This month, I’m giving away a Cuisinart Food Processor to one of you.
I am so grateful for you, my readers! You hang with me through thick and thin as we buck conventional nutritional wisdom and cleave to eating according to our ancestral, traditional food ways. Without you, I wouldn’t be where I am today.
So, as a way of saying thank you and giving something back, I’m hosting monthly giveaways!
These prizes are coming entirely out of my own pocket. I choose them based on your Facebook votes, and I ship the prizes directly to your doorstep.
How to Enter
Entering the contest is as easy as 1-2-3!
1. Click this link: Cuisinart Food Processor
2. If you haven’t already, sign up for my email newsletter using the form below. I hate spam and value your privacy! The emails you’ll receive will include:
- Real Food Recipes
- Nutrition & Health Articles
- Coupons, Special Offers, & More Giveaways
You can unsubscribe at any time. Please Note: YOU MUST be signed up for my newsletter at the time the contest is over in order to still be eligible to win.
Just enter your email address below and hit SUBSCRIBE. Super easy!
3. Verify your entries with the Raffelcopter widget below. Raffelcopter will also give you the opportunity to get additional entries by following me on Facebook and Pinterest.
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Thank you for the opportunity!!
Thank you for the giveaway! I have always wanted a Cuisinart Food Processor!
It is about time I won something, since I am a cook, I would love to win this!!!!
Love your site- what a great give away.
Thank you for the Cuisinart opportunity and great food info.
What a generous offer!
Hey Kristen, if you are in Las Vegas, shoot on over to Pahrump and visit me! Thanks for making a difference.
Interesting little widget you have there! Love the opportunities to win … but I’m not gonna join Pinterest – Facebook already takes up enough of my time! :/
Have been a long time subscriber and look forward to reading you over a cup of coffee. Thank you for your time and great information and this great give away!
Love your posts and sharing them with my friends/community. Thanks for this generous opportunity! 🙂
i really love your site & post on facebook. as a chef i actually learn things all time, your part of my daily food homework. cheers.
Thank you for the chance to win a Cuisinart. My little food processor just fell apart after 22 years and I’ve been lost without it. (I can’t afford a new one at this time.)
I love receiving your newsletters and have been telling my friends about your blog and your recipes. Thank you for the information and great recipes!
Honestly, I know this seems like a bit of gushing, but I’m truly sincere about loving your newsletter.
I enjoy the newsletter. I read many of the articles and the recipes. I am going to buy oatmeal and make the banana breakfast bars today. Thank you for all the time and effort you put into the newsletter and your posts. I hope everyone starts to read them. It is so important to the people of this country to have access to this information and the support of a community to assist each other in eating healthy and preparing healthy foods and meals for our families. I get ill when I see families go to McDonalds every night for dinner. I had a problem with the internet and spent a week there doing school work and drinking coffee, and I saw families come in every night for their evening meal. I cannot eat their products and don’t eat beef anyway but they are so unhealthy. The children are obese and can’t run and play without getting breathless. We live at the moment in WV and are relocating back to New England soon. The food choices in WV are limited and fish is always rock hard frozen and smells and tastes horrid. This state has more obese children and parents than any other state. It is really a poor state with poor people. They do not understand how to make a budget for food and eat healthy. They spend $28 to $30 for meals at Mc Donalds and could make that amount due for two to three meals at home with healthy food. Sorry for the rant. I love the newsletter and what it stands for.
Thanks for keeping me up to date!
I’m so excited! 🙂
what a great food processor!!! fingers etc are all crossed xxxxxxxxxxxx
You are a wise foody, and you have a charitable heart. Thanks!
Awesome giveaway! Thanks so much for doing this Xx
Would love to win this great giveaway. !!!!
Thanks for offering a sweet product! I hope it finds a good home!
Great giveaway! Thanks for the opportunity to enter!
I truly appreciate all the time and effort you put in to sharing your knowledge with us and keeping us informed. Thank you!
Thank-you for having a great giveaway and for being a food Renegade.
thanks for the great site as well as giveaway!
Thank you. I hope many people sign up, love your newsletter.
Food processor! Have never had the luxury! Blender quit this spring, too. And lots of recipes on this site to use!!
Just started on Kombucho. It’s definitely different. My DH won’t even try it, but I think I do feel a little better. Maybe just wishful thinking, we’ll see. Great site.
Thanks for all the work you put into your site. It has really helped me learn about real food.
thank you for having a giveaway, I hope I win!
