Welcome to another Fight Back Friday everyone! Today we are bringing together a collection of recipes, tips, anecdotes, and testimonies from members of the Real Food Revolution.
Who are they? Why, they’re the Food Renegades. You know who you are — lovers of SOLE (Sustainable, Organic, Local, and Ethical) food, traditional food, primal food, REAL food, the list goes on. I believe that by joining together, our influence can grow, and we can change the way America (and the industrialized world) eats!
So, let’s have some fun.
If you want to participate but aren’t sure how, please read these guidelines for how Fight Back Fridays will work.
Please be courteous and use your BEST blog carnival manners! Last week, I had to delete three posts that didn’t remember the two most important things you can do:
- Share a relevant post from your blog with us using the Mr. Linky Widget below (don’t just link to your blog’s home page).
- In your post, be sure to link back to this post (not the Food Renegade home page) so that your readers can have access to all the information and encouragement we’ll be sharing.
I hated deleting such interesting posts! If they were yours, please accept my apology. If I had your email addresses, I would have taken the time to ask you to correct your entry. But without those, my hands were tied!
Please also feel free to make use of any of the banners below by saving the image to your desktop then uploading it to your own server. (You don’t have to use them, but they’re there for you!)
If you don’t have a blog but are interested in joining the conversation, you can leave your comments below!
For my own entry in today’s carnival, I’m sharing a post on how traditional food fermentation is becoming more mainstream and gaining popularity. I can’t wait to see what you all share.
Fight Back Friday Banners
PLEASE NOTE: The smaller banners are also available as badges/buttons for your sites over on my sidebar so that you can sport your Real Food Lovin’ Pride and inspire others to join us in the Real Food Revolution. Just copy the code and paste it into your sidebar. (Again, you don’t have to use them to participate in the carnival.)
Come on, people. Let’s change the way America (and the industrialized world) eats!
Powered by… Mister Linky’s Magical Widgets.
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I love participating in this blog carnival. It gets better and better every week! Three Cheers for Kristen! This week I picked up on Civil Eats and La Vida Locavore’s discussions on the advanced nature of organic farming. So many critics of sustainable and local agriculture seem to think that its proponents want to take us back to the pre-industrial era…or something. What they don’t know is that organic, small scale farmers are some of the most technologically advanced farmers on the planets, farmers who use technology as a means to an end, rather than an end in and of itself. So happy to participate, and can’t wait to see what else everyone has in store!
Hey Kristen,
You’ve already read and commented on my post from Real Food Wednesday, but I think its an even more fitting post for Fight Back Friday. Its about the power we have in our kitchens. Thanks for hosting this.
Girl Gone Domestic
Hiya Kristen,
This week I put together some interesting info on how GMO’s affect our guts, literally. It ain’t pretty. Not One Bit. This also qualifies for a “blogging GMO free.” 🙂
Lindsay (The Happy Dish)
I posted this week about field harvesting grass fed beef on our farm. Interesting photos, especially of the healthy internal organs and the rich yellow fat on the beef.
Throwback at Trapper Creek
In light of recent press on Nobu refusing to stop serving endangered bluefin tuna, and a new sustainable seafood restaurant opening in DC, I revisited a past “Sustainable Seafood 101” post this week.
This week I posted links to 20 delicious gourmet salad recipes that don’t use mayo. I love mayo, but sometimes adding mayo to a dish can mask the natural flavors within.
Hugging the Coast
Great article Vin. We need this kind of rational analysis. It seems today in our media-hyped world everything is said or done in extremes positively and negatively.
This comment was originally posted on Natural Bias | Health, Fitness & Fun by Vin Miller
This week’s post takes a look at “organic” versus “local,” using the words and thoughts of Nina Planck to support the argument.
This weeks post features a historic cookbook from 1869. See how incredibly different our tastes and diets have become. I was astounded at how the recipes call for the use of every part of the animal. No skinless, boneless chicken breasts in this book. Featured recipes include boiled calf’s head, brain cakes, pigs feet, milk yeast, rabbit and squirrel.
Thank you for hosting, as always! I linked two recipes today – a cooked strawberry preserve and an uncooked strawberry freezer jam, both made with local strawberries and sweetened with local, raw honey.
Hi Kristen,
Todays post is about avoiding GMO’s. Looking forward to reading everyone else’s.
Thanks for Fight Back Fridays!
Hi Kristen–this weeks entry has two awesome radio interviews by Sally Fallon. Please share them with friends that have never heard of Weston A. Price and Sally’s work.
It will change their lives!
Kimberly Hartke
My post this week is a Local Spotlight on a wonderful local farmer who produces grassfed and finished meats. If you ever wondered what a sustainable farm looks like, you’ll find an answer here.
