You’ll be taken to a landing page set up by Wise Choice Market where you’ll be asked to enter your email address to join Wise Choice Market’s mailing list. Please note, this is not a newsletter. You won’t be getting routine emails from them flooding your inbox. Rather, you’ll get an occasional email informing you about discounts, new products, etc.
So, click on the link below, sign up for their mailing list (this includes confirming that you’ve opted into the list), then come back here and leave a comment telling me you’ve done so. If you fail to do any of these three easy steps, you will not be eligible to win the prize.
(If you can’t see the above link, it’s because you have javascript disabled or are using an ad blocker. To see the link, simply re-enable javascript or deactivate your ad blocker for this page.)
Remember, after you’ve signed up for the newsletter, you must come back here and comment letting me know you’ve done so.
That’s good for one entry. For additional chances to win, do any of the following:
2. Blog about this giveaway and link back to this page on your blog. Comment below with the link. (1 extra entry)
3. Sign up for my weekly email newsletter using the form below. Leave a comment below telling me that you signed up. You will also get an entry if you already subscribe — be sure to leave a comment! (2 extra entries)
4. Follow me on Pinterest and pin the giveaway. Be sure to include the URL to this page in your pin. Follow me on Pinterest here. Leave a comment telling me that you followed & pinned. (1 extra entry)
5. Email 5 friends about the giveaway, with a link to this page. Leave a comment below telling me that you did. (1 extra entry)
6. LIKE my Facebook page and share about the giveaway on Facebook, linking to this post. (2 extra entries!)
There are a total of 9 possible entries!
The giveaway is open only to mainland U.S. residents and will run through Friday, November 30th. The winner will be announced soon thereafter.
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Added myself to the newsletter. I want to try those GF Breads! 🙂
I want to win! My hubby would love to try these!
email subscriber already
Pinned it! http://pinterest.com/pin/42221315228372047/
email subscriber #2 enbtry
follow you on pinterest and http://pinterest.com/pin/125608277078725635/
I shared it on facebook! https://www.facebook.com/beckyjwebb/posts/194259140698637
already like you on FB #1
I like your facebook page!
already like you on FB #2 entry
opps forgot to mention I signed up for the newsletter
email some GF friends as well
I did all three steps and entered! I would love to find done good gfree bread. I hate most any I’ve had to date!
Signed myself up. I love gluten-free bread!!!
Subscribed and shared on FB.
I signed up for the newsletter.
Thanks for such a great giveaway – My son is gluten free and egg free, and we had no idea a decent commercial bread even existed. We’d love to give it a try!
Oopps, for got to mention we signed up on the website 🙂
Would love to try these breads. Haven’t found a gluten free bread that tastes good.
I’ve signed up for the newsletter. The bread sounds yummy!
Liked it and shared it on facebook also emailed it to 5 of my friends
Signed up for newsletter
I signed up~
Following you on Pinterest
on the mailing list, following you on pintrest, shared the link, and LOVE you on fb! hope i win! xo
Already “liked” Facebook page
I signed up for the mailing list. There was no confirmation of the opt-in. I’m already a member of your mailing list and I’ve already “liked” your page, so no extra entries for me! 🙂
Meant to say that I am not on Pintrest, so no extra entries for that for me. 🙂
I signed up for the newsletter! I just found out last week that I can’t have gluten or dairy. Probably best in the long run. Looks like tasty stuff!
YAY!! GFCO breads! Entered, subscribed to updates, etc. Thank you. 🙂
Ok I signed up for the email there and I signed up for your email list and followed you on pinterest and pinned the giveaway! for 3 entries Thanks!
Would love the opportunity to try these bread. Pick me! Pick me!!!!
I signed up for the newsletter!
Got on the wise choice list and i get your newsletter!! Ready to try some proper bread 🙂
I subscribed to your newsletter (can’t believe I wasn’t subscribed already!!).