Would love to try the cruisinart food processor! Love your emails.
I could sure use this Cuisinart food processor! Sure hope I win…. THANKS for the opportunity. Love your blog — learning new things every day!
So glad to see sites such as yours and that you are addressing children/new moms who may not know about the resources out there! Love to see the word spreading about whole foods! We need to know what we are consuming! Thank you!
So awesome, thanks for doing this!
what a nice prize, thank you !
Thanks so much for the giveaway!
Check out my blog at:
Thank you for Cuisinart giveaway. Awesome food prep tool!
Enjoy your posts – keep them coming!
I’m confused! I clicked on “click here” and it takes me to Amazon – but, I’m trying to win it not buy it. Already signed up for newletters/ email/ FB but resigned up cuz didn’t see anything to let you know am already a subscriber. So, I guess I didn’t enter to win?
You enter to win when your entry is verified by the Raffelcopter widget. You open an option in the widget by clicking the +1 button, then make it “count” your entry when you click the green ENTER button.
So long as you clicked the green ENTER button, your entries are counted!
I really could use this about now! Thanks!
Love the stick blender! It is great for creamed soups!
‘Tis a lovely food processor. I’ve come to realize just how inadequate my 20 year old food processor is. I mean, it works and I do use it, but it just doesn’t work that well. I see videos of people using better machines and I pout realizing how much more work it is to try and achieve the same results with my poor, pitiful machine.
Thank you for giving us a chance 🙂 What would I use for? Soups, fruit salads, veggie salads, baking …Possibilities are endless!
Don’t give away a Cuisinart it has BPA in it. Give away a Breville the only BPA free food processor.
This would be a welcome replacement to my 1985 model Cuisinart!
I would love to win this!
I have been upgrading my food habits lately . . . always thought I was eating pretty well . . . well, except for the heavy cheese and chocolate emphases. Working more and more produce into my life. Man, would This help!!
Awesome giveaway!
Wow what a great giveaway! I’ve had my food processor for over 20 years!
Oh IwishIwishIwish I could win this! I am using an old food processor that was my mom’s and it frustrates me.
I would so love to win this…I’ve wanted one of these forever! I use my little cheapo food processor almost daily.
I love your newsletter and follow you on facebook as well. I’m always learning something new 🙂
Need this food processor!!
Thanks for hosting this wonderful giveaway. I love your blog and always leave inspired, encouraged and informed in healthy eating and living. 🙂
Thanks for the giveaway. I hope to win like everyone else here.May the lucky one enjoy it !
Thank you so very much for this generous giveaway!
I’ve never won anything in my life but it would be SO AMAZING to win this because I don’t have a food processor and there are a lot of things I can’t make without one or that turn out subpar (or get completely screwed up) trying to make them in my craptastic blender! Fingers tightly crossed! I NEED this and want it!
Love your blog and hope I win this awesome food processor!
Wow….thanks Kristen!
WOW! What a great give-a-way….working for many years as an executive chef, preaching healthy foods and how to prepare, I had a processor which I couldn’t live without. Since my retirement I spend many hours in my kitchen, my organic garden and I write blogs called “My Secret Sauce” about holistic rejuvenation, “the do’s and dont’s” of healthy living. I chop everything by hand now, but if I happen to win, it would sure make my life in the kitchen a lot easier. For now, I’ll just keep stirring my “Sauce” by hand…..Thanks for the opportunity!
Thank you for the chance to win! This would be a dream to own! I cook and prepare everything we eat; nothing is bought from the store already prepared. This would help so much!
Hey! Looks great! I saw that you’re in Georgetown. I’m just down the road in Austin. Howdy neighbor! I’m new to paleo/sustainable eating but I’m jumping in with both feet. 🙂 Good for the family, good for the world. Sounds perfect.
Thanks for offering up a tool to help! Wish me luck.
so awesome! thanks for the opportunity to win the cuisinart.
Thanks for the change to win a wonderful appliance. Just found your newsletter, looking forward to more 😉
I would love to win, It’s the only thing I dont have in my kitchen. Thanks for having this awesome prize!!!!
I love your site and was delighted to find out that pressure cookers are not unsafe. Huzzah! Let the great stock making begin!!
Need and would love a new kitchen appliance to help with the many tasks. THANK YOU
My food processor just broke! This would be perfect!! Thanks for this opportunity!
Found that I have a need for a better quality food processor like this Cuisinart. Thank you for this giveaway!