Welcome to yet another Fight Back Friday! Today we’re bringing together another collection of recipes, tips, anecdotes, and testimonies from members of the Real Food Revolution.
Who are they? Why, they’re the Food Renegades. You know who you are — lovers of SOLE (Sustainable, Organic, Local, and Ethical) food, traditional food, primal food, REAL food, the list goes on. I believe that by joining together, our influence can grow, and we can change the way America (and the industrialized world) eats!
So, let’s have some fun.
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- Share a relevant post from your blog with us using the McLinky Widget below (don’t just link to your blog’s home page).
- In your post, be sure to link back to this post (not the Food Renegade home page) so that your readers can have access to all the information and encouragement we’ll be sharing.
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Today, I’m sharing news about Wyoming’s new Food Freedom Act and thinking on the wisdom/benefits of supporting cottage industry foods. I can’t wait to see what you all share!
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Fight Back Friday is LIVE! Go add your #realfood (sustainable, organic, local, traditional) links: http://bit.ly/9m9OYR
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Kristen, this is such a great carnival! I’m glad to be back. I am so sorry that I am daft and forgot to put the name of my post on my first entry so reposted. Feel free to delete my entry without a title.
It sounds like something you invented in third grade: Edible Food Packaging. But it’s coming your way soon, if food scientists and marketers have their way. Will it save room in landfills or create a very different burden…and why does this all sound so very familiar?
.-= Local Nourishment´s last blog post …Thinking Through Edible Food Packaging =-.
Why hello there it’s been awhile since I’ve been able to stop by with something to share… but I had a bit of inspiration after seeing a video on green smoothies and the green smoothie queen Victoria Boutenko. I’m pretty new to raw foods but I look forward to giving her recipe a try tomorrow morning… in fact I’d better scram off to fluff my pillow so I can get and early start. 🙂
Have a happy Fight Back Friday
.-= Natural Health Goodies´s last blog post …My Green Smoothie Inspiration and a Green Smoothie Recipe to Boot =-.
This week I’ve got a great soup made with barley, greens and turnips. Its great for putting this cold weather in its place. Its fast and simple and ready to please!
.-= Zeke´s last blog post …Barley, Turnip, and Greens Soup =-.
I posted about a study showing the relationship between dietary fat intake and ischemic stroke in post-menopausal women. I was frustrated that so many headlines yesterday painted high fat intake as the cause of stroke, when it looks like it’s high intake of trans fats that’s really to blame.
.-= Ellen´s last blog post …Worth a Closer Look: Dietary Fat and Stroke =-.
The BBC reported a study out of the US that showed, for some women at least, cellulite worsens with dieting. This supports the evidence we’ve uncovered so far at the Cellulite Investigation that weight loss and cellulite are not directly related.
.-= Melissa @Cellulite Investigation´s last blog post …Is Cellulite Solutions Worth a Read? =-.
Fight back Friday is live. Hosted by @FoodRenegade We’re the first entry this week. http://ow.ly/1bzsH
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Morning! RT @KathleenShow: Fight back Friday is live. Hosted by @FoodRenegade We’re the first entry this week. http://ow.ly/1bzsH
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Fight back Friday is live. Hosted by @FoodRenegade We’re the first entry this week. http://ow.ly/1bzsH (via @KathleenShow)
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Posting a quick checklist of things to do when you sense an upcoming cold.
.-= Psychic Lunch´s last blog post …Quick Get-Healthy Checklist: Ten Things to Fight a Cold =-.
Great stuff being shared for Fight Back Friday hosted by @FoodRenegade. We’re the first entry this week… http://ow.ly/1bB6I
This comment was originally posted on Twitter
I’ve posted something called I’m Raising Vegetarian Children. Some readers of this blog think it is inappropriate for me to post anything about being vegetarian or any vegan recipes here, but I just want to say that I’m not trying to convert anyone. I eat a whole foods diet that happens to exclude meat. I support and eat unpasteurized milk and eggs, and I support his blog. If the owner of this blog doesn’t want me to post anything here then I will not, but I just wanted readers to know I’m not trying to crash the party here.
.-= Melodie´s last blog post …I’m Raising Vegetarian Children =-.