I signed up for the givaway, and I am already a subscriber to Food Renegade ! 🙂
I shared on my fb page with the link 🙂
Hi! I just signed entered my email to the list! Thank you for spreading the word about this bread. I am looking forward to trying them even if I don’t win! 🙂
Hello, I signed up for the newsletter, always looking for healthy gluten free options!
I added myself to the Wise Choice newsletter.
I like you on FB and shared the giveaway.
I subscribe to your newsletter.
I follow you on Pinterest.
already a fan on facebook!
Thank you for the opportunity to try wholesome gluten free bread!
subscribed to your newsletter
joined the wise choice newsletter
P.S. I am already a subscriber to your wonderful newsletter and follow you on Facebook too- love the posts! Thanks to Wise Choice Market as well.
sent an email out to my contacts list about this giveaway 🙂
Entered and opted in.
Emailed 5 friends about the giveaway
Already subscribed to your blog and get the emails
Already follow you on Facebook.
Shared your fb post
I signed up for the Wise Choice Market mailing list.
Signed up! This would be fabulous as we just learned
that my 6 year old needs to adapt to a gluten
free diet ASAP and we are just learning the ropes.
I am signed up for your weekly newsletter.
I follow you on Pinterest.
I shared your post on Facebook.
Subscribed. This would be great as we just learned
that my son needs to start a gluten free diet ASAP
I entered for the giveaway. Love your fb page!
I subscribed to the newsletter.
I also shared the giveaway on my FB page, Homemade Served Here.
I already subscribe to Wise Choice email list. I am also already subscribed to your email list and I follow you on facebook. Thanks to you and Wise Choice for this offer!
subscribed to your emails and liked and shared you on fb. 🙂
I signed up for the newsletter – those breads look so good!
I already follow you on Pinterest and Facebook 🙂
I tweeted the giveaway https://twitter.com/hollynsage/status/272808424662773760
(not sure if that counts as an entry, but I did it!)
I signed up. I don’t need gluten free, but my dad does. I’d love to gift this to him.
Liked your facebook page and added you on pinterest!
Thank you so much for this link. I have bookmarked it, signed up for your newsletter, and hope to order soon!
Am anxious to get more info about this link!
These look delicious! Hope to win!
-Signed up for Wise Choice mailing list
-Already signed up to FR emails
-Already follow FR on Facebook
-Already follow FR on Pinterest
-Shared link on Facebook
Well I am certainly ready to try some decent non cringe worth GF breads. It has been a dry and dusty decade in the bread arena.
all 3 steps done! And already an FB follower!
I just signed up! Recently found out that my grandmother & aunt have a gluten intolerance. I am now having similar symptoms and I’m 23.. Starting to reduce the amounts of gluten in my diet. Also, my dogs have a gluten allergy and had seizures as a symptom!
nothing better than good bread!…I signed up for their newsletter…
Signed up for their newsletter!
I have been subscribed to your email newsletter for a little while..really enjoy your info…
I joined the list! Those breads look delicious!
Signed up with wise choice newsletter
I’m a subscriber and I like your page on fb.
Liked your Facebook page
I signed up for Wise Choice’s emails– thanks for this giveaway!
I entered 🙂
Signed up for the newsletter. thanks for the awesome chance to try new gluten free bread!
I would love to win this. I have tried so many breads that are dry and tasteless. Nothing ever tastes fresh.
I signed up for Wise Choice newsletter!
I signed up for the wonderful emails.
I signed up!
got on the mailing list!
Already signed up for your newsletter!
I already subscribe!
I visited the website and signed up for email notifications. All of the breads sound amazing!!! They even sell bone broth!
entering this again because my email was wrong. I already subscribe!
I entered for email notifications @ Wise Choice Markets.
Already subscribed to your newsletter. I would love to try these gf breads!
I cannot wait to try these breads. They look delicious and the ingredients look healthier than most GF breads. Thank you
I like your facebook page and I shared the giveaway on my page: https://www.facebook.com/theglutenfreenp
Love your stuff!!!