Local Nourishment
You know, this carnival is about the only thing getting me blogging these days! Loving it, thanks Kristen!
I always wait awhile before trying all these new “superfoods” that are hyped for exactly this reason. Sometimes they don’t turn out to be all they’re promoted to be. I’m still holding out on using agave necter and flaxseed also for that reason. Thanks for posting this.
This comment was originally posted on Natural Bias | Health, Fitness & Fun by Vin Miller
Refreshing, revitalizing probiotic cherry kombucha. Fight back and win!
Not a blogger, but I’d like to share these articles with you here:
“Can we afford to eat ethically?
Organic food prices are daunting in a recession. But do we have to choose between our principles and our pocketbooks? I devised an experiment to find out.” Read it here:
Food Politics on Food, Inc., which is coming out today, (don’t miss a great quote here by the NY Times!)
And, not least, Marine scientist calls for abstaining from seafood to save oceans
Thank you Kristin.
Been a while since I participated. I know I know I am a slacker. Today I posted a no sweetener, real food bbq sauce that is easy to make and oh so delicioso.
The SoG
Son of Grok
Hi all, my post this week is an e-mail I received from the Center for Food Safety regarding regulation of GMO crops. It has action items to get people going against this terrible scourge to our food supply. Please read the information and then make your voice heard by contacting the USDA with the form letter provided (or write your own) by June 29th, 2009 (campaign end-date). Also, contact your local representative and let them know how you feel about this issue; take action and let your voice be heard!
Raine Saunders
Sustainable seafood has always confused me. Seafood — and lots of it — has always been an integral part of traditional diets. Even inland tribes used to travel to the sea semi-annually to trade for those life-sustaining, fertility-enhancing nutrients only found in large quantities in sea life. So, what am I supposed to do if I am now living inland, have to buy my fish at a supermarket, and can only choose between the handful of varieties they might carry?
Hard choices, to say the least.
Thanks for submitting this informative post in today’s Fight Back Fridays carnival. Love it!
(AKA FoodRenegade)
This comment was originally posted on FoodieTots.com
Hey everyone! I’m so glad I discovered Fight Back Fridays, and I’m happy to be part of the fight. Today I submitted a post I wrote a few days back about a delicious recipe for Asparagus Ragout with Polenta, with (of course) fresh farmers market asparagus. Enjoy!
No Meat Athlete
Thanks for this thorough, balanced, and thoughtful article.
Thanks, too, for submitting this to Fight Back Fridays today.
(AKA FoodRenegade)
This comment was originally posted on Natural Bias | Health, Fitness & Fun by Vin Miller
Thanks for the comments guys!
Stephen – I agree. If only the much needed common sense information like eating whole foods, getting adequate sleep, etc. would get a little more of that attention!
Kari – A little skepticism is always healthy.
Flax seed oil is actually a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, but it goes rancid easily and doesn’t contain the important EPA and DHA forms of omega-3 fatty acids. Although these fatty acids can be created by the body from the ALA that flax seed oil contains, this conversion doesn’t always happen. Fish and fish oil are often recommended instead because they contain EPA and DHA. grass fed beef and other grass fed meats also contain EPA and DHA, but not nearly as much as fish.
Agave nectar is a completely different story. As a sweetener, it’s often highly processed and contains a significant amount of fructose. As such, it’s advertised as safe for diabetics and effective for weight loss, but it’s not. Instead of being absorbed into the blood, fructose is processed by the liver and is usually stored as fat. It also blocks the liver from processing blood glucose which increases the need for insulin. Not only does this contribute to even more fat storage, but it’s still a risk for diabetics or anyone else with blood sugar problems.
This comment was originally posted on Natural Bias | Health, Fitness & Fun by Vin Miller
This week I posted about bloody beet kvass and the dangers of preservatives.
Once again you’ve produced another post which busts through the nonsense that is out there around health and food.
More neds to be done to encourage people to eat healthily and knowledge is key because the companies selling packaged food are selling a product and not necessarily the truth.
Thanks for sharing such a wealth of knowledge with us. Keep on being controversial appropriately. We need more truth and less hype.
This comment was originally posted on Natural Bias | Health, Fitness & Fun by Vin Miller
(Long-time Food Renegade…First time at the Carnival)
This week I posted about a local farm/winery tour being hosted by a couple of ladies who run an amazing business called the Urban Farm School here in Clark County, WA. Our local food system is under severe pressure by local and state government and events like this will hopefully create awareness of local agriculture and the need to prserve and protect our local farms and farmers.
Thanks for putting together this very cool blogger event, Kristen!
Thanks for the information. I have always dismissed Acai because I have never seen or heard of it in it natural form. I have always seen it as a Diet supplement. Anything with the word diet supplement should be avoided.
