Happy Fight Back Friday everyone! Today we’re bringing together a collection of recipes, tips, anecdotes, and testimonies from members of the Real Food Revolution.
Who are they? Why, they’re the Food Renegades. You know who you are — lovers of SOLE (Sustainable, Organic, Local, and Ethical) food, traditional food, primal food, REAL food, the list goes on. I believe that by joining together, our influence can grow, and we can change the way America (and the industrialized world) eats!
So, let’s have some fun.
If you want to participate but aren’t sure how, please read these guidelines for how Fight Back Fridays will work.
Please be courteous and use your BEST blog carnival manners! In the very least, that means remember the two most important things you can do:
- Share a relevant post from your blog with us using the Mr. Linky Widget below (don’t just link to your blog’s home page).
- In your post, be sure to link back to this post (not the Food Renegade home page) so that your readers can have access to all the information and encouragement we’ll be sharing.
Please also feel free to make use of any of the banners below by saving the image to your desktop then uploading it to your own server. (You don’t have to use them, but they’re there for you!)
If you don’t have a blog but are interested in joining the conversation, you can leave your comments below!
Today, I’m sharing a post on the agrarian poet turned local small farm activist, Wendell Berry and his recent testimony at a federal NAIS “listening session.” I can’t wait to see what you all share.
Fight Back Friday Banners
PLEASE NOTE: The smaller banners are also available as badges/buttons for your sites over on my sidebar so that you can sport your Real Food Lovin’ Pride and inspire others to join us in the Real Food Revolution. Just copy the code and paste it into your sidebar. (Again, you don’t have to use them to participate in the carnival.)
Come on, people. Let’s change the way America (and the industrialized world) eats!
Powered by… Mister Linky’s Magical Widgets.
Raine Saunders says
Thanks again for Fight Back Fridays, Kristen! My post is about food activism, what it is, why it’s important, and how to be effective in your efforts in a world driven by tradition, control, and profit.
Raine Saunders
Ren says
Poached pastured duck egg on a thick slice of uncured, local ham with chili con queso and a grilled pepper.. Ham & Eggs Redux; the reward of traditional farming.
Thanks for leading the charge, Kristen!
Local Nourishment says
I had the most amazing sandwich for lunch today with local veggies from my farmer’s market and CSA box. I didn’t particularly love any of the ingredients, and distinctly disliked one of them, but the sandwich was delicious!
Local Nourishment
Girl Gone Domestic says
Easy Homemade Sourdough Bread. Thanks for the opportunity once again!
Girl Gone Domestic
dina says
I was talking to a friend recently about how much I loved egg salad just scooped up with the salt and pepper Kettle chips. She paused and said, “You know how to make egg salad?!” with incredulity. I figured it was time to write this very simple recipe down and give some direction on how to make it super good.
Jill Cruz says
In Europe they have it good. Not to say it is perfect here, but what we are fighting so hard for in the US is at least commonly believed to be the ideal here. Obsessing about fat-filled foods such as cheese and salami is usually only in the realm of selecting the best one and making sure one does not run out. Local, small-scale farmers are recognized as essential to gastronomical satisfaction and supermarket shopping is sub-par.
Needless to say, eating and shopping are my main forms of sightseeing here and it is a blast. I call it Farm Tour 2009.
Jill Cruz
Moe says
I believe we’ll be getting garlic scapes for the next few weeks, at least I think we did last year. We made garlic scape and spinach pesto last year that we really enjoyed. From the HV site:
Spinach and Scape Pesto
Puree: 1/2 bag spinach, 1/2 c. grated parmesan or romano cheese, 1/4 c. toasted nuts (pine or walnut), 5 or 6 scapes, 1/2c. olive oil. S&P to taste. 4 or 5 basil leaves can be added if you wish
This comment was originally posted on Simple, Good, and Tasty
Lee says
Hey Moe, thanks for the tip. See you Sunday.
This comment was originally posted on Simple, Good, and Tasty
Hugging the Coast says
My post this week is about delicious recipes for Father’s Day weekend. With this challenging economy, it’s nice to have inexpensive but thoughtful options to celebrate those who are close to us.
Hugging the Coast
Amy P says
I was just wondering what to do with the scapes. Both the scampi and Moe’s spinach-basil-scape pesto sound yummy, I’ll have to try those.
This comment was originally posted on Simple, Good, and Tasty
Minneapolis Farmers Market says
Thanks for helping us introduce scapes to our customers.
This comment was originally posted on Simple, Good, and Tasty
Lee says
When it comes to scapes, the pleasure is all mine.
This comment was originally posted on Simple, Good, and Tasty
Rob Smart says
This week’s contribution to Fight Back Friday is a guest post I drafted for the Civil Eats blog. The subject is how to close the knowledge gap between farmers and consumers, something that continually seems to get in the way of civil, constructive dialogs. Without connecting these two ends of the food chain, our ability to create alternative, more sustainable food systems will be greatly diminished.