I follow you on Pinterest and I pinned this giveaway to my Gluten Free Goodies board
Entry #1 – I signed up for the newsletter. Thanks for the giveaway!
All 3 steps done. Great site!
As a gluten free family I would LOVE to try some new bread. I subscribe also!
Facebook like and shared
Pinterest follow and pinned
Signed up for giveaway
Signed up for newsletters
Great giveaway!
I signed up for the newsletter,
Signed up for your newsletter,
And liked your FB page!
I would love to try the delicious breads. I signed up for the giveaway by joining the mail list on Wise Choice Market and I also signed up for your newsletter.
Liked on Facebook
Already a subscriber to your newsletter
Signed up for giveaway
HELLO Ciao Chia bread! My stomach is already growling. YUM!!
wise choice market: check
food renegade newsletter: check
pinterest: check
Looking forward to hours of going down the internet rabbit hole with these great resources.
Liked on Facebook
Already a subscriber to your newsletter
Signed up for giveaway
I signed up for the Wise Choice Market newsletter 🙂
Signed up for your newsletter
I signed up for your newsletter. I am excited to receive it. I also wanted to sign up for the giveaway!
I signed up for Wise Choice Markets mailing list. I already like your facebook page and follow you on pinterest. And btw this bread looks yummy awesome.
I signed up for Wise Choice Market newsletter.
signed up for wise choice newsletter
already subscribe to your newsletter
followed and pinned to pinterest
Like Food Renegade on FB
Done. Thank you!
Wonderful! I added myself to their mailing list. Thank you!
Entered and liking you on Facebook! Thanks 🙂
I subscribed to Wise Choice
I love your newsletter or blog 😉
I liked you on Facebook.
I also follow you on Pinterest.
Signed up for the Newsletter for the company!
5 friends about the giveaway, with a link to this page. Leave a comment below telling me that you did. (1 extra entry)
6. LIKE my Facebook page and share about the giveaway on Facebook, linking to this post. (2 extra entries!)
Already liked your page on FB, but also shared your FB post!
Signed up for their mailing list
This bread looks marvelous! I recently joined the GF community while trying to heal from Lyme’s disease. Love your blog and ideas for cooking. 🙂
I signed up on the Wise Choice Market page and I am already subscribed to your email newsletter.
Thanks for hosting this giveaway!
Yummy! I entered
signed up for their newsletter
Signed up 4 mailing list!!
get your newsletter
I signed up for the newsletter
I follow you on Pinterest
Subscribe to newsletter!
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I signed up at Wise Choice Market!
I’m signed up for your newsletter
Already subscribed!!
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emailed 5 friends
Followed on Pinterest & pinned!
I followed you on Pinterest & pinned!
I emailed 5 friends!
I just “liked” Food Renegade on Facebook too!
Done! Thanks for the giveaway.
Signed up for newsletter!
follown u on FB!
I’ve added my name to the newsletter. I would love to try these breads! Thanks for the opportunity.
I added my name to the newsletter and liked you on FB! Thanks!
I signed up for the Wise Choice Market newsletter.
I receive your weekly newsletter.
And, I “like” your Facebook page!
I signed for the Wise Choice Market newsletter.
I “like” you on FB.
I am signed up for your weekly newsletter.
I follow you on Pinterest and pinned the giveaway!
hey Kristen,
signed up for Wise Choice’s newsletter and already am a Renegade
Mission complete. My daughter was diagnosed with celiac at 9 yrs of age.. Which makes finding breads she likes so much harder since she has all ready taking a liking to the gluten containing bread. There are not much she likes in the gluten free version!
I would love to try this bread! I am signed up for newsletters, Pinterest and Facebook. Keep up the great work! I love your blog!
all signed up! can’t wait to try this bread!!