I usually share recipes with y’all, but today I’ve posted a story I wrote about my great-grandmother’s pyrex bowl — which shaped how I cook, how I think about food, and how I feel in the kitchen today. Hope you like it!
.-= Melissa´s last blog post …My Sharona =-.
Hi, Everyone!
I’ve got a fun little interview with one of my favorite SOLE food chefs over on my site. And! I have a wee story over at Mamapedia with tips on eating out. Find both over on my blog.
Have a wild weekend, ya’ll!
.-= HollyHickman-HEALTHY EATS HERE! The Organic/Grassfed Restaurant Guide´s last blog post …By: SallyA =-.
P.S. for some reason, Mr. Linky is not posting my correct link
Find me at http://www.hollyhickman.com/hehletter2/
.-= HollyHickman-HEALTHY EATS HERE! The Organic/Grassfed Restaurant Guide´s last blog post …By: SallyA =-.
Fight Back Friday is LIVE! Go add your #realfood (sustainable, organic, local, traditional) links: http://bit.ly/9m9OYR
This comment was originally posted on Twitter
I agree with most of the points you made here. I am the oldest of 5 girls and growing up we were progressively allowed to get pickier and were exposed to less new things. For instance, when I was young my father hunted and went fishing often, so we had all kinds of different things (mostly meats, not really much variety with vegetables) from deer, rabbit, squirrel, turkey, quail, frog legs, chicken liver, all kinds of fish but especially catfish. By the time my youngest sister was born (she’s 10 years younger than me) my father had a brain tumor and lived in a vegetative state for 2+ years before he finally died and so she was never exposed to the wide variety of foods that I (and the other eldest sisters) was as a child and my mother, now being a widow with 5 young children and depressed often, surely moved on to relying even more on packaged, processed, conventional convenience foods as time went on. All this is to say that I will eat anything and love (pretty much) most of it (I suppose you could subtract all the packaged, processed convenience foods from what I like, and some of it that I can’t even stomach to eat, but that’s another story), and my youngest sister is one of the pickiest eaters I’ve ever met (and incidentally is one of the heaviest of my sisters, certainly the heaviest one at the age she is).
One caution I have to mention, however, is that is has been proven that certain (otherwise healthy) foods can make certain people (often in line with that person’s blood type) feel bad after eating and they therefore don’t like it. For instance my husband is an A blood type and he does not like lima beans, never has, no matter how they are dressed up or hidden or anything he knows they are there and doesn’t like them. Come to find out that Lima Beans somehow interact with people who have an A blood type causing them to feel ill after eating them. Another example is a friend of ours who will not eat broccoli, even as an adult he has tried it multiple times just to see if he still doesn’t like it and he swears that it makes his stomach hurt afterwards. Not that you are advocating forced feeding or anything but I just think it is important to note.
This comment was originally posted on Kid Appeal
What day is today? It’s FIGHT BACK FRIDAY, of course! Come read what your fellow Food Renegades are up to! http://bit.ly/aBo47b
This comment was originally posted on Twitter
What day is today? It’s FIGHT BACK FRIDAY, of course! Come read what your fellow Food Renegades are up to! http://bit.ly/bYuPB4
This comment was originally posted on Twitter
This week I put a plan in the works to purchase a grass-fed steer. The biggest draw for me was also the biggest drawBACK for my partner: Namely that the rancher invited people up to the ranch to meet your meat.
While I am delighted by the ability to go pick out my own steer, the process of meeting and becoming friendly with an animal you are going to eat nearly sent my son’s father into a spiral of vegetarianism.
.-= Real Food Mama´s last blog post …Locally Grown Grass-Fed Beef and the Problem with Eating Meat. =-.
I find it so interesting that we have removed the parenting aspect of raising kids–lets look at wild parents…animals in the forest first nurse their babies–then they know when the baby is ready to be weaned–by intuition–they walk away from the baby and thats that..then they bring to the baby food that they intuitively know is good for the growing body–the young is hungry and there is a limited amount of food and the young eats it–if it doesnt eat it–it goes hungry…period.
