Welcome to another Fight Back Friday, everyone! Today we’re bringing together a collection of recipes, tips, anecdotes, and testimonies from members of the Real Food Revolution.
Who are they? Why, they’re the Food Renegades. You know who you are — lovers of SOLE (Sustainable, Organic, Local, and Ethical) food, traditional food, primal food, REAL food, the list goes on. I believe that by joining together, our influence can grow, and we can change the way America (and the industrialized world) eats!
So, let’s have some fun.
If you want to participate but aren’t sure how, please read these guidelines for how Fight Back Fridays will work.
Please be courteous and use your BEST blog carnival manners! In the very least, that means remember the two most important things you can do:
- Share a relevant post from your blog with us using the Mr. Linky Widget below (don’t just link to your blog’s home page).
- In your post, be sure to link back to this post (not the Food Renegade home page) so that your readers can have access to all the information and encouragement we’ll be sharing.
Please also feel free to make use of any of the banners below by saving the image to your desktop then uploading it to your own server. (You don’t have to use them, but they’re there for you!)
If you don’t have a blog but are interested in joining the conversation, you can leave your comments below!
My own contribution to today’s carnival is a post I think many of us can relate to called Are You Nutrient Starved? I can’t wait to see what you all share.
Fight Back Friday Banners
PLEASE NOTE: The smaller banners are also available as badges/buttons for your sites over on my sidebar so that you can sport your Real Food Lovin’ Pride and inspire others to join us in the Real Food Revolution. Just copy the code and paste it into your sidebar. (Again, you don’t have to use them to participate in the carnival.)
Come on, people. Let’s change the way America (and the industrialized world) eats!
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haha, yes, these turkey chickens are so good, and always so much leftovers to use up. I love looking at a freezer full of homemade broth too 🙂
This comment was originally posted on Amanda’s Cookin’
Yum! Each chicken dish sounds fantastic – and those chickens sound like a bargain to me.
This comment was originally posted on Amanda’s Cookin’
That is quite a bargain! The farmer I buy naturally raised chickens from sells his for about $3.99/lb. Not cheap, but TOTALLY worth it. Did he sell them to you on the cheap because of the size? Were they just as tender as the smaller chickens – cause sometimes, those bigger hens get tougher. Still wonderful though, don’t those naturally raised chickens have so much more flavor? And good for you for using every bit of it!
This comment was originally posted on Amanda’s Cookin’
I like they way Sara put it–the turkey chickens.
Looks beautiful. We raised chickens (and turkeys once) while I was growing up. Definitely tastier!
This comment was originally posted on Amanda’s Cookin’
Oh, one of the turkeys we raised was like 27 pounds. We took a picture of it (in the roaster that we had to borrow from the lunchroom at the elementary school) next to a regular oh, 12 lb. turkey from the store in another roaster. It was amazing!
I don’t really remember, I was in my teens, but I’ll bet we had turkey in our dinners forever!
This comment was originally posted on Amanda’s Cookin’
That is a big chicken! Looks delicious too!
This comment was originally posted on Amanda’s Cookin’
You have a blog full of great recipes and I wanted to let you know that I have an award waiting on my blog for you to collect. Cheers!
This comment was originally posted on Amanda’s Cookin’
This Friday’s contribution to Fight Back Friday is a comparison of two important concepts in the sustainable food space: Slow Food and Pro Food. Hope you enjoy and add your voice to the discussion by commenting on the blog post (or the post below: “Pro Food Is…”).
Rob Smart
Rob Smart
This weeks post is about why we should eat local and organic. Happy Friday everyone. 🙂
Well Hello Everyone
what a week, ProFood and Conservatives and Carnivals OH MY!
This week’s post investigates why there are more conservatives in the local foods movement! Small business, people powered, strong communities?
What is their not to like
lets grow this movement, from ALL Sides.
Zachary Cohen
Earlier today, Kimberly Hartke pointed everyone to a compelling video of Kim Alexander speaking against NAIS at a USDA listening session in Austin.
Kim Alexander, his wife Gloria and their 8 children operate Alexander Family Farms in Del Valle, about 15 minutes from where I live- I am fortunate enough to eat the food that they produce almost every week.
All of that will change, however if NAIS is allowed to move forward.
NAIS, you see, was designed by a consortium of Big Ag players including Cargill Meat Solutions, Monsanto and Schering-Plough more than a decade ago, and finally won the USDA
My post this week is Cooking With Zest: Recipes That Make the Most of Fresh Lemon, Orange, and Lime Fruit Zest.
It’s amazing how much flavor one gets from fruit zest for very little effort.
Hugging the Coast
This looks lovely! I am bookmarking it to try it out. I just love finding something wonderful and comfortable on sale!
This comment was originally posted on One Frugal Foodie
Hi there!
With summer garden exploding and more produce than many of us can keep up with, I posted my favorite, easy, fresh way to use zucchini in my favorite Mexican food dish, migas.