Looking forward to trying these breads. I’ve eaten rice bread and was underwhelmed, at best. I’d like to try other types, these look as good as anything I’ve seen anywhere.
I added my name to the list and followed you on Pinterest. Can’t wait to win!!!
I signed up for the mailing list (1 entry)
for the weekly newsletter (2 entries)
and liked on facebook & shared the link (2 entries)
5 entries altogether… is that enough to win?? I hope so 🙂
I already subscribe by email and Facebook. Just added Pinterest. Thanks for such great info.
How deliciously wonderful! : ) I just signed up for Wise Choice Market’s newsletter. Thanks so very much for this truly generous giveaway! : )
I’m also a subscriber to your wonderful newsletter and so love receiving your enlightening gems. Thanks again! : )
I’ve entered the contest, signed up, & confirmed. Thank You for this giveaway!!
Signed up for newsletter.
I signed up on the Wise Choice web site.
Isigned up for newsletter.
I’m already a weekly subscriber to your blog.
Just entered the giveaway!
I am already a subscriber. Hope I win this!
subscribed to the Wise Choice newsletter
subscribed to your newsletter
likd your FB page
I subscribed to the WC newsletter
I subscribe to your newsletter
Facebook fan
E-mail subscriber
I signed up for their mailing list, with confirmation and yours, and liked you on Facebook. Thank you!
I add myself to the newsletter, I would like to try those breads.
entered the give-away; my boys and i are all GF so excited about this!
already subscribe to your great blog . . .
FB fan, as well
i emailed five GF friends.
blogged at littlestbirdsong, with link
woo hoo – repinned – this looks great! thanks 🙂
Desperate to taste these goodies!!
Joined newsletter
I tried to sign up for Wise Choice Market’s newsletter, but got this error after several attempts: “The requested URL /form_submissions/create/ was not found on this server.” This is the URL of that error: “http://offers.wisechoicemarket.com/form_submissions/create/?pageId=27c33040-3414-11e2-8757-12313e02a4f0&variant=c”. I will keep trying until I get it done but wanted you to know what was happening.
I have been on your mailing list for quite some time now – love it!
I entered to won the organic gluten free bread sampler and I am very excited to try it!
I follow you on Pinterest and pinned the giveaway – http://pinterest.com/pin/169870217166475294/
I signed up for the newsletter. Great giveaway!
I follow you on Pinterest and found many great recipes on your boards. 🙂
I like you on FB (entry #1)
I like you on FB (entry #2)
I get your weekly newsletter (entry #1)
I get your weekly newsletter (entry #2)
I’ve entered to win.
Signed up for the newsletter.
I signed up for Wise Choice email list,
your email list
& Liked your Facebook page.
Thank you!
I joined Wise Choice Market’s mailing list.
I signed up for the Wise Choice Market’s Mailing list. thanks
I’m signed for the Food Renegade Newsletter
I follow you on Pinterest
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I signed up for the Wise Choice Newsletter.
I signed up for your newsletter.
I liked you on FB
I shared this page on FB
I follow you on Pinterest
I pinned this
I subscribed to your newsletter (#2)
would love to try these. Signed up for newsletter.
I signed up for the Wise Choice newsletter, but I already get their updates…
I am also already a subscriber to YOUR newsletter!
AND I like you on facebook!
Subscribed. 🙂
Shared on Facebook!
I signed up for the Wise Choice newsletter.
I already like your page on Facebook and I shared this giveaway.
signed up for newsletter
I did what I was supposed to do! Click on the link to sign up for the Wise Choice newsletter, clicked on that link, then comment here!
Did everything!
I signed up for your newsletter – my husband and 2 year old son are gluten-free and we’d love these. So sick of the processed junk in the store.
I signed up for the Wise Choice Market newsletter – my husband and 2 year old son are gluten-free and we’d love these!
Entered & done. Thanks for the chance 🙂
Signed up!
I entered 🙂
I signed up for the newsletter!
I signed up for your weekly email newsletter!