Rob Smart
Lee says
This week’s submission is an introduction to one of my new favorite, seasonal, sustainable foods: garlic scapes. Thanks!
Allison says
Posted a blog I wrote about the accessiblity of “SOLE” food and how we can make sure that everyone has the ability to enjoy the fantastic food we are all dedicated to and busy blogging about. Trying to find my voice and learning how to describe my enthusiasm and interest in food issues. Also check out my posts on my cheese-making experience!
Thank you for Fight Back Fridays! I’m looking forward to taking a look at everyone’s posts.
Rick says
Yeah I fell in love with garlic once we started raising our own garlic. They now make up at least half the reason we raise garlic. They are also great oiled and grilled. But this year we made pesto with walnuts and had it on pasta. I highly recommend it if you get the chance.
This comment was originally posted on Simple, Good, and Tasty
Lee says
Thanks Rick, the pesto is a slam dunk, will do!
This comment was originally posted on Simple, Good, and Tasty
FoodRenegade says
A great summary, Vin! Thank you so much for sharing it in today’s Fight Back Friday carnival.
(AKA FoodRenegade)
This comment was originally posted on Natural Bias | Health, Fitness & Fun by Vin Miller
Maggie says
Mmmmm… I make a garlic scape pesto, but never thought to put spinach in it too! Makes me kind of wish that I hadn’t decided to do spinach as a fall crop this year!
This comment was originally posted on Simple, Good, and Tasty
Lisa Sargese says
I’ve met my meat and it really DOES come from happy cows on an idyllic farm in the country! It pays to go the extra few steps to access meat, dairy and produce from a small, organic local farm. Happy to be part of Fight Back Friday!
Lisa Sargese
FoodRenegade says
Garlic scapes are amazing! I *love* them so much. I’m glad you shared about your experience getting to know them.
(AKA FoodRenegade)
This comment was originally posted on Simple, Good, and Tasty
Lee says
Thanks Kristen,
I’m late to the party, but at least I made eventually.
This comment was originally posted on Simple, Good, and Tasty
Wardeh @ GNOWFGLINS says
I am excited about some of the links shared this week ~ especially the no-knead sourdough bread from Girl Gone Domestic! Your carnivals are fabulous, Kristen. My contribution are some Amish cheese recipes and tips that a friend shared with me.
foodrenegade says
Great testimony, and what a way to Fight Back!
Thanks for sharing this in today’s carnival.
(AKA FoodRenegade)
This comment was originally posted on The Skinny Online
Sheri says
This weeks article is a letter about the ties between our politics and Monsanto.
I’m looking forward to reading everyone’s posts, thanks!
Glenn @ Clark County Food & Farm says
This morning I’m featuring a summation of a meeting held last night re. the adoption of an Urban Livestock Code for Clark County, WA. My strong disapproval of the new code has moved me to initiate a petition process as a means of awareness of and protest against the gradual move towards prohibition of agriculture in my community. Check it out.
Glenn @ Clark County Food & Farm
Lorelei says
Looking forward to reading everyone’s posts this week. Discussion on my blog about the availability of local organic ingredients and whether it is better to choose locally produced non-organic items, or transport organic ingredients from afar.
Jill Cruz says
Sorry. I had to repost my link and since I am on this German keyboard I cannot figure out how to erase my earlier link. I apologize for the double-linking.
Jill Cruz
Melanie says
Lisa, last year after the birth of my daughter I hemorrhaged and was on the verge of needing a transfusion. I would say for about 3-4 months I was weak, weak, weak while my iron levels were being rebuilt. My mom fed me meat and eggs several times a day. I swear I was never going to eat another piece of red meat or egg after that! But you know what, it worked. Those foods made me healthy and strong!
This comment was originally posted on The Skinny Online
Courtney says
Sorry, messed up the first time and apologize for the double-link. Anyway, thanks for suggesting I link my 1965 Woman’s Day Encyclopedia of Cookery Allemande sauce recipe and for introducing me to your site. This is a lot of fun and for an important cause.
Throwback at Trapper Creek says
Thanks Kristen, for this site! I’m posting today about growing your own nutritious, tasty potatoes. Commercial potatoes are subjected to a chemical cocktail from planting time until they sit in the store awaiting purchase by an unsuspecting consumer. Farmer’s Markets, and CSA’s are good alternatives to the store, but if you have a garden spot, consider growing potatoes. Definitely worth it!!
Throwback at Trapper Creek
Lo says
I’m still waiting for some of those fresh garbonzo beans to show up at the market here. So far, no luck… but I’m convinced they’ll appear 🙂
This comment was originally posted on Daily Diner
amandalouden says
They came to our market about 6 weeks after asparagus. I would give it another month considering just got asparagI.