Accidental Huswfe
Thanks for your fun post! I love that you get your meat from a farmer-factory farms are horrific places. I think if people bought their meat by where it came from instead of by the price people would make different choices. I really need to see if I can find a local source for farm-raised meat. Thanks again!
This comment was originally posted on Amanda’s Cookin’
This week’s post is about losing our traditional husbandry practices in favor of industrial meats that we have to cook to death for safety, and includes three recipes from different countries for raw, grassfed beef.
Dawn @ SmallFootprintFamily.com
My great-grandmother was a professional cook who made AMAZING oatmeal cookies. The great news – they’re a total breeze to make! This week I’ve got an easy step-by-step process to make these wonderful cookies.
I love the story about your grandfather made me smile. Looks like a great recipe, thanks for joining in TT again this week!
This comment was originally posted on One Frugal Foodie
Mmm, polenta!!
Love the 5 good things!!
This comment was originally posted on One Frugal Foodie
Ooh–lots of fun new links to check out!
This comment was originally posted on One Frugal Foodie
i have never thought to put sloppy joes over polenta. hello, holy meeting of cultures in one dish! so great. your ‘5 good things’ section always reminds me of my blessings-thanks
This comment was originally posted on One Frugal Foodie
my best friend lives in del rey- I love the little saturday market AND la fromagerie. They made a great panzanella.
I’m still happy and lucky to be in Memphis, though, because the del rey market would bankrupt me if I shopped there like I shop at our market!
happy weekend!
This comment was originally posted on FoodieTots.com
Yay for Fight Back Fridays! This week my post on healthy bones has been getting into the whole milk issue. Is it good or bad? Opinions coming from all sides 🙂
Michelle @ Find Your Balance
Join the real food revolution: http://twurl.nl/v6w4en
This comment was originally posted on Twitter
Good way to start healthy living for the weekend http://bit.ly/2IvN5
This comment was originally posted on Twitter
Wow! That is a beautifully roasted bird!! I’ll have to check out your recipe.
This comment was originally posted on Amanda’s Cookin’
This week I’m discussing the issues with eating habits, and how our whole culture is trapped inside of one big eating disorder. Many people think of bulimia and anorexia when the term “eating disorder” is mentioned, but the fact is, most of the citizens in this country and other developed countries have a chronic eating disorder because they don’t eat real food and they are sick because of it. Thanks for Fight Back Fridays, Kristen!
I’m sorry to hear of the loss of your grandfather but it’s great that you have such wonderful memories to keep in your heart.
Polenta is one of my favorite foods.
This comment was originally posted on One Frugal Foodie
I participated in @FoodRenegade Fight Back Fridays. My entry is #22 ‘Kids and pesticides’ http://twurl.nl/2ihoc5
This comment was originally posted on Twitter
I loved the story about your grandpa, and am sorry to hear about your loss! I’m an olive lover too!
That’s funny about the shoes and I’m a list freak, too!
This comment was originally posted on One Frugal Foodie
Fight Back Friday: lots of great nutrition and health articles http://bit.ly/EHXne @foodrenegade
This comment was originally posted on Twitter
Participated in @FoodRenegade Fight Back Friday http://tinyurl.com/kwwjh9 I’m 28, I messed up with the subject:( It’s a wheatberry recipe!
This comment was originally posted on Twitter
Hi, Kristen! This week, my post is a quick run down of the reasons why we think it is important to shop local, whether the need is food or other household items. I’d love to get others’ input on this. Why do you shop local? Thanks!
I have made that taco seasoning mix and it is great! Would you believe that I have never had polenta. I need to try it out. I am a true southern girl and grew up on grits, so I never really gave polenta a try. Your dish looks great!
This comment was originally posted on One Frugal Foodie
Kristen, what a great Fight Back Fridays collection!
I’m new to this, so forgive the omission of the subject. My linked post is a recipe for Wheat Berry Salad. Wheat berries are an obvious but not often used way to eat whole grain wheat and are so yummy!
Healthy regards.
Dr. Ayala
This post is an interview with Tracy Singleton from the Birchwood Cafe in Minneapolis, a shining star in the local food movement for 14 years and counting. In the interview, Tracy describes how she got into the local, sustainable food business and what motivates her to keep on keeping on.
Thanks for including me in Fight Back Friday!
Hello Food Renegade friends, I discovered this lovely Fight Back Friday event last week and decided to write a post today ‘specially for today’s “fight”. Take a peek at my trip to the farmers market and my discovery of a local grass fed elk farmer and his delightfully delicious wild rice elk brats.
Have a mighty fine Friday!
Earth Friendly Goodies
The Vitamin D Council is awesome, isn’t it?!
I’m a bariatric post-op with significant fat malabsorption, so everything pertaining to fat stored vitamins (A, D, E, and K) is of vital importance in my world. I also have a child with an orthopedic disease (I have one, too) and it’s mind boggling the improvements we’ve both realized since making informed alterations to our Vitamin D (and interrelated and accompanying vitamins) intake. It’s such an important topic! The general public really DOES need to be educated on it!