Just entered! Fingers crossed & mouth watering!
I already like your FB page and I shared the link to this post on FB : )
Signed up for newsletter.
I joined the Wise Choice Market’s mailing list.
I signed up for the mailing list. Can’t wait to taste that bread. Yum!
Shared on FB, too.
i like you on fb
i followed you on pintrest
i joined the GF site for newsletter/updates etc..
i signed up to your newsletter
I clicked on the link, signed up for the Wise Choice Market’s mailing list – confirming that I’ve opted into the list, I am back here letting you know that I’ve done so.
I just signed up for the newsletter!
newsletter, Pinterest, already “Liked” your FB page for some time now, “Shared” link about giveaway! Would LOVE to try some gluten-free breads, just diagnosed with Celiac Disease recently, so still pretty new to all of this. Thanks for all you do!!! Really enjoy your page!!
I am new to the gluten/GMO free lifestyle. We are still working out the kinks and most is good but have not been happy with a lot of the breads so would love to try these. I did what you asked to enter so I am all good! Love your site so informative, thank you 🙂
I am a current subscriber and I love all the info you provide. I signed up for the Wise Choice Market’s info. Thanks 🙂 I hope I win; I would like to try the new bread out on my daughter who has celiac disease.
I signed up for the newsletter.
I already get your newsletter.
I am following you on pinterest.
I shared the giveaway on my FB page: https://www.facebook.com/?ref=tn_tnmn#!/tracy.league
I also pinned it at http://pinterest.com/pin/211106301254506756/
I signed up for the wise choice market newsletter
I subscribe to your newsletter
I totally signed up for the newsletter! I’ve been looking to try some bread that isn’t so bad for me
I signed up!
Signed up for giveaway. Was already a subscriber to Wise Markets email updates. 🙂
I ‘like’ Food Renegade on Facebook. My personal page and my blog FB page like you. woo-wee!
I have been signed up to receive Food Renegade newsletters.
Glad to see you and others like you on Pinterst now. I just started following you there. Pin pin pin!
Signed up for the newsletter. I’m thrilled to find a healthy gf bread-finally! Can’t wait to try it.
Signed up!
I signed up for the Wise Choice mailing list
Liked, pinned, commented and entered!! Thanks for all that you do! You are making a difference in our lives daily!
I’m already signed up for your mailing list.
I entered! Always looking for a tasty alternative to store-bought gluten free cardboard!!
All signed up! I’m a FB fan and receive your newsletter
Yummy! Have my smart balance and honey waiting to spread…and the toaster is set to go!
Hi, I signed onto their email list.
I would love to win the breads and try them.
I already receive your newsletter and love it.
Would like to try these breads!
Thank you for the opportunity to win these yummy breads and the introduction to the Wise Choice Market! I’m already signed up for your newsletter and I love it! Thanks again!
I signed up for the emails updates at Wise Choice Market and want to try this new bread. I am not happy with the ingredients of the GF bread I am eating presently. Thanks so much for posting about this!
I signed up for the Newsletter
Just found out about this so I signed up. Now going to like on Face Book!
Thanks for the chance to win…can’t wait to try those breads..Norrine
I signed onto their e-mail list..Norrine
Liked and shared on my Facebook page!
I feed my dogs a healthy RAW diet, and need to wean myself OFF of wheat products…would LOVE to win this and give these wonderful products a try…Thanks for the chance. Connie
Just subscribed to their email list!
Given that the gluten-free loaves I saw at brick-and-mortar stores are like crumbly bricks, it’d be great to try something else.
Excellent give away! I have not been able to eat any gluten for the past year and have been searching for a source of edible bread. The search has not been successful yet! Whether I win or not I am thankful for the info and will give them the chance to win me over! Thanks!!
Did all 3 for the GF bread sampler. Thanks for the work you do here.
Just signed up. New to being gluten-free, made my first loaf of bread yesterday.