NO OTHER animal on earth has the luxury of having a variety of foods placed before them when they are not REALLY experiencing hunger because they have eaten 3 other meals that day and snacks–ofcourse they are going to choose only the food that tempts them because frankly they are not hungry..
a dear friend of mine taught me a lesson in feeding children years ago–they do a lot of international travel for their business, but they interact with the indigenous cultures–so, going to australia means staying with and eating with aboriginal people–etc…the kids go with them–and when a meal comes up–they have to eat what is available, or they dont eat–there is no snacks to grab, no, oh, we will get something quick at the grocery for you because you dont want to eat kim chi…they are responsible for their own feeding of their body–and the CHOICE is not what foods they want to eat–the choice is to EAT or not to EAT…invariably–after a few hours of being hungry–they choose to eat what is available–which for them–luckily is traditionally created…
I have raised two healthy girls to young adulthood who will try almost any foods based on the fact that dinner is a shared responsibility–created traditonally–with variety built in–food is only served when folks are hungry–and they eat what they want in a prescribed order…we put out salad first–without seeing anything else that is available, they will eat part or all of that salad–then out comes the hot veggies in a dish and then the main course…if they are still hungry–they get fruit compote or some fresh icecream or sprouted cookies…
children should be raised to make choices–but seriously folks–what 6 week old lion is tuning into what its body needs???? baby humans are the same–and as mothers, we need to remember that 🙂
This comment was originally posted on Kid Appeal
I have been struggling with this issue (or something akin to it) for the last few months. My son just turned 2 and has only recently started being picky about his foods. He is also very verbal and can make very specific requests about what he wants to eat. It isn’t uncommon for him to request a specific breakfast when he wakes up in the morning. Unless it is completely unreasonable (chocolate cake occaisionally comes up) I tend to comply. I feel this is a good way to teach him about his own decision making; don’t ask for waffles if you really wanted an egg!
However, for the most part I expect him to eat what I give him. While it is clear he has preferences, it is also clear they are NOT always nutritionally sound. It is my responsibility as a parent to make sure he eats a healthy diet. That being said, I definitely struggle with how to go about it. Do I coax him into taking a bite of delicious home made spinach ravioli by pretending I’m going to eat it? Or do I bargain with him about it – Eat this bite and then you can get down and play? Is this causing him to have a weird relationship with food? What is a mother to do?
Ultimately, my biggest concern is whether or not to a) make him eat his dinner using the above method or b) let him go to bed hungry.
The issue really is dinner time. The rest of the meals are looser. Basically, the rule is he has to eat at the table, and if he gets out of his chair, his food is up for grabs. He tends to stay and sit until he is full or, if he doesn’t like something, until he has had enough. Due to his language ability, he can tell me if he wants something else instead. And if he is hungry a few hours later, I’ll make him something else. I don’t think three meals a day is enough for a growing two year old, period. If he gets hungry at 7:00, 10:00, noon, 2:00, 4:00 and 6:00 then so be it.
Unfortunately, dinner is close to bed time and if he doesn’t eat what I give him at this meal, it isn’t a simple matter of waiting until he is hungry later – he is asleep. So if he doesn’t eat his dinner, he goes to bed hungry! This is not a habit I want to get into, sending my child to bed with a rumbly tummy.
As for the day time snacks, I really feel that I should encourage food security. I do not think it leads to overeating…in fact I think it has the opposite effect. If someone thinks food is scarce, they are more likely to eat what they can and as much of it. (I have no psychology degree so I could be totally off base here.) Besides, it allows me more opportunities to introduce healthy options such as sardines, veggies and healthy dairy.
I definitely let him participate in the meal process if he is interested and he loves to help me cook. Food should be a joy, it should be fun, and it should be an adventure. It should also taste good and be good for you. That being said, I think it is the responsibility of the parent to broaden their childrens’ horizons by making sure many different flavors and foods are tried. So yes, they should eat what you put in front of them. At least one bite.
This comment was originally posted on Kid Appeal
Thanks for this great opportunity to share. I am busy still fighting back with my spade and wonderful community garden.
It really is trial and error. Each parent knows each of their children best and what works for them. I know that my son will fill up on snacks all day and not want to eat his meal. I make him clean his plate at meal time because I KNOW that regardless of how much he eats he will be back in the kitchen in 30 minutes for more. My other kids are different.