Thanks for taking the time to share this information!
This comment was originally posted on Natural Bias | Health, Fitness & Fun by Vin Miller
i love reading everyone’s fight back posts, so much good info, so many fun pictures. taras tallow pics are great!
my post is a simple, locally sourced dinner i made for my hubby and me; grass fed beef ribs, kale from my garden, and brown rice.
@Jambutter:@FoodRenegade Fight Back Fridays: Pro Food v Slow Food -Interesting discussion http://bit.ly/3XYZgY More at: http://bit.ly/3ueJw0
This comment was originally posted on Twitter
This week I posted some thoughts about gardening. Our garden has finally gone from being plants to food and I’ve shared my thoughts about the significance of that.
Happy Friday!
Real Food Mama
Super informative article, Vin. I was infuriated when I realized just how many of us are walking around deficient in Vitamin D. It’s so lacking in our food supply thanks to industrialization, and it’s practically impossible for us to synthesize it from the sun like we should because of our indoor lives behind glass windows and frequent showers.
Taking fermented cod liver oil (high in Vitamin D & A) has been a great boon to my personal health.
(AKA FoodRenegade)
This comment was originally posted on Natural Bias | Health, Fitness & Fun by Vin Miller
I need some help with what to do with pig ears. Has anybody cooked these before? I would love some recommendations.
Here’s what’s going on in the real food revolution today… http://twurl.nl/kmh5ml #fightbackfriday
This comment was originally posted on Twitter
I’m entering fight back fridays for the first time today…my post is on rending animal fat and making pemmican!
that dinner looks wonderful! love the idea of using polenta, i havent had that in ages!!
This comment was originally posted on One Frugal Foodie
This looks good! Yay for you on checking some things off the to-do list. I start every day with a fresh list for that day. I get such satisfaction from that scratch off.
This comment was originally posted on One Frugal Foodie
Thanks for your comments guys!
Dina – Yes, the Vitamin D Council is great! I’ve learned a lot from their work. I’m happy to hear that vitamin D has helped to improve your quality of life!
Kristen – I am infuriated by a lot of things that result from industrialization! However, I think even the most conventional minded doctors are embracing the potential of vitamin D and awareness is spreading. Despite this, it would still be nicer to see people getting more of their vitamin D from nature rather than a pill.
This comment was originally posted on Natural Bias | Health, Fitness & Fun by Vin Miller
I have been paired with you for Taste and Create. Looking forward to try your delicious recipes.
This comment was originally posted on One Frugal Foodie
I love the tribute to your grandpa. Sounds like a very interesting man.
I love your sloppy joes.
This comment was originally posted on One Frugal Foodie
Your grandpa sounds great! What a beautiful tribute!
I used to do that with olives… okay, I lied, I still do.
This comment was originally posted on One Frugal Foodie
Great article Vin! We hid from the sun to protect ourselves from skin cancer and we gave ourselves every other kind of cancer. Sad.
This comment was originally posted on Natural Bias | Health, Fitness & Fun by Vin Miller
this looks great,! i love olive hands hehe, can’t remember the last time i did that… good snag on the shoes!
This comment was originally posted on One Frugal Foodie
I really love this. I try to use turkey instead of beef a lot of the time and black olives are up there on my lists of favorites. Thanks for the tip about the Worcestershire!
This comment was originally posted on One Frugal Foodie
Wow, this looks GOOD! I never thought tohave sloppy joes over polenta, both one of my fav foods! I’m sure your grandpa is beaming from above!
This comment was originally posted on One Frugal Foodie
Great posts this Friday on REAL food! So proud to be part of the movement and happy to be eating so well!
Cathy Payne
I’m sorry for your loss. It sounds like you have a lot of wonderful memories of your grandfather, which I’ve found to be helpful in dealing with my own loss and grief.
The Sloppy Joses are a wonderful idea! Way to go! Serving them on polenta is an interesting choice.
This comment was originally posted on One Frugal Foodie
I needed this article, thanks Vin.
This comment was originally posted on Natural Bias | Health, Fitness & Fun by Vin Miller
Chickens from the farm remind me of what I grew up on. I can’t eat grocery store chicken just because it has the bland lifeless taste to it but farm fresh ohh….droolll……
BTW that is one massive &(*&# chicken. The biggest once I have got was 7 lbs.
Great deal too! I normally pay somewhere around 2-3/lb.
This comment was originally posted on Amanda’s Cookin’
So sorry to hear about your grandfather. It sounds like the two of you had a great relationship. Thank you for sharing that. Food can be such a great part of families. It’s a shame too many people grab to go boxes and don’t cook together or eat together like they used to. Your recipe sounds really good. Thank you for sharing it on Friday Foodie Fix.
This comment was originally posted on One Frugal Foodie
this sounds great
This comment was originally posted on One Frugal Foodie