Good News! Ann Marie has extended enrollment for her Surf & Turf e-course for 6 additional days. Enrollment now closes on August 20th. Email me for a $20 off coupon!
Welcome back yet again to another Fight Back Friday! Today we are bringing together another collection of recipes, tips, anecdotes, and testimonies from members of the Real Food Revolution.
Who are they? Why, they’re the Food Renegades. You know who you are — lovers of SOLE (Sustainable, Organic, Local, and Ethical) food, traditional food, primal food, REAL food, the list goes on. I believe that by joining together, our influence can grow, and we can change the way America (and the industrialized world) eats!
So, let’s have some fun.
If you want to participate but aren’t sure how, please read these guidelines for how Fight Back Fridays will work.
Please be courteous and use your BEST blog carnival manners! In the very least, that means remember the two most important things you can do:
- Share a relevant post from your blog with us using the McLinky Widget below (don’t just link to your blog’s home page).
- In your post, be sure to link back to this post (not the Food Renegade home page) so that your readers can have access to all the information and encouragement we’ll be sharing.
Please also feel free to make use of any of the banners below by saving the image to your desktop then uploading it to your own server. (You don’t have to use them, but they’re there for you!)
If you don’t have a blog but are interested in joining the conversation, you can leave your comments below!
Fight Back Friday Banners
PLEASE NOTE: The smaller banners are also available as badges/buttons for your sites over on my sidebar so that you can sport your Real Food Lovin’ Pride and inspire others to join us in the Real Food Revolution. Just copy the code and paste it into your sidebar. (Again, you don’t have to use them to participate in the carnival.)
FoodRenegade says
Fight Back Friday is LIVE! Go add your #realfood (sustainable, organic, local, traditional) links:
This comment was originally posted on Twitter
Primal Toad says
I have submitted 5 primal (green) smoothie recipes… enjoy!
.-= Primal Toad´s last blog post …Primal TV Show- Man vs Wild On The Discovery Channel =-.
April@The 21st Century Housewife says
Thanks for hosting another great real food carnival! Have a great weekend.
Sarah, The Healthy Home Economist says
Think your meats are antibiotic free? Yet more labeling games by the USDA! This post tells which labels are misleading you into buying what you don’t want.
.-= Sarah, The Healthy Home Economist´s last blog post …Consumer Beware- Antibiotic Free Meats That Arent =-.
CarmenV says
This is the last part in the Book Review Series of ‘What the Bible Says About Healthy Living Cookbook. A complement to Dr. Rex Russell’s book What the Bible Says About Healthy Living. Thanks for hosting Kristen.
.-= CarmenV´s last blog post …GIVEWAY What the Bible Says About Healthy Living Cookbook =-.
CarmenV says
oops sorry Kristen, I posted twice, one is the last part of a book review and the second is a GIVEAWAY of the book, the first one is the GIVEAWAY, its labeled in correctly.
.-= CarmenV´s last blog post …GIVEWAY What the Bible Says About Healthy Living Cookbook =-.
Kelly the Kitchen Kop says
Hi Kristen,
I linked up with my post about soy protein shakes, and other foods that people think are good for them, but really aren’t. 🙂
.-= Kelly the Kitchen Kop´s last blog post …Soy Protein Shakes- Almond Milk- and Other Fake Foods People Think Are Good For Them Dr Kaayla Daniel =-.
creisinger says
Good to be back on Fight Back Friday…we’re post #12 this week. @foodrenegade
This comment was originally posted on Twitter
Stanley Fishman says
My post this week is about the blessings of organ meats, and how traditional peoples used them.
.-= Stanley Fishman´s last blog post …The Benefits of Organ Meats =-.
Melissa says
My paleo egg foo yung recipe has three things going for it: (1) it’s really easy; (2) it’s delicious; and (3) it’s great way to clear the fridge of leftover veggies and protein without feeling like the third cousin twice-removed that nobody really cares about.
.-= Melissa´s last blog post …Show Your Appreciation for Whole9 and the Whole30 =-.
Lisa @ Real Food Digest says
I’m highlighting some amazing podcasts from last week, including interviews with authors Kaayla Daniel, Ben Hewitt, and Paul Greenberg. Plus an NPR food segment on meat eating and evolution and two podcast interviews with Ann Marie from Cheeseslave.
Meg says
This week I wrote about lacto-fermented salsa, based on Ann Marie’s recipe on Cheeseslave. I brought it as an example for the talk on traditional foods I gave and everyone loved it! Thanks for hosting this, Kristen!
.-= Meg´s last blog post …Lacto-Fermented Salsa =-.
Alex@amoderatelife says
Hi Kristen! Happy friday the 13th which has always been a lucky day for me! Linking up my Thoughts on Friday link love post this week because there is so much stuff happening in the real food world! 🙂 Thanks for sharing your space with us! Alex@amoderatelife
.-= Alex@amoderatelife´s last blog post …Trader Joe’s…Real Food Finds and Failures-Part Two =-.
Audrey says
We’re celebrating coconut week this week at my blog!
.-= Audrey´s last blog post …Coconut Milk Chicken =-.
dina says
I’m late again! Sorry!
Anyway – here’s a super easy, super great for you Tomato and Black Bean Salsa. It takes about 15 minutes to throw together – and is so yummy! Enjoy!
.-= dina´s last blog post …Tomato and Black Bean Salsa =-.
Chickiepea says
My husband wrote this entry about eating out and how it is hard to get “real food” when eating out and what IS normal these days. Check it out! 🙂
Libby says
Thanks for hosting the link up!
.-= Libby´s last blog post …Asparagus and Radish Salad with Honey Mustard Dressing =-.
Alea says
Linking up late because I was out of town today.
.-= Alea´s last blog post …How to Cook Spaghetti Squash in a Microwave =-.
Marilou Mantik says
Awesome blog, it’s so great everyone get’s involved as well. I have actually learnt quite a bit in the few minutes I have been reading through!Here are some great ways to flavour and enhance your protein shakes hope people like my contribution, I have found many great reads here!