I really liked what my mom did growing up. We each got to pick 1 food that we never had to eat – no questions asked. The rest was fair game for her to serve and we had to eat it. I do that with my kids. I also know what they like the least and when I serve food I don’t give them a ton of those things as a respect of their tastes, but they do have to eat what I put on their plate.
I do make my kids try new foods. A bite here and there. I also make my kids eat at least some of each item on their plate except for their 1 chosen food. My daughter has always hated potatoes. She is 5 now and for years would not even eat a french fry. Potatoes are a staple around here, so I just kept serving them to her. Finally within last few months she has started to eat them without complaining and recently she even asked for seconds on potatoes. Eventually their tastes do change I guess.
It really is different for each person. Even with my own kids there is no blanket policy.
This comment was originally posted on Kid Appeal
HI Jenna,
Great post. First, I know that you are familiar with my work (teaching children how to cook, and inspiring their families to use healthy ingredients in feeding their families.) That said, I won’t take it personally when you say that I have made a a "cop-out" for parents who aren’t good teachers. I completely agree that good parenting is hard work. But some parents are drained at the end of the day and don’t have the energy to play food games with their kids. I ask my kids to taste their food. But if they don’t eat what I have served, I do NOT give them something else to eat. If they are hungry, theyw ill eat what I have worked hard to prepare. There will be a variety of foods on the table, however, so that there is likely to be something that they will enjoy.
You are right – you may not have 10 years for your kids to like everything, but is’t there some food that you don’t like? We have to give kids that luxury as well. Just because you have worked hard to prepare something for them and it is healthy, they don’t have to like it. I like lots of foods, but no matter how many times I try, I can’t seem to enjoy beets, fennel or goat cheese. I haven’t quit trying – and expect my kids to keep tasting foods too. But maybe one day we will all be surprised to enjoy something that we didn’t like before.
When I talked about kids not "having" to brush their teeth, I think you misunderstood me. Kids don’t have the developmental ability to think to when they are 40 years old as you threaten that their teeth are going to fall out. You can tell them that they "have" to brush their teeth until you are blue in the face, but they will never feel the "need" to brush their own teeth. (Imagine a toddler – geez, my teeth feel dirty – I’ll be upstairs in a minute, I have to go brush!) You may have to do it for them, because it is a health and safety issue. Just like you will have to sometimes put on their seat belt when they throw a fit in the car. But kids DO get hungry and they HAVE to eat…eventually. So it’s our responsibility to have good choices for them, when they are ready to eat. That’s all I was trying to say.
My comments were in no way meant as an attack – and I am sorry if you felt that you had to "fight back". I am not a fighter, so that makes me a little anxious to even read that… As you point out, there is a lot involved with getting kids to eat well. I have an entire company based on it. But there is definitely more to it than being cute and entertaining. It is an entire process – and one that is most successful when the parents start when their kids are young, and are consistent throughout.
This comment was originally posted on Kid Appeal
I used to love Slim Jims but now that I know how poisonous most of the ingredients are I stay away. BUT and every one loves a big BUTT I used to love the texture and the saltiness and the convenience of them. Thank God my farmer decided to make his own WAPF-friendly version!
.-= Lisa Sargese´s last blog post …Half Ton Teen =-.
This is a very interesting post.
I strongly believe that,as parents, you have to teach and educate your children about food. We have a few "rules" at home. One is about trying everything I serve. It’s OK if they don’t like it… but they have to try it… because, one day, they might actually like it. It’s also important to me so that if they are invited somewhere else, they’ll be open to trying new food.
Another rule is about eating whatever is on their plate before we move on to the next course. I am French (living in the US) so I am used to serving a 3-or-4-course meal. They are not allowed to have yogurt or a piece of fruit,if they have not finished (or made a substantial effort to finish) the other food.
Another key rule is that I really manage snacks. A child has to be hungry when she comes for a meal. So, no, I won’t give my child a 150-calorie snack 1 hour before lunch. If I have to give them a snack, I made it "part of their meal" (a piece of fruit, a piece of bread, veggies). This is key to making children eat a proper meal.
I also believe (like Michelle) that teaching your children to eat implies making them participate (if they prep it, they’ll eat it)…. and that if parents eat with them, then children will tend to be better eaters. In other word, "eating by example".