This comment was originally posted on Daily Diner
Hugging the Coast Food Blog says
The season for garlic scapes is pretty short, so if you want to enjoy their taste longer, you can free them or make your own homemade garlic scape spice.
Just dice them up small and dehydrate them until they are fully dry (like the chive spice you find in containers).
Then, grind them in a spice or coffee mill (or using a mortar and pestle) to a powdery texture for spice. If you prefer them to be the texture of chives, then just leave them be.
This comment was originally posted on Simple, Good, and Tasty
Zachary Cohen says
Oops, I double posted, must be drunk. Or punch drunk from such an awesome week! My post, titled in homage to the fantastic Robert Zemekis movie Back to the Future, is about how farmers will need to look back to some of the accrued wisdom of our pasts, in order to move forward with our food system. We’ve taken technology as far as we can go with farming and food, and before we take it further, we need to acknowledge, objectively if possible, some of the excesses and mistakes we’ve made.
Lee says
Hi Hugging the Coast (cool blog, BTW),
Thanks for stopping by and for your great suggestion!
This comment was originally posted on Simple, Good, and Tasty
Ruth says
Can totally understand how meat would get you back on yer feet and how you feel you need it. To do physical things requires animal, animal energy = physical energy.
I couldn’t believe that the beef industry in the US doesn’t feed its animals grass!! Such a bizarre thing the whole industry there, I thought NZ was bad enough, or any industrial meat farming is in my opinion, but at least animals ere get to live in paddocks until their murder (pigs don’t though :(…
Have you seen the Meatrix films? (www.themeatrix.com)
Despite all this, I still eat meat when I feel I really need it.
This comment was originally posted on The Skinny Online
Michelle says
Hey Everyone!
Thanks again to Kristen for hosting FBFs.
My post this week is a recipe for a healthy albeit untraditional greek salad.
Michelle says
Hey Everyone!
This week I have two recipes.
The first is an untraditional greek salad : http://tinyurl.com/m3f6xc
A Raw Berry Pie: http://tinyurl.com/pmr286
Thanks Kristen for doing Fight Back Fridays once again!
Stephen - Rat Race Trap says
Vin, thanks so much for your continued campaign. Unfortunately much of what government does creates unintended consequences that are worse than the problem they were trying to correct in the first place. Most people don’t understand that regulation actually helps large corporations because it drives the small competitors out of business who can’t afford to comply.
“The politicians are at it again and have drafted another piece of so called food safety legislation that threatens the future of organically and sustainably produced food.”
The BEST way to improve food safety is for people like you to continue to spread the word and for the rest of us to support it by buying from the small organic suppliers who care about the animals and the environment. The government way is always the wrong way. I’m horrified at the thought that my health is under the control of some small-minded government bureaucrat.
This comment was originally posted on Natural Bias | Health, Fitness & Fun by Vin Miller
Internet Strategist @GrowMap says
It is common for legislative bills to claim to do one thing while actually doing the opposite. Regulations are almost always intended to protect existing businesses from competition. As awareness grows and more people return to raising their own food and supporting CSAs (Consumer Supported Agriculture) and local farmers and ranchers, efforts to put them out of business will grow.
When will the general public wake up to the facts? The FDA is NOT protecting US – it protects Big Pharma and Corporate Farming. Does anyone else wonder whether these food scares during harvest times are more likely to be intended to eliminate small businesses than to protect consumers? It might only take one lost harvest to shut down smaller farms and ranches.
No wonder the U.S. Founding Fathers were so opposed to a strong Federal Government. It would be far easier to take back control of local politics than to prevent National Laws bought and paid for by Corporate America.
This comment was originally posted on Natural Bias | Health, Fitness & Fun by Vin Miller
Vin Miller says
Thanks for the support guys!
I agree that the government doesn’t always have our best interest at heart. Even if this weren’t the case, it doesn’t give us an excuse to let someone else make decisions for us. I hope that as more people realize this, they will be inspired to take responsibility and make more of an effort to educate themselves and make more informed decisions.
This comment was originally posted on Natural Bias | Health, Fitness & Fun by Vin Miller
Lo says
Lemon curd is, honestly, one of my favorite things in this world. And it’s fantastic made with sucanat!
This comment was originally posted on Daily Diner
Michelle @ Find Your Balance says
Oh, now that’s a lot easier than I thought it was going to be. Not a huge fan of lemon myself but with yogurt like that I bet it’d be really refreshing!
This comment was originally posted on Daily Diner
Lee says
TOTALLY delicious, Alyss. Thanks for the note. Did you find them at the market?
This comment was originally posted on Simple, Good, and Tasty
Vin Miller says
Hi Esbee, thanks for your comment!
It’s great that NAIS has been defunded, but as long as there is corporate interest in farming, I think it’s spirit will stay alive. We simply have to keep fighting it!
This comment was originally posted on Natural Bias | Health, Fitness & Fun by Vin Miller