If you read some of the main stream media, you will ofter see these list of superfoods or to eat these foods to control diabetes etc… They give the impression to the uninformed that eating the foods off their list will make them healthy. This is parallel to our western medicine tradition of treating symptoms. Acai great magic is it’s antioxidants which help to offset some of our free radical damage. I think you make a great point when you recommend that we first examine our unhealthy habits as a way to control free radicals,
It sad that irresponsible writing and the the great corporate media assault that we are constantly under, have people believing that they can achieve their well being by use of supplements. A vast majority of supplements are junk and not needed with a well balanced diet. With that said I still believe most people should be taking some supplements targeted for their individual needs. Since every body’s biochemical make up is different this means that everyone’s needs will be unique based on their genetics, eating habits, environment and lifestyle. Most supplementation should only be used until the body comes back into balance. Only your doctor on nutritionist can determine this. Some vitamins and minerals need to be in balance with each other for optimum health. Clean up your diet and then get a consultation from a nutritional therapist for supplement advice. Don’t rely on the supplement companies to tell you. Most are crap and just want to sell theri product to you as long as they can.
Thanks for another great post, Vin.
This comment was originally posted on Natural Bias | Health, Fitness & Fun by Vin Miller
My post this week is about my experience at the local farmer’s market and includes a recipe for fresh tomato soup. Happy Friday!
Michelle @ Find Your Balance
Kristen, thanks for staying so on top of this! It’s been exciting to watch it grow. My post this week is a farmer’s market tour by top NYC chef of Gramercy Tavern. He is passionate about SOLE!
I love this site! I have posted a blog link about my recent experience using home-rendered lard, which includes some loose instructions on how to do it yourself. Looking forward to participating more in the future!
In addition to what you’ve very intelligently laid out here, does anyone know what the burst in “superfruits” like acai, goji, noni, and others have done to their natural habitats? I have no idea, but I have to believe they’ve laid waste to many areas in these far-reaching places to satisfy Americans’ quest to find an instant cure to everything. There’s no way that what was planted prior to their arrival here was enough to satisfy our demand –
This comment was originally posted on Natural Bias | Health, Fitness & Fun by Vin Miller
Sorry about the double link. I accidentally hit the enter button. 😛
Thanks for this great way to share!
Laryssa @ Heaven In The Home
This week we made sandwiches with pea shoots, radishes, zucchini, and hummus. On the side was chili almond asparagus. Could have this meal every week!
Crystal @ Cafe Cyan
Blogging today about how much sugar is in Water Kefir (hint: very little and what sugar remains is almost entirely fructose). It’s a great way to get your probiotics while consuming a healthy and refreshing drink!
How weird! I added my post a couple hours ago but I just looked and it was not there. I added it again! If they old one shows up, just delete one of them please. That cuckoo Mr. Linky is at it again!
BTW I am busy stumbling everyone’s posts and tweeting as many as I can.
Thanks for the comments guys!
Jude – I appreciate your kind feedback! It’s very fulfilling for me to uncover as much truth as I can and share it with everyone. I’m happy to see my articles being perceived that way.
Don – As usual, I completely agree! I particularly like what you wrote about individuality. It corresponds well with Metabolic Typing. I also like what you said about supplements only being needed until the body regains balance, even though it’s much easier said than done.
Scott – That’s an excellent point to bring up. Fortunately, these fruits depend on the trees and plants that produce them which means they have to be preserved along with the rain forests that they grow in. However, in regard to acai, I found an article stating that sections of rain forest are being leveled to plant more acai trees because of the demand. This is even more reason to not waste money on acai berry products.
This comment was originally posted on Natural Bias | Health, Fitness & Fun by Vin Miller
Hey everyone..
This is great- so many people! I’m gonna try and comment everyones post!
My post this week is a recipe for cacao, seeds and goji treats!
If anyone tries it let me know how it goes 🙂
Looking forward to seeing all your posts!
And thanks Kristen for hosting this again!
Hey Vin!
That was a really interesting article!
There seems to be so many people who just want a quick fix- and some who take that quick fix in the form of a acai berry pills!
But like anything, no-one food can cure anything (not that you could call acai berry pills food). Good diets are varied with different fruits and veges (no one dominant food).
Anyway, Great post!
Great FBF!
This comment was originally posted on Natural Bias | Health, Fitness & Fun by Vin Miller
Hi Michelle, thanks for your feedback!
Great point about variety! No one food is perfect, and even fresh and whole acai berries have shortcomings that need to be compensated for through other foods. We also have to consider the valuable nutrients in food that haven’t been discovered yet. Variety is the best way to make sure that we’re not missing out on any of them.
This comment was originally posted on Natural Bias | Health, Fitness & Fun by Vin Miller