This comment was originally posted on Kid Appeal
Finally, a wannabe becomes a newbie 🙂
I’ve wanted to participate, and I’ve had the button on my blog for almost 2 months. Today I posted about taking on a Real Food Challenge for the month of March from the folks at Not Dabbling in Normal. I’m challenging myself to make more of our normally store bought bread products, and my kids are challenging themselves to stay open minded to new tastes.
.-= Alison´s last blog post …I’m in! =-.
I posted this week about a chemical and gluten free jerky recipe I found on another blog. We can’t tolerate the “liquid smoke” type recipes or regular soy. I substituted Tamari wheat free soy sauce and Rapidura for the brown sugar. Using ingredients out of our pantry and from our farm is a priority for us. It’s a shame to spend two years growing out true grass fed beef only to drench it in chemicals.
In my post I linked to the original blogger where I found the recipe, not wanting to hijack his post. On my blog I wrote about my changes, due to pantry constraints and what I had available.
I don’t think we differ as much as you think we do. But you first have to dig deeper into the Divison of Responsibility (DOR). It in no way allows the child to decide "what" to eat. The parent decides the "what" "when" and "where" of feeding and kid gets to decide "whether" and "how much" to eat. Another key point of DOR that I love is the structure it provides. With DOR, kids do not eat in between meals and they eat all their meals and snacks at the table. I do not let my child have an alternate meal or decide the menu.
Most of the research shows that forcing kids to eat healthy foods makes them less attracted to those foods. There is a huge area of grey when it comes to encouragement of eating. If it is positive, and not meant to control the child’s eating, then I have no problem with it. But I really try not to make food, and what my child eats, the focus of meals. I don’t agree with making them take a bite of everything but for some families that may work fine.
Research shows that children fall into one of three categories when it comes to eating: 1) adventurous 2) cautious and 3) super sensitive eaters. Parents need to consider their own child and make feeding decisions based on their children.
We will all have our individual styles and that is okay. For my girl, over-encouraging her to try new foods makes her anxious. Letting her try it on her own makes her feel proud and more likely to eat it again. But that’s what works for her….something different might work for another parent.
I also agree with food mama about the scarcity of meals. When kids know they can rely on regular meals and snacks they will not feel the need to over-eat. Research shows that restricting how much kids eat backfires in terms of weight and food regulation.
This comment was originally posted on Kid Appeal
i’d be more concerned with sock scented jerkey than jerkey scented socks.
This comment was originally posted on Throwback at Trapper Creek
Is the “Jerk in Jerky” anything to do with the “Hick in Hickory”? I think he could use some jerky-scented socks…
This comment was originally posted on Throwback at Trapper Creek
I’m game to try it….Maybe not on a sock dryer though.
This comment was originally posted on Throwback at Trapper Creek
Susy, you won’t be disappointed – it’s good.
This comment was originally posted on Throwback at Trapper Creek
CompactUK, you’re welcome!
This comment was originally posted on Throwback at Trapper Creek
Kay, it’s nice a have a good recipe – finally. I wasn’t really looking for one, so this one found me, I guess.
This comment was originally posted on Throwback at Trapper Creek
Sarah, this is a pretty good one, and open to a little fudging here and there. With good ingredients, who needs the MSG and other stuff anyway. The test for me was if my joints and/or feet ached the next day after eating some. Not a whisper of creakiness…well, maybe a little. Sometimes when my friends complain about getting old, and feeling old, I think about their SAD diets are more of a contributor than they would like to think.
This comment was originally posted on Throwback at Trapper Creek
Mousedude, LOL, that’s why I hang the socks by the top, so depending on the length of the sock, maybe jerky scented shins only?
This comment was originally posted on Throwback at Trapper Creek
CommaQueen, I had forgotten about that, but now that you mention it, I think maybe a jerky carrier in their socks would be on the agenda. Kinda like heating up your soup on the manifold…
This comment was originally posted on Throwback at Trapper Creek
Linda, the sock dryer was beckoning but, the warming oven was much easier
This comment was originally posted on Throwback at Trapper Creek
Didn’t Jamaicans put the jerk in jerky? Like jerk chicken, and all that?
Dunno about the hick in hickory…
Who put the ape in apricot?