I signed up. Thank you.
I have entered the Wise Choice Market email.
We would love to try their breads.
I also receive your newsletter and am learning a lot about eating whole foods.
Thanks, Brenda
Hi! I signed up for the Wise Choice newsletter. I also subscribe to your newsletter and am a FB fan. Thanks for all the great info and recipes 🙂
Kudos to real healthy life giving food; and may I win 5 loaves of manna from Earth heaven. Amen.
Thanks for hosting this giveaway! If I win, I want to donate my winnings to a family that could benefit more than I would. I signed up for the newsletter, and now I’m going over to become a fan of your page!
Liked your FB page!
I signed up at Wise Choice!
Oops, now I have liked AND linked. 🙂
I am already an email subscriber. 🙂
Signed up! Would love to win!
all signed up for the newsletter.
Entered the giveaway and signed up for the WCM newsletter!
Already recieve your newsletter! <3
I signed up for the newsletter — I am looking forward to trying the yummy breads!
Since being diagnosed with celiac disease two years ago I have not had one single bite of bread because the ingredients included chemicals that I do not want to consume. I subscribed to the Wise Choice Market’s newsletter, re-pinned you on Pinterest, and liked you on Facebook. I can’t wait to taste the Manna-Organics gluten free bread!
I signed up for the Wise Choice Market newsletter – please enter me in the drawing
I already receive your newsletter and just added your link to my facebook page !
Hi, I signed up for the giveaway, I’m already a subscriber, and I liked you on Facebook!
I signed up for the mailing list for Wise Choices Market.
I opented onto the list.
I left a comment right here. 🙂
I already get your weekly email newsletter. 🙂
I Liked you on Facebook.
And I posted the giveaway on Facebook in my status. I sure hope I win.
subscribed to Wise Choice mailing list
already like you one facebook and posted the giveaway
already receive the Food Renegade newsletter
I added my name to the list. Thanks so much for all the info you provide in Food Renegade!
Subscribed to Wise CHoice newsletter
Already subscribe to the Food Renegade newsletter
I signed up!
Followed on pinterest and repinned
I have signed up for the bread give-away.
Thanks for offering FREE gluten-free bread! I just signed up and recently went on a wheat/gluten free diet, and love the way I feel. I was looking for a yummie bread too. So thanks for sharing!
Posted to pinterest, liked on facebook, already on the newsletter list, entered on the website and I regularly link to your website on my website, cuz you are awesome and I am a solider in your army.
I have signed up! Sounds delish!
I entered.
Just entered the drawing for the Organic Gluten-Free Bread! I am so excited to find it. Even if I don’t win the prize, I will be ordering the sampler. Thanks for always sharing great healthy info!!
I signed up for the newsletter. Would love to try that sampler.
I entered.
I registered and hope to win the goodies. Yum!
I hope I am the winner.
Signed up & liked your page;)
I signed up for their e-mail list. I hope I win – I’d love to try all the flavors of these breads!
I signed up, already liked page a while ago. Happy to see a new bread product on the market. The ones I’ve tried are not so good and since I am converting my husband to wheat free this opportunity to sample GF bread is a great way to ease him away from wheat. Thanks for the opportunity to sample. D.
Signed up – would be so yummy to try! Thanks!
signed up for Wise Choice
already subscribe to newsletter!
am starving for some decent gluten-free bread!
liked you on FB and shared link to this page 🙂
Signed up for the newsletter and liked your page on FB! Now bring on the GF bread!! 😉
I’m looking forward to trying the Manna Gluten-Free Breads. I’m always looking for delicious breads…Have high hopes for the Manna brand.
I’m already signed up for your newsletter. LOVE it! I signed up for the free bread entry and hope to win. If not I’ll probably try it anyway, it looks so good! I also emailed 5 friends the link. I liked your fb page too!
I have signed up for the Wist Choice Foods newsletter, I am already subscribed for your newsletter and I already “LOVE” your Facebook page! Signing up for Pintest now!! 🙂
signed up for the occasional e-newsletter. thanks for letting us know about this great bread that is both GF and Organic!
Entered…thanks so much for the oppurtunity! and your blog!
I signed up for your newsletter. I just found you through a friends post.
I signed up! It is great to see someone making the real deal for those of us who want to but can’t.
Signed up for the newsletter! Will have to get this bread to try for my gluten free kids! Love the information you provide, keep it coming!
I entered the contest- thanks so much!
I did it! Hope i win some free bread!
Clicked the link and also am a subscriber!
I filled in the form and clicked the link to sign up for the newsletter at Wise Choice but there is no confirmation that it completed the action.
I would love to hear from them – hope it went through!
signed up for the list, am a subscriber already. The bread looks sooo Yummy, I hope I win. Love your site and all the great info. Thanks for the chance
Signed up.
My breadbox is empty!
Subscribed to their newsletter as well as yours. These breads look amazing! And you’re right, gluten-free doesn’t mean healthy. I can’t believe all the atrocities we can find even in health food stores. Cheers for supporting companies with INTEGRITY!
I regularly make low carb bread and whole grain bread for that great guy I live with. I would love to get the gluten free for my dear niece!
Signed up for the bread contest!
I signed up for the mailing list and entered into the contest.
Healthy fooood, taste so gooood…..
I’ve been subscribed to this most informative newsletter, and just liked dat facebook.
I entered by clicking on the link. I’m excited about this giveaway since it’s coming at a time where our family can’t really afford to eat as healthy as we want (grass fed stuff). Yay for beans…
I subscribed to their website, bread sounds great!
I already subscribe to your website
I’ve entered the Wise Market newletter list, I already am on your newsletter list, I’m following you on Pinterest!
Just entered on Wise Market. Bread looks great!
Subscribed to the Wise Market, already on your list, now following you on pinterest too 🙂 Thanks for keeping us up to date about great products!
Ok I signed up for the give away. Would LOVE to learn how to make more gluten free items for my family.
I signed up for their mailing list!
I also subscribed to your newsletter, I like you / your page on Facebook and I shared about the giveaway on Facebook.
I signed up for the newsletter!
jasminewaite (at) gmail (dot) com
I signed up for your weekly email newsletter
jasminewaite (at) gmail (dot) com
I signed up for their newsletter.
I’m already a Food Renegade newsletter subscriber!
I have signed up.
I entered the contest for gluten free bread! Thanks Kristen!
Joined the Wise Choice mailing list and repinned on Pinterest 😉
I joined their email newsletter list.
I am a facebook fan
I signed up for Wise Choices email! Love this giveaway!
i just entered the giveaway! i found out after i had my daughter that i have rheumatiod arth. and i went gluten free and then i had gluten one day and oh man did my arthritis flare up!! so i would love to try this bread to see if i would want to order it normally! i work at a coop and we only sell two brands and they;re not the best!! thanks so much!
All signed up for Wise Choices email! Great giveaway!
signed up!
I have signed up for the newsletter
I blogged about the giveaway here: http://wp.me/s2F31j-91
Yes, it’s an ugly little blog. I will fix it up eventually.
I subscribe to your weekly email newsletter
I follow you on Pinterest and I pinned this giveaway here: http://pinterest.com/pin/11681280255185109/
I Like your Facebook page and have shared about the giveaway here: http://on.fb.me/TmqrKJ
I signed up for Wise Choice Market’s mailing list. Thanks for a great giveaway!
I signed up for your newsletter.
I like your website and signed up for newsletter and bread giveaway.
Just subscribed! Hooray for organic gluten free bread!!!
I signed up for their newsletter
Just signed up. Maybe I’ll win some gluten-free bread for my bday today!
I subscribed to their newsletter! Their bread looks amazing!
I signed up for the newsletter and entered giveaway!
Liked and shared on FB
I signed up for their newsletter
And I’m now following you on Pintrest
And I signed up for your newsletter, but I guess it needs to be confirmed yet.
And I follow you on Facebook 🙂
I just signed up for the newsletter 🙂
I entered the Wise Choice bread giveaway.
Love your newsletter!! My 9 yr old granddaughter was recently found to be gluten sensitive and her choices of bread is slim here. We will be looking at the WC website in depth for choices a child would like. Thank you.
I signed up…hoping to win some samplers. 🙂
I subscribed to the Wise Choice newsletter.
I subscribe to your newsletter (1)
I subscribe to your newsletter (2)
I follow you on Pinterest, and Pinned here: http://pinterest.com/pin/131589620333932944/
I follow you on Facebook, and Shared this giveaway. (1)
I follow you on Facebook, and Shared this giveaway. (2)
Clicked link and signed up, came back and left comment that I did.
I like you on facebook.
I also signed up for for your newsletter and of course got on the Wise Choice mailing list. I’m feeling lucky!
I was already subscribed at Wise Choice Market…so the link isn’t working for me …?
I’m already a subscriber to your weekly newsletter – and have liked you on FB.
I’ve signed up onto their email list
I did all three steps to win.
I would love to try these breads and they go well with my pesceterian diet. I liked you on facebook and signed up and shared. 🙂
All signed up on Wise Choice’s email list!
Already subscribed to your emails.
I have followed you on Pinterest & pinned this giveaway.
Love your newsletter. Great recipes. Signed up for the giveaway.
Would love to try this bread with my Celiac family members!
I have signed up for the mailing list.
Just signed up for the GF bread giveaway. I’m just starting a GF diet. I am also excited to find out about the Wise Choice Store!
I entered to win. Yum! I will also share on FB now. 🙂
Just signed up for the Wise Choice newsletter to enter the giveaway! 🙂
I joined Wise Choice Market’s mailing list! 🙂
Just signed up. I hope to win!
I signed up for the newsletter
already subscribed to Food Renegade!
Already like Food Renegade on FB
Signed up for the giveaway!!
I Did It!!!!
I signed up for their newsletter
I already get your newsletter
I follow you on FB
All signed up! 🙂
I like Food Renegade on FB and I have signed up for the mailing list at Wise Choice Market and for a chance to win the bread. 🙂 Thanks!!
I just signed up for the mailing list.
It would be great to have my mom try these breads!
I did it. Thanks!
I signed up for the Wise Choice Market newsletter.
I wanna win! 😉
I signed up and will post the offer to my personal and nutrition FB pages! 🙂
I get your weekly newsletter.
I follow you on Pinterest & pinned this url to my giveaways board.
I like you on facebook and posted a link to this giveaway there.
I like your facebook page and signed up for the newsletter!
I found you on facebook in a friends link. I have just begun on my journey of being gluten free.
I’m new to being gluten free and would love to try some breads. Found out I’m allergic to my 2 fav good groups dairy and gluten 🙁 but trying new gluten free options. Would love to try this company out. Thank you foot the info on healthier eating.
I have added myself to your newletter and contest. We have food allergies and I typically gourmet cook everything our family needs. Occassionally mama/teacher needs a break and is looking for new foods to try. Hoping this works out for our vegan diet. thanks and take care, mickey
I signed up for the Wise Choice Market newsletter.
L entered the contest and liked you on facebook. I am gluten, egg, and dairy free and looking for bread. thanks
I signed up for your newsletter.
signed up for wise choice market newsletter
I follow you on Pinterest and pinned the giveaway: http://pinterest.com/pin/519462138239217578/
following you on pinterest
repinned on pinterest
I already like you on Facebook.
like your facebook page
emailed 5 friends with link to this page
signed up for your newsletter
I am impressed at your following, way to go. I couldn’t find the link you where referring to, so I didn’t enter, but is good to see that there is a Organic,Gluten free product!