As in, what makes the Hottentots so hot? Who put the ape in apricot? Whadda they got that I ain’t got? Courage!
okay- I’ll stop now…
This comment was originally posted on Throwback at Trapper Creek
Yum, I LOVE jerky. So going to try, thanks for sharing!
This comment was originally posted on Throwback at Trapper Creek
@michelle- i did not feel attacked by you, nor did i feel i had to fight back. i see you as a a sister where we two and many others are fighting against the standard american diet. i did however want to give food with kid appeal readers my position on where i stand with satter’s DOR by responding to two respected bloggers and champions for feeding the family.
I do not personally agree with the "whether" nor do i entirely agree with the "how much" part. i know my kid needs to eat more than a couple bites before school. i also know that eating fruit only at breakfast is not the ideal morning meal. so i expect my kids to eat "enough" – and i determine that now while they’re young (because as you pointed out they aren’t capable of knowing what’s best for them to say prevent hunger during 1st period, or give their brain the protein/fat it needs to learn to read). I also expect my kids to eat more than one "food group" at a meal. there are foods that i don’t like. i can’t really embrace red, yellow, orange peppers, although i’ve been trying. curry spices, and spicy food in general is also something i don’t really like. but my point is, i want to be able to, and i want my kids to be able to be nourished by food, even if we don’t like it. assuming it’s the only food available and we’re in need of sustenance.
if a child doesn’t learn to sometimes eat a food even if they don’t really want it, then they can’t build that skill. when they are routinely choosing none "how much" they are still picking and choosing the foods they want out of the healthy meals that parents offer.
obviously i’m all for helping a child tune into the signals for hunger and satiety that their brain is sending, so that they can get the nutrients they need, and prevent over weight.
This comment was originally posted on Kid Appeal
Probiotic foods have been with us for the longest time. Those friendly bacteria have probably existed long before we do. Find out what are some of the health-boosting and versatile fermented foods out there. 🙂
.-= The Conscious Life´s last blog post …Top Probiotic Foods You Ought to be Eating Regularly =-.
Looks very good!
This comment was originally posted on Throwback at Trapper Creek
@realfoodmama it is very common, almost the norm for a toddler at 1 or 2 to stop eating many of the things they took from the spoon readily. they may seem like "picky" eaters, but what’s really going on, is you have a busy, easily distracted child who has a hard time stopping play/exploration to eat. as such, really tempting things like fried foods, salty snacks, sweet fruit, packaged food etc, may be tempting enough to stop playing with blocks, but more natural choices that he has not yet learned to enjoy (in their whole form, or mixed in various dishes) will not be as tempting, he’d rather get down and play!
you can certainly take his input on menu planning into consideration. often when my kids frown at say mashed potatoes, I’ll say "I know they aren’t your favorite way to eat potatoes, how would you like me to make them next time, then I let them mark on the calendar when we’re going to have them. kids should be taught that they aren’t the only taste buds in the house.
also, don’t pretend to eat the ravioli. eat it with him! the BEST way to get kids to eat is to eat what they eat, when they eat. at 2 your son is ready to eat the family meal, what ever that is. if he sees you really eating it, and really enjoying it, he will eventually try it.
as toddlers i think it’s important to connect food with energy. i would tell my boys that they needed to eat or they wouldn’t have energy to play. if they ate nothing, then they went straight to nap/bed, but if they ate/tried food, then they had enough energy to play again before bed/nap.
toddlers know when they’re hungry, but they won’t always slow down and eat when they’re hungry. they need your help to know when and how much to eat. finishing servings is never the priority, but eating enough to sustain their active play is.
This comment was originally posted on Kid Appeal
Mmmmmm! There was a little old chinese lady that worked at the post office with me. She used to make loads of jerky and sell them to us at work. I always tried to snag me a bag or two when she had them available.
I’ll definitely try this!! Although, between me, the husband and the kids, I don’t know how long it’ll last!
This comment was originally posted on Throwback at Trapper Creek
Let me just share one anecdote. When I was a boy I ate at a barbecue with ice tea and corn. For whatever reason, I got food poisoning and got sick. I could not have either ice tea or corn for years and years after that because I would get nausea just smelling it. Aversion really happens, even if it isn’t related to the food that caused the problem.
This comment was originally posted on Kid